Veeky Forums
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Health #419
What is your favorite flavor of monster zero ultra?
I have slipped again bro's, I missed the gym and ruined my diet. So I come back to you Veeky Forums
Would you go under the knife if it meant you get an 8+ face?
Based Clarence is going shirtless more and more
Increasing Testosterone
Solid food is a fucking meme for fatties
This is what girls actually want
Guess the person based off a close-up of one of their bodyparts
T - 28 days
Try online dating
/fat/ - "Literally too lazy to start a new thread, let alone work out" edition
You need protein to be stron-
Weighted chin ups are superior to bicep curls. Don't even think of proving me wrong because you can't
Natural Aesthetics
Cut or bulk?
Bench 2 plates
University meetup/gym thread
Rate me muscular poorfags
Used to be 250 lbs at 6'0
Tfw you still aren't over his death
Should I do starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 first?
Workout time
Hey guys. Today I have learned a lesson I'd like to share with you. Do not drink if you're in ketosis...
Will i ever look good with super wide hips
Wouldn't you get fat from eating shit like this?
We all have hobbies
Make fun of this Vegan
Who win the genetic lottery?
Is ottermode the ideal male physique
Why aren't you having sex each day to increase testosterone?
Is it possible to keep my gains?
Motivation and lack of dedication thread
CBT: 200% hollowed edition
Anyone else end up crushing on a 4/10 girl after becoming fit or am i weird
What are the side effects of roids that are unavoidable, even with intelligent use?
Transformation thread
Starting a combination nofap/wim hof method/cold shower/fasting for a month. Anything I should know before starting?
How much gains can you make if you find a chick who's lactating and regularly drink her breast milk?
"crunches are awful and do nothing for you, do planks instead" - one "expert"
What does Veeky Forums think about David Laid? Is he natty?
Home Gym General
Whats the most embarassing mistake you made as a rookie lifter?
/fph/ fat people hate
Your face on your last rep of The Press™
It's not the 80s anymore you plebs. Gyms are old weight vest are the new wave
Ideal Woman
I'm just tagging Veeky Forums as a whole
“Nothing, in my opinion, is better than the use of the dumb-bell, for developing the whole system...
Fitness Cruise
L Taurine, L Carnitine, Sea Kelp
Is beard season a meme or actually something everyone wants to do once in their life?
Mods just deleted the ‘oh steve…’ thread. Can you please stop trying to kill the culture, mods?
ITT: Fit related stories
Is there such a thing as a supplement (not roids) that will ACTUALLY help? It seems like eating and lifting are it...
How do I find girls like this. I haven't seen in my gym and any gym in my town. I repeat I haven't seen in any gym...
She's not responding bros, what do I say?
What do I do if my girlfriend of a year is greatly opposed to me getting in shape?
Why do people actually pay money for gym memberships when you can just exercise outside? hmm rly makes u think
How THICC is too THICC?
Kickboxing, boxing, or muay thai. having a hard time on which choose...
Is morning wood a sign of high testosterone?
So is cardio actually important
Official Height Rulings
Rate my strength routine, Veeky Forums
Fit goals/ideals
Redpill me on sugar
I'm not going to work out today, and I'm going to have a pizza and some beer
Role-model thread
What did you look like in high school?
Be 5'2
/fat/ "I guess I'll try starting it" edition
Is 5'10" a respectable height? I know I'm a manlet, but is it still possible to get laid at 5'10"? Thanks
New /Routine General/
How is what doctors prescribe for low testosterone different from steroids...
Walk into the gym
Hunter Gatherer Physique
So you have a plan for getting your body great. What about your life?
What is your opinion of Youtube fitness sensation Scott Herman? Well?
Which boards pair with Veeky Forums the best?
It was my birthday 5 hours ago
How to be popular with guys / how to pick up guys
I am a 27/m poo in loo. Would there be any hope if I start working out? Should I even bother?
Redpill me om brazil nut
Does Chad prefer womanlets or womanmores Veeky Forums?
Why go to the gym if you can just buy your own equipment?
/Plg/ powerlifting gener
Comfy feels
I don't understand how fat people even work
Does Alchohol delete gains made in the gym?
Stats thread
The return of the dadbod
Olympic star
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Wow maybe water fasting is worth a try
How can skellies complain when literally all they gotta do is eat peanut butter and drink milk?
/fraud/ - chinese bathtub chemicals are good enough to replace diet and dedication right? ya...
Are deadlifts effective at all at producing hypertrophy...
Is there a Tinder-like app where you can meet bros with similar interests that you can chill with?
Can I be a geek and a weightlifter at the same time?
Got the flu and 3 months into keto
Did anyone else here lose interest in video games after they started lifting?
Who was your first fitness idol?
Let's talk about TM
Do months of good form bench press
Ass exercises
/Friday Night Feels/
How do I get a chest like his Veeky Forums?
Body Visualizer Thread
Anyone else grown tired of this idiot?
Veeky Forums, who is your Spirit Animal and why?
Thoughts on this?
Finally pressed 315, what do you think Veeky Forums?
Hey user you're still doing that mad milk thing you told me about, right?
She responded:
Looks dyel
No pump, no flex
Does becoming Veeky Forums make you handsome?
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
Skelly inspo - Skelly general
Back r8 thread
How can I tell right now if I'll have an attractive face when I lose weight?
Does anyone not care that there are trannies in the Veeky Forums industry?
FPH - Fat People Hate
Your average Veeky Forumscuck:
/fat/ "mom gain goblins" edition
Reminder that heavy squats/deadlifts are not sustainable
Who else unironically likes sauerkraut?? As an American, I love this shit
How do I get meaty forearms?
Get Veeky Forums
Is functional strength useless?
Wants to be a Chad
Dubs decides
Which one of you autistic skinnyfat fucks did I see wearing this shirt to the gym today?
University Megathread
Advice over gym anxiety
Be agressive
So i can just drink it from the carton right?
Was he right?
He lifts weights but doesn't invest any time/money into plastic surgery
Can a Veeky Forums girl sex you to death?
How do I get this build?
Alright fellas lets talk about cancer, what actually causes it and how to prevent it...
Is there a single reason NOT to do Stronglifts? Fullbody routine as a beginner/novice (i.e...
7/10 would watch next episode
Get to eat a decent amount of food every day
Uni/college thread
How do you guys get your vegetables/salad in?
Eating nothing but Raw milk and Oats got me swole in 2 years
Veeky Forums BTFO
Why do lanklets like Schwartznigger do the stupidest shit in their life?
Is it ok to peel sunburns in public?
If you could sacrifice one inch of height per one inch of dick lenghts and vice versa, what would you do?
Is doing gay porn worth it as a straight guy?
What do you lift for
What the fuck happened here?
Friday Fit Feels
How do I stop being submissive? What is the point in getting shredded when I still want women to fucking cuckold me...
Who do you lift for and why is it Adolf Hitler?
Veeky Forums says "nothing is impossible" to motivate me to stick to my diet
If having abs is all about being skinny then why don't most women have abs?
Bulk or Cut at 14% body fat
Tfw windy as fuck at the gym
What's the female version of Chad called?
Why are Colombianas the only women that are able to be fit and still extremely hot as fuck?
Tallfags are all asleep
Barbell plate loading
Why aren't you a vegan?
Ah yes, the so called fitness related
The Rock Tag Teams With Dom Mazzetti! Bro/Science/Life: The Series (Episode 1)
Tfw chads on love island who Veeky Forums would claim have absolute retard fitness knowledge and shit routines have...
What's worse?
Thoughts Veeky Forums?
5 months of training and theres no visible difference to my body...
Show me the natty limit
Cheat days
">tfw when obese to overweight" edition
What's in your fridge, Veeky Forums?
Help me
Steroids aren't magic you still have to train really ha-
I want to be a ninja. How do I become disciplined, mentally clear, perceptive, strong, fast, and agile? Well?
That guy who is smaller than you giving you advice on form / technique
So whats smoking weed do to you?
I just realized ever since i started cooking with high heat in non stick pans my sex drive has disappeared and ive been...
Who are some good fitness youtubers?
"And you hear this a lot from bodybuilders who are like, 'Well, I need chicken or I need fish to be strong...
Post YFW last rep of OHP
Hey there short guy
Does smoking marijuana affect your gains?
Well, Veeky Forums, my journey toward getting ripped begins today...
Tomorrow for sure
Heavy Metal Detox
What's /fits/ opinion on these?
Anyone else deformed in any way? I got this sunken in chest shit going on
Should I use a mass gainer?
What the health 2017
How does the best fighter ever look like this
Oh, really?
Non "gear" gear
I did my first deadlift today, how was it?
Fictional goal bodies?
You lifted weights today, right?
Ideal male phsyique, women vs men
People still arent becoming vegan
Meanwhile at a pool/beach in Eastern Europe
Why are people so obsessed with working out the chest? Huge chest don't look very good in terms of aesthetics...
Post/Critique routines
Skelly lifting general
Be Veeky Forums
Does this shit actually work or is it just a meme? I just took like 5gr and I am not feeling anything yet...
What are the benefits of sips?
I dropped a 25 pound weight on my toe yesterday. My town has gotten more swollen and bruised...
What's the best way to kill someone with your bare hands with the lowest chance of them defending themselves?
I got banned from my gym. Complete bullshit
Veeky Forums I need your help
Hair Gains
I'm /fat/ and confused
You can build muscle on a calorie deficit
What does Veeky Forums listen to while they do cardio?
No vegan from from any vegan thread has every posted a body picture
Could a beginner make good gains doing a full dynamic effort routine?
/fat/ Never gonna make it, edition
Be fat
Tfw chestosaurus
Cutting General
R8 my meal Veeky Forums
Which are the best metal albums to work out to for extra gains?
Mind muscle connection
Does a thick neck make you a Chad?
How do you go pro in a sport?
When is a lifter considered intermediate...
Found out my gf cheated on me a few months ago as a one night fling from a buddy...
Be Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums fag
CONFIRMED!!!: Rich Piana sips!
Tfw I've finally become the blueman
Trap doms
Protip: you can't
Goal Girl
How the fuk do I build my neck?
Is this body achievable just by doing calisthenics?
Gym Pill
In order to retain mass, I've held my poop in for as long as possible...
Why did people's bodies look different in the past?
Prove to me that round back deadlifts are harmful
How do I become jyewcy and attain glorious enlightenment?
/battle station thread/
Best protein bars to buy in bulk? i need about 30 for a trip
Enter gym
Breakfast with eggs
/clavicles/ General
Legal grade meth in a form of a Pre-workout
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Beard gains
Remember when a popular trend on Veeky Forums was to go "cocoon mode"...
Wake up to this every morning
Gym Shark is gay
Some people struggle with vitamin & minerals and must supplement
How much should I be able to squat if my conventional deadlift is 165 for 1 rep?
Am i too skinny for Bane costume?
Prescribe testosterone to depressed and fat people boom world is fixed
Cold showers
Eric Kanevsky is by far the WORST fitness personality right now
Holy shit Veeky Forums, sugar is evil
Why aren't you vegan Veeky Forums? I've been on a vegan diet for two weeks and I feel great
I'm 6'0 150lbs and my gf can't piggyback me without being all wobbly n shit. She's 5'0 120lbs. Is this fucked up...
Why is it acceptable for women to wear what can be barely even considered as underwear to the gym?
Story Time Veeky Forums
Symmetric strength thread?
What would be the ideal FRAME for girls?
What the fuck is wrong with world
If you're still growing and want to get few more inches stop doing low reps & big weights
Deadlifting in gym
Hey fit. I have a large penis and slept with a hottie the other day...
Is this the ultimate Veeky Forums killer?
Reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
Who is /fat/ for?
How do I become this? What the fuck do I need to do? Help me score dick and pussy at uni
Well, Veeky Forums?
An adult male weighs at least 200 pounds
I am a skeleton and I have trouble gaining weight
Neckbeard makes video to hates on instagram chad
Vegan General
Could lifting have saved him Veeky Forums?
Mods are asleep, post ideals
People who use a 10kg bar so they can load on 20s and make themselves look better even though they're not actually at...
Why does everyone on this board have a girlfriend and/or have so much sex...
How is bodybuilding a sport?
Tfw u realize that fat girls are the non-normie version of girls just like people on Veeky Forums
Greedy forearms
How do I get a bigger dick, Veeky Forums? I know some people say there isn't a way...
What exercise do I do to get women to worship my abs?
What's the difference between a Chad and a normal weightlifter?
He can't grow facial hair
Tfw Chad is taking our lightskin queens
Blacks are naturally Veeky Forums
Advice for someone who just turned 18? Things you wish you knew? Oldfags very welcome
Just did 50 pushups, AMA
What is the point of living life when you don't look like this?
Cheat day
/Balding/ general
Would you correct her form?
Post your good feels
Why is it that when my abs are flexed, they are fine...
Chad body:
Should I spend 500 bucks on a static bike and some dumbells to have my own small home gym?
Is money > gains???
Hey Veeky Forums
What would you boys do if you saw me in the gym? :)
That feel when no amount of lifting can make up for the years of isolation you've experienced
That roastie who has been sitting in sit up position with her legs wide open facing me fucking around ok her phone and...
Post your body changes
I'm looking for a specific style of fitness routine, but my hours of searching yield me naught
If I'm training power exercises like power cleans or weighted box jumps as part of my regular routine...
Hey user, do you mind watching my form while I do some squats?
Natty Goal Bodies
Guys how will i make it if my mom chooses my diet?
IFFYM is broscience douche BS
What is the real average male bench press taking into account guys inflating their numbers by 100+ lbs...
Tfw gym has made me shower every day
Lets play a game of spot the fake natty
Goat lifting album?
Wow user, you look so fit! Do you work out a lot?
/fat/ CONFESS!!!
Tfw 5'5 manlet
Ohp 1pl8
/Mire Thread/
Replace the sticky with this
Why the hate on glasses?
Constant anxiety/stress
Hi girl here
What would your life be like if you didn't discover Veeky Forums?
Giving up meat
/fraud/ - I didn't even really want to be shredded for summer edition
1400 calories a day, tracked
The manlets are finally learning
That taste in your mouth after you swallow your cum so you don't lose gains
Belt Thread
That guy who shadowboxes with dumbells
Reminder that girls do not care about legs
Is there a point to training for strength if you're white? should i just focus on studying?
Fuck women
Could you get prescribed testosterone if you said you identified as being stronger...
Do you ever drink ANY soda, even when bulking?
Question for manlets
I'm a little confused here. Looking at pics of some girls on Instagram and /s/...
What made you start lifting?
Tfw gf is 0.5 inch taller than you in going out heels
What type of bodyshape does she have?
Post You're fridge!
6'3, 200lbs, master of boxing, master of lifting
Come back from the gym
Any amputees here?
Push-up thread
Terry Crews
/cbt/ – Current Body Thread
Hanging out with women
Bad Genetics Thread /BGT/
So it's this time of the day
We are Manlets
Just be confident and go to the gym a few times a week
Is there such a thing as a full body routine that also focuses on aesthetics?
Tfw tall but with shit proportions for lifting
Just ban /fat/ hate threads already
Well bois. I'm in the army now
Mrw my doctor tells me that I need to stop taking steroids because it might fuck with my bipolar medication
I have become Chad body wise. How do I become Chad mind and soul wise?
/Routine General/
I eat once a day
How do I improve ankle mobility?
Who sponsors HAES/Fat Acceptance?
What would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
Yo Elliott
You can build muscle while cutting
100AUD for 5 kilos of whey
Hey fit how do you take care of your skin?
What youtubers do you get fitness advice from?
Post memes you hear on Veeky Forums
Tfw failed starting strength
Veeky Forums I fucked up. Big time. I have to fight a person who is bigger and stronger than me in under a weeks time...
Why the hell is this allowed in 2017? How do er stop this? Fuck sake
Do short girls have good genetics or bad genetics Veeky Forums?
Mfw manlet
I'm a fat 320 lb loser, how do I build discipline...
What is a better display of strength, athleticism, power and coordination: powerlifting or olympic weightlifting?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Please critique my squat. The weight feels light but I'm feeling knee pain the day after
/FAT/ General - "No edition" Edition
The Most Potent Phytoestrogen Yet Discovered
Gym Playlists
Post non meme supplements
Yes I read the wiki
Can you dispute your doctors height measurement?
Does anyone else here want actual performance, not size...
Carbohydrates make you overweight, not protein or fat
Lifting for a waifu
Work 9-5 at McDonald
Have any of you tried going raw vegan?
In what way have your parents' genetics blessed and/or fucked you?
Wanna be aesthetic
Is "starvation mode" a myth?
Challenge friend to see who can do the most pull-ups in one go
So after trying to buy new paints and finding I wear a fucking size 48 I'm trying to lose weight...
I am pretty sure I have the best press on Veeky Forums
He used both hands to take off the 45
What do you think about my mom's progress?
What the Health
Post high test meals
Anyone use cocaine as a cutting aid?
Surpassed Chad physically
What's Veeky Forums eating for dinner tonight? Pic related is my dinner. New York strip medium rare...
/fph/ Fat People Hate Thread
You have 5 seconds to name a more ALPHA lift than the cuban press
So Veeky Forums, I really need to improve my abs. I feel like they are lagging behind
This guy has a hungry skeleton body, bad posture and is around 5.5' tall...
More of these
What's a good way to initiate conversation with a qt at the gym?
Stripper at gay club
Be honest, deadlift does fuck all for your lats
Why do white boys want to look Indian so badly but anonymously insult them online?
Tfw klinefelters
Martial Arts
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
What truly is the most patrician form of cardio? Surely it must be swimming, no? I mean...
ITT we discuss how to master the Cold Open
"psst kid, do you wanna get fukin ripped?"
How big are your legs? 23 inch here
How do you honestly sit down and eat this shit?
Rate this girl's ass and improve it
How is my lower body progress going along?
Sleeping Schedule
ITT: Post wheyfu
Is it bad to take ibuprofen everyday?
Lifting for a gf in 2017
What workouts do you do on pull day? I do deadlifts on leg day
How do I get as strong as Goku?
Veeky Forums recipes thread
Veeky Forums favorites thread
This is what a man looks like. Perfect specimen. Take notes
I'm going to get a random call soon to come in for a drug test. Which of these is my best bet for passing...
What do I say?
So I accidentally did meth for the first time on Sunday morning...
When did you guys realise that deadlifts are not necessary for aesthetics?
This will never be you
How many a day?
Keto diet anyone?
Vegan General
Program Writing Thread!!
Being fit in Japan
How wide should your bench grip width be?
Anyone got the rest of this girls pics? Name maybe?
Is there a point in lifting if you done have the FACE to go along with it?
Feels thread
Wtf. I never knew alcohol fucked with your testosterone. that explains a lot. in case you need some context to this
Anyone else workout on drugs? Stories?
Really makes you think huh Veeky Forums?
How do I achieve Geralt mode?
Do you think the life you want is possible?
Three motherfucking fingers
/sig/- Take action edition
Just deadlifted 3 plates for 5 reps, lads
W-what would you do to me, Veeky Forums?
Things numales say
End relationship with gf of over a year about a week ago
I've had sex with a 100 women, and now I'm desensitized. What do I do?
Anyone else keep supplies at work?
Transformation Thread
Can I get 90% of my days protein in one meal?
"Personal Trainer" : Work out when sore
No Porn
Does Veeky Forums train abs?
Flat bench press or incline bench press?
Home Gym General
Wait, is this it? Yes, it's
/fat/ - Got Gyno? Edition
Give me your best oats recipes right the fuck now
Why even lift when it's all about your dick size?
Stop me from going to mcdonalds in 30 minutes when my work is over
>Boogie will never get weight loss surger-
Is the wall real? And if so - what age does it start?
Alright Veeky Forums I got a business proposition for ya
What was your motivation to start being Veeky Forums and to what did it change durning the progress?
What does Veeky Forums listen to in the gym, and does it help you get the weight higher and push through your set?
I can't afford to eat healthily!
Why are excessively loud genres such as metal or rap associated with high testosterone ?
Head Harness for Neck Gains
First man in space
Science of Fasting
How many a day?
33yo fatass here
Looking for good ingredients that can be put in a protein shake to add flavor or nutrition...
I need your guidance, Veeky Forums! I've recently gotten in a pretty good shape...
Is there a natural way to increase your testosterone levels?
Chimps BTFO
PSA 1/2/3/4
Be honest
Sex Exercise (core strength n shit)
Made 35k this year
Tfw no Arnold genetics
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Name this cat you filthy goyim. Trips decide
First comment decides how i respond
Really need help ill give you stats
Lifted 5 years
Racemixing is wro-
Where do you get water from, Veeky Forums?
Just found out I have cancer
Holy fucking shit. A 58 kg (127 lb) WOMAN is stronger than probably 95% of Veeky Forums
What's better, to be a sexual object and fuck with everyone or to practice abstinence until finding a good partner?
Proof that we are all gonna make it
What do I do to look as masculine as the Nazi in this pic
User, why are you going to the gym?
Why do my knees hurt so bad a day after squatting. It never used to be like this until I started SL 5x5...
What does Veeky Forums eat in the morning and should you really be eating it?
What does Veeky Forums wear outside the gym?
Gym clothing
What do you wear to the gym?
Is he the one? Have we found Chad Thundercock?
How to be an alpha?
The IIFYM king
Gym nemesis thread?
Ideals thread
Who are your favorite fitness youtubers?
What use do row machines have...
What's the point of meditation? How will it improve my life in any way...
What are the biggest fitness memes?
What was the turning point for you where you started enjoying going to the gym and looked forward to spending the time...
Veeky Forums I just bought a shitload of kale to make salads with and tastes like I'm eating straight leaves...
Fit humor thread
Lifting as a wagecuck
Have these meal prep containers helped your fitness or gains at all...
Hey fit, I've been away for a year living in isolation. I mange a privately owned Island owned by Shell...
That first /sip/ of the day
What can Veeky Forums eat a million of, and not get fat
Day 9 of No Fap, I think I'm developing superpowers. Or at least becoming Batman. Is this normal? Also no fap thread
How do I reliably and inconspicuously fatten someone up...
Literally the only equipment you need to get aesthetic
Blocks your path
Last Rep Face
Trips tells me what to say
Start going to the gym
Approaching girls at the gym
::That Feel When GF::™ Official
What did he say Veeky Forums?
I grew up in the 90's; we never saw models like these in the sears catalog
Chad vs Slayer
What are some good keto meals you can get at chains?
One chance at life
Guys, i have a huge fucking problem, i think i have Gynecomastia
Whey flavours
How do you calculate if you have a small shoulder span?
Vegan Blend
Clarence got a girlfriend? Gonna post the rest of the clues in the thread
I've probably read the sticky before you knew how much the bar weighs
Why does Being tan make you look 10x better?
/fat/ - watching " my 600lb life" for motivation edition
Here's why lifting every day (or 6 days a week and abs on 'rest') is good for you
I am a manlet. What exactly is it that I'm supposed to learn?
/Injury/ Tennis Elbow/ Golfers Elbow Edition
Holy shit I hate vice
What suppliment isn't a scam?
G-god tier cutting snacks
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Give me your opinion Veeky Forums. I working on my legs, dont worry. What else?
Is lifting 5 times a week too much for natties?
Who has it harder?
When did you guys realise that flat bench is a meme and dumbells are 10x better?
Fictional Goalbodies
Any interest in a posture thread?
The picture that could upheave society
Tfw breathlessness anxiety for a couple of months now
I want to ____ the peanut butter
Welcome back to the gym
NOTHING you can do will EVER make a difference
/feels/ thread
Is ZMA a meme?
Estrogen in literally everything around you
Veeky Forums, I'm a skinny fucking faggot. 6' & only 128lbs
Ask a guy who just finished his first set of 2pl8 bench anything
Uni Thread
What does testosterone feel like?
Does anyone here drink nothing but water?
Did lifting make you more straight/confident?
Landwhale who is losing weight
This will never be you
When's the last time Veeky Forums cried?
Fit mommies
Does lifting make you more inclined towards homosexual thoughts?
Gym problem
Would you date a girl with strong jaw?
Would you consider us fat?
Its often said that the louder a cow screams as it dies, the more tender the steak
After 3ish weeks of lifting and better diet, this is me. Definitely not where i want to be but its better at least...
If I get in shape by 35, will I be able to date girls aged 17 - 24 without being >that guy?
Is this the biggest shill of the fitness industry?
Rate me and my gf
Tell me why my logic is wrong
*blocks your path*
Boogie surgery / death
What does Veeky Forums eat for breakfast?
Im going on vacation soon and won't have access to a gym or any equipment. what is a good calisthenics routine i can do...
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
The Veeky Forumser I get the more my long time friends turn into insecure snakes always trying to fuck me over and...
Having trouble growing my delts
What do you think of this faggot, Veeky Forums?
Tfw on 4 days of NOFAP and NOPORN
Bored af at work
You finished your meal prep tonight, right user?
Faces of Veeky Forums
Sips help
Hes not taller than his dad
You guys have any chill music you listen to?
I started lifting weights and i have boobs now wtf
This is high test, not your fat dumb whores
Few years back when i got my measured at the doctors office he said i was 5'6
Is it true going vegan will help you get gains?
Liver damage from alcohol use?
Hey guys i was wondering will swimming help me lose the fat on my upper arm or would it make it more muscular (*i dont...
I Just started going to gym and I am a skelly piece of shit and am getting mad doms...
Fit, I'm a girl who is going to be fighting a guy about 100 pounds heavier and six inches taller. How do I win this...
Life is beginning to change again
How do you get the motivation to lift?
So I recently got my degree and became a wagecuck
/fat/ - El Tigre Super Gordito edition
Why are poojeets so fucking awkward when it comes to lifting and life in general?
5'11 framelet here
Tfw chestlet
"Yeah, I used to lift back when I was your age too."
Walk into gym in 2011
Veeky Forums ideals
Be me
Trap doms
Is lifting for black girls the ultimate sign of high test ?
How do I achieve this aguilamode?
This mushy peas macaque needs to be permanently banned
Resting heart rate
Take a guess at how many reps of 100kg benchpress it takes to burn 1 calorie (kilocalorie)
Friend is literally barely ottermode, is weak as shit
Who here /understandsthemeaningoflife/
Why train legs if nobody can see them
Anyone smoke weed before a workout?
Veeky Forums clothing
How does one train strong grip. When I did deadlifts with a reverse grip I could do 3 plates for reps...
This manlet at my Gym keeps making weird grunting noises and screams about a demon in an Irish accent
(Autistic) things you say to yourself while working out
Why do so many Veeky Forums guys shave their upper body?
Let's say somebody becomes a vegan for ethical reasons
I can't find a full program for fixing my World of Warcraft posture
Finally got fit
What are these stats? Bench/squat/deadlift?
Did I fix it? or are my knees supposed to be straight still?
I started SSRIs a while ago and my drive to lift and eat right has fucking vanished
Why is scooby always so happy
QTDDTOT thread
Why don't you wear Nike, user?
How do I increase my libido?
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
That's my fat ass as of today
Is it ok to be jelly of a grill's upper body?
Meat is bad for you, causes cancer
Stop me from going to mcdobalds in 30 minutes when my work is over
Animal goal bodies
Bear Gun General
Farmer / job muscles
Eternal Rich Piana General
Brehs, i had my first pro kickboxing match the other night. lost, and got injured on top of that
Fap before or after hitting the gym?
Venting Thread for Your Veeky Forums Struggles
Would this make your cock grow?
Well Veeky Forums?
Dumbbells Only
Is Keto bullshit?
Thicc arms
/fat/ - Fatties are too lazy to make a new thread edition
Most underrated lift?
Let's say I want to snap my shit
Those of you in the UK, what are you opinions on pure gym?
Anyone else who works out for his waifu?
Max Curl Thread - Hirsute Edition
Starting from scratch
Apple Cider Vinegar
Should you workout every day?
Is there a reason you aren't built like this guy?
Mode thread
Can lifting actually cure autism?
Tfw wife wakes you up by kissing your abs and says "I'm going to the store to make you a gainful breakfast"
Girl fitness > Boy fitness
Why even bothers if you're a manlet?
Short Guys Try Being Tall For A Week
Looking older and aging your face
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Who here /ascetic/
Gains from home
My doctor told me not to lift anything what could damage my back, so I didn't do squats, deadlift, ohp...
Deadlift 1x5
Haven't shat in 1.5 weeks
Guys, i have a huge fucking problem, i think i have Gynecomastia. What to do?
Veeky Forums jobs
Let's get a supplements thread going
Is it OK if your butt jiggles just a little bit?
What the Health
Anyone else here water fasting?
I'm a european who just ate his first pb & j sandwich
Hey, so, uh, where in a gym do I check for cameras? Quick replies appreciated
Literally find a flaw
Marlon Brando. An actor to whom women would literally touch themselves to in movie theaters...
Any vegan/vegetarian Veeky Forumsizens here or are they not welcomed here...
Is 6.6 miles a good biking distance for 2-3 hours?
Cute Latina From Transformers 5
Rate my home gym
How does getting Veeky Forums change your social life?
You can't turn back the clock boys, keep lifting and striving for a better future
Is it possible go Connor Murphy mode
How big is too big, Veeky Forums?
Holy shit
Fatties becoming acceptable
Not watching fight videos in between sets
I'm Pussying Out
How do I eat more?
Who's the tallest person in Veeky Forums?
What's better for hypertrophy: lower reps with heavier weight, or higher reps with lighter weight?
Saturday night
Does this celery coon actually post here...
Who else is excited for this?
Be a fit """chad""" now
How come chads are always drinking water...
What do you snack on Veeky Forums?
Been dicking around maxing out squats/push-ups, etc. a couple times a week for awhile now...
Day 46 of nofap
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games