What does Veeky Forums think about David Laid? Is he natty?
What does Veeky Forums think about David Laid? Is he natty?
Holy cow this is the hottest guy I've ever seen. I'm soaked through my knickers. Ovaries have exploded.
Are you retarded
Get out
Yeah. Honestly if you think you have to roid for that you seriously need to rethink weight lifting and perhaps pursue another hobby.
he's probably on the creatine
That's one of his worst off pictures.
Depends on the pic really
In some he looks like he's blasting quite some stuff while in others he looks natty af
Either he is natty and he's good with pictures (this means he doesn't look like himself when he's on everyday business) or he cycles on-off and the pics in which he looks smaller/fatter are done when he's off.
No way to tell really
I wonder how much high school pussy he gets
Even fucking Jason Blaha says this kid is natty so you know its 100% the case. he uses a fuck ton of photoshop for his pics tho which makes more sense than using steroids if u think about it, he looks normal in his vids
Daily reminder that it's all about LIGHT, FILTERS, PUMP. If you don't have those you're never going to make it
his gf has a nice clit I've heard. apparently it gets erect like a dick kinda hot desu
Looks pretty natty to me desu.
He's weaker and carries less mass than guys like silent mike and omar isuf, but he has the frame width and narrow waist of jeff seid.
In terms of lean mass he's definitely in the natty range, but he looks the way he does because of amazing proportions and shoulder to waist ratio.
i think you are on to something.
his proportions and insertions are amazing.
besides, i think that lighting is contributing to the look of being half natty
He might be natty but this doesn't mean any natty lifter can achieve that look, since the overall body proportions are his strongest point
>less mass than guys like omar isuf
explosives are heavy, consider that
this is a reminder to never skip traps
David Laid is all about them adobe gains, in the pictures he looks like a huge roider whilst in the videos he looks like he doesnt even fucking lift.
you mean she has a Feminine Penis™?
He has the face of a 12 year old
And how fucking asymmetric are his traps?!
no just a cute little high test clit
ya he totally looks like shit RIGHT GUYS??!@?!? HAHAHAH
he's strong as shit, he's repped 315 bench before and regularly squats 3/4 plates and deadlifts 600+
smaller traps give illusion of wider shoulders
WTF his gf is ugly as fuck, why isn't he with meeeeee!!!
Traps are hideous
Traps are the only muscles normies see and instantly think - this guy is strong
as well as the arms and neck
That's attainable natty with many many years of lifting and a perfect diet. That's not to say that's how he got like that though, he could easily have used roids to get there.
Traps are the muscles girls see and think 'fucking ugly airhead musclebro'
The bigger your traps the lower others perceive your intelligence.
This is what t-nation got you believing, shoulder:waist is so above every other body measurement it's not even funny
BS. All the Hollywood dyels just work traps and shoulders to become "hunky". Also when you take roids, like all the Hollywood guys do, your traps get bigger the fastest.
If it wasn't for traps, Tom Hardy wouldn't have a career.
Roid traps yes, natty traps - no.
That is true above all, but people forget traps a lot.
>traps? never heard of em
looks like a 12 year old who stole his brothers roids
jeff pls go
Sucks that he has a four pack. Otherwise great physique.
>in the videos he looks like he doesnt even fucking lift
totally duder
beautiful proportions