Tfw gym has made me shower every day

>tfw gym has made me shower every day

This is getting expensive.

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tfw you forget to bring quarters for the showering machine.

be alpha and shower at the gym

i sometimes had to shower 3 times a dau because of my work and going to gym

now ive cut that to 1 because home gym and i can smell in my own dungeon just fine

i kinda miss all those brappers tho

>two minute shower

What I need at least 20. With an hour long shower on Sundays.


Do cold showers.
It seriously isnt a meme. I dont even take hot showers if its free anymore, I literally feel like shit compared to cold showers.

>my needs aren't being met !

Seriously if it's good enough for people exercising all day long and living in close quarter and it's not good enough for you, then you're simply too fancy...
Also a bathtub might be something you want to consider.

Wtf who doesn't shower like that


Chad showers in the gym and walks around the locker room completely naked and showing off 6 inches of flacid dick

I recommend this
Great for your skin, hair and scalp. Even better if you shower with water a few degrees colder than what you're used to

Cold showers is a meme just go slightly colder than body temp and you're all good

Is there a virgin/chad shower?

can't find a chad shower

>tfw i'm not a virgin shower


>subconsciously uses showers as a substitute for emotional warmth

I do not come to /fit for feels dammit!

>tfw want to take my shower
>Reverse Osmosis unit down
>everybody on boat goes over a week without a shower

what the fuck are you stupid or something?

>looks below parallel

My gf made me do this during the most recent drought (we live in California).

Now the drought is over but she still makes me do this. I'm not a cuck but I kind of feel like one. At least she uses the same rule too so its not like different standards.

It does save money I guess, and better than living alone.

>but when she's gone I leave the water on the whole time and bask.

Try being on a ship with boilers pretty boy.

I rode one that did. Standing ERUL for it sucked. It was a piece of shit that was being held together with clamps and bandit kits.

the virgin is drawn poorly and doesn't look the same as in the other pics
poor effort.

Navy shower for life, bitches.

Is water really that expensive in the US of A?

Here in the UK my water bill average to around £20 ($26) a month and I'm not exactly conservative with my water usage. I could probably get my water bill to as little as £10 ($13) a month with the tricks shown in this thread but I don't really see the point of reducing my quality of life over a minuscule saving.

Hey faggot, you aren't supposed to wash your hair every day, it dries out and breaks

No, just the faggots in cali thought to save water during a drought they had by taking short showers and not flushing toilets.

Literally accomplishibg nithing cause water usage for residences is a tiny fraction of the total.

Roughly $50/month, give or take. We're sparing the water, just expensive. It's got to be one of the more expensive areas of the U.S. though.

No it's just that in Cali they need to save water so that they can accommodate all of the rapidly growing latinx communities.

I do two 2-4 minute cold as fuck showers a day. This has been the first week or so and I'm telling you that the energy and mood benefits have been significant. Switch to cold showers if you want to make it OP.

I pretty much exclusively shower at the gym these days.

No, Californians just aren't that bright. Their states chief agricultural exports are water hungry crops like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Which require massive irrigation to grow especially since they insist on growing them anywhere they can find cheap land even if it means pumping water into the fucking Mojave desert. They continued to do this crap even in the middle of a drought while telling their urban residents that they need to conserve water because there isn't enough to go around. The city dwellers eat it up because thinking they're saving the earth makes them feel tingly in their special place and because they know fuck all about farming.

Pic unrelated.

>go slightly colder than body temp
so 96 degrees?

Word. Rate?

>Being that much of a smelly fuck he needs to shower after gym

Pathetic, i shower every Sunday and only Sunday. I don't smell even if i don't use deodorant.

Pig ignorance. The Central Valley is not the Mojave, it is the most agriculturally rich land in the world.

But true, almonds do consume a shit-ton of water.

oh fuck boys i didnt know this was a virgin shower. i thought i was living a life of luxury. time for a change.

no one faces the shower, tho.

Low test beta

Get your testosterone levels checked buddy.

Farmers along the western edge have been pushing back the boundaries of the desert for decades. You just don't notice because it's a slow creep. It's not like they go out to the middle of the thing and start plowing up sand. Some of the land they're farming wouldn't be even remotely arable without irrigation.


virgin and or manlet detected

>I'm not a cuck but I kind of feel like one

If you eat a healthy diet and sweat often enough, you'll stop stinking when you sweat.

>MFW i have to stop taking cold showers until i recover from the flu

You'll still get sticky, which I personally hate more than smelling slightly.

Is that some Fenriz?

As cold as you're comfortable with below body temp senpai, but not so cold it causes discomfort

Wait, you mean there are people that leave the water running when lathering?

Problem is most people shower way too long and warm, it strips all the oil from your skin and warms you up so you immediately start sweating out of the shower

Take contrast ones, follow the cold water with hot as fuck, helps me to shoot tons of snot out of my nose.

Wrong, your brain filters out your own stench because its always present

>ear-piercing yelling

>these are the people whining about tfw no gf
I have no words. You get used to your smell you subhuman, of course you dont smell yourself.