/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Last one died.
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Last one died.
What's with the tranny?
Chubby chaser + feeder Veeky Forumsizen here. Ask me anything.
Reposting a story:
I gotta give her a name at this point.
We'll call her K.
>K calls me up
>she's crying
>tells me none of her clothes fit
>she's at least 330+ from eyeballing it, and about 5'9"
>later found out she's actually 380, man am I bad at guessing weight
>She's prediabetic, thyroid cundishun, the whole shebang.
>She squeezes into a size 3x, but should be wearing 4x
>asks me about the new gym I just signed up to that I talked about last game night
>I tell her it's freaking awesome
And here's where I made my mistake
>"I am going tomorrow. Do you want to come?"
Fuck me... Okay, here we go.
>I'm thinking while we're there we could talk about using myfitnesspal.
>She emphatically agrees to come
>"But I can't work out too much or it'll hurt my joints"
>Tell her we will swim laps, I'll pick her up at 9 am sharp, and remind her that punctuality is part of discipline.
>She promises to be ready
Queue tomorrow @ 8:30 am
>Knock on door
>hear nothing for a minute
>knock again
>hear a low "oh shit"
>then papers crinkling up and her old recliner whining as it's put into a sitting position
>internally sigh
>knock again, she calls out "Oh, you're early! Give me one sec."
>hear some shuffling then she opens the door
>she was wearing her clothes from the day before
>she had not showered
>she had food stains on her shirt
>"I'm not quite ready yet, blah blah, you're early blah blah, I just need to finish this thing real quick blah blah...
>...on fucking runescape."
>Tell her no time, we gotta go, she made a commitment
>"Yeah but I made a commitment too. To my friends on here."
>"I just need to help him farm a few items for blah blah)"
>"Okay, how long will that take?"
>"15 mins, I swear! Then I'll get ready in a sec and we can go."
>Sit on her disgusting couch and look at the food wrappers around her chair
Part 2:
>taco bell, carl's jr, jack in the crack, b-k, micky d's, chipotle
>open sauce side containers just sitting out
>it has this pungent creeping odor
>consider leaving her, but decide you don't give up on friends.
30 minutes later...
>I'm exasperated
>I'm tapping my foot like a bitch
>Trying to make small talk but only getting monosyllablic answers
>she won't get the fuck off runescape
>Are you done yet?
10 more minutes go by
>How about now?
>"God Anonette, you are SO impatient. It's saturday, relax a little."
>"You were supposed to be ready 20 minutes ago. You're wasting my time, I have things to do."
>"I thought you said you were serious about coming."
>Go to leave
>She starts sobbing
>"You're just gonna leave me? Some friend you are."
>"I come to you for help and you just give up the first chance you get."
>"You really don't care."
I had no backbone at the time of this interaction.
She was an alpha bitch, and while I was fit I was shy and often got trampled over by friends like her.
>start to feel like shit because she's not wrong
>"If you get up and start getting right now, I won't leave."
Big mistake number 2.
>So K goes upstairs to get ready
>And I wait.
>Another 30 minutes.
>when she comes down she hasn't showered.
>but has a huge duffel full of stuff.
>think nothing of it
>we get in our cars and head to the gym.
>I realize halway there she's no where in sight
>Get to gym finally, it's packed.
>Of course it is, it's a summer saturday.
>She's no where in sight
>Text her
>No answer
>Wait 20 mins
>See she finally pulls in.
>K get's out of the car and she's finishing swallowing something
>Peak through the windshield and it's mickey d's.
>She didn't want me to see, says she got lost.
>shrug it off
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Could you please get help?
I swear last time I read this she was playing Dota
>fat women complain about unrealistic body image
Cause just not eating like a pig is so unrealistic compared to taking in 2000$ a month worth of steroids and hgh plus training to even look SOMEWHAT SIMILAR to male media characters.
don't even get me started on fel energy, where the fuck does one even find a seller for demonic artifacts?
hurry up and post the rest you fucking nigger
anonette pls
Perro gordo caca
explain this.
3x5 Skull of Gul'dan Crushers
That’s the only kind of pig that is halal.
Are you more attracted to the process of fattening a woman up, or the end result?
Does it have anything to do with securing her for yourself? Like she's too fat to leave you and you are the only one who will make the food she likes?
>Getting out of breath because you're standing and talking.
>Getting a free surgery because you're fat.
>"I need to lose weight but know I won't because I'm a pig."
What a monster. She's 23 and completely self obsessed. I hope she never has kids. We need to let these people just die out. Thankfully she'll die by 35.
kill yourself you degenerate beaner.
>perro gordo caca
what the actual fuck is wrong with you? people like you don't deserve to live
they are not human
tiffany has an android and her dress cost $45 dollars at JC penny. if tiffany died today nobody would miss her and the world would not be losing anybody of value
Part 3:
>Get in, get changed into swimsuit
>She drove there in hers.
>Still has not showered.
>Tell her to rinse off before getting in
>"No that'll just make my hair frizzy.
>Get out to waveless lap pool
>It's packed.
>There is already a line of like 4 people to share a lane
>I get us put on the list and she's pissed
>"I didn't know I'd have to wait in line."
>"I just want to exercise."
>"We won't get a lane together."
>"Jeez, how long do these people swim for! OMG!"
>Everyone can hear her loud complaints and I'm beyond embarassed
>"We wouldn't have had to wait in line if you were ready on time."
>She get's super huffy and becomes passive aggressive as fuck
>K just starts making snide comments about why do I even need a gym, I'm thin.
>And wow, I'm so focused on my health it's making me a bitch to my friends.
>You play such a goody goody, but you're just a backstabber.
>"I bet you just brought me here so you and your fit friends can laugh at me."
>New gym.
>Don't have any friends yet.
>At this rate, I won't either.
>this breaks me.
>She goes and sunbathes
>I cry quietly while trying to not be a nuissance to anyone
>Our names finally get's called.
>By now the sun is getting high.
>We're in different lanes, I start swimming laps
>K realizes she has to share and is offended
>She Starts swimming anyways using a floating devise.
>Does 1 lap for ever 4 her partner is doing.
>Her Poor partner has to swim around her because she takes up 80% of the lane
>After K's done 12 laps, she gets out and comes looming over my lane
>"I dont' want to swim laps anymore."
At this point, I just want to get my workout in.
>"Well, do something else. I have a workout to do."
>She goes and plays on her phone in the shade.
They're better at being thin than women.
Part 4
>Get out after a while and decide to try again
>Ask her if she wants to do some water walking
>They have an elderly waist deep pool just for this.
>She says okay.
>So I start walking with her.
>Ask her how her dieting is going.
>"I've gained weight it makes no sense."
>"My doctor is upping my thyroid medicine, the stuff they're giving me isn't helping."
>I ask her about her diet.
>She lies straight to my face about it.
>"I eat way healthy things. All the time."
>I've eaten so many salads, I'm basically a vegetarian."
>Tell her about mfp, say I'll help her set it up
>"Nah, that doesn't work for me user. My thyroid."
>After 10 mins, she's ready to get out of the pool and sit in the hot tub.
>I'm over it at this point, my patience is gone.
>She goes and sits in the hot tub for a while and I go in and shower and change.
>As she's coming in, I can tell she's mad.
>"You wouldn't even hang out with me, I don't know anyone here. You made me look like a loser."
>"I'm sorry. I just gotta go. I have stuff I need to get done today."
>"Well I'm gonna go home then too. I can take a shower there."
>She drove home in her wet swimsuit.
>She probably got fast food on the way.
>She definitely complained about working out so hard with her jealous friend on runescape.
>She probably didn't shower until Monday.
>She calls me up the next day complaining about how her clothes don't fit and now she is sunburnt
>I never, ever, ever, invite anyone to go to the gym with me ever again.
The end.
Sorry for the late response.
Sad. This dumb bitch should just eat less. That's it,and she would be fine. It just boggles the mind.
>muh thyroid
Why can't they ever have a good excuse?
It's not like your body disobeys the laws of thermodynamics.
they probably dont even know what it is, they probably think its magical non-stop fat producing organ
Hi newfriend, Reddit is that way
FemAnon you just need confidence and cringe as I am with white knighting, just stop being such a fucking cuck. Fuck her, do you and never talk to her again. Jesus. Seriously this whole "she's a queen bee" is bullshit. She is a fat piece of shit who bullies you. Don't be as pathetic as Mr Nice Guy.
I wish my nearby gym had a waveless pool. I've always wanted to learn how to swim better.
Also, post tits.
this is a reposted story from months/years ago, dumb ass
lurk more
Never talk to her again. Never.
was surprised they had a slim woman in the pic and then I realized
Nigga my bad for not lurking every board 24/7. Should I tip the counter girl?
they dont take EBT as tips
It was a polite nigger to a Veeky Forums nigga. Nigger, nigga, nigger, nigga.
I'm glad I am not a complete retard. Thanks for setting me straight.
you continue to miss the point of this board
Ok, you finally made me laugh.
I want to know, whats the context behind this?
something something side hoes something something black
I tried to look for related videos or SOME kind of source, but I found this instead:
what's wrong with a screenshot?
>Our daughters don't need to see that and think that's how they should look
He needs a green card
these are the people we are up against
whenever you want to have a cheat meal
just remember this..
>Woman looks at a better woman
"Shes not beautiful, I'M BEAUTIFUL. Fuck her for looking the way she does"
>Male looks at a guy with more muscle
"I should go to the gym more."
immobile fat in question
>you should be ashamed of your great body
>normal women can't be expected to work as hard as you
>if i outsource my insecurity onto little girls i'll look like i have a point
Yeah, this is full blown mental illness. One person aims to become actually unable to perform basic functions while the other get off of it.
This should be illegal
Plot twist: the husband is just turning her into an immobile mass of fat so he can fuck off and do whatever he wants while she is confined to her bed, then she dies of heart failure in a few years and he doesn't have to divorce out of this awful marriage he didn't realize he was getting into and lose all of his money.
Or he's just a beta fag
Im terrified now
Men literally make that shit up themselves. Only 40-50 year old straight women, gay men and bara-loving fujoshi are attracted to your shitty superheroes or Jojo characters.
Tiffany is right. I don't own a crane.
Three fingers
oh god. thats not scott kurtz is it?!
why the fuck does she keep slapping it around. Fucking gross
Its like they set themselves up for massive insults....
I bet this nigga probably went off to play Runescape himself
>Being friends with anyone who plays runescape ever...
user what the fuck is wrong with you?
Classic crabs in a bucket
just stopping by Anons, Health at every size!
>On one side I would like to reinforce fit girls with praise since i hate fat chicks with burning fashion.
>On the other hand I don't want to inflate their ego even more and create a insufferable cunt
Wat do?
"From fit"
Underrated kek
mfw boogie on mobility scooter
On the one hand, I don't like reinforcing the wrong ideas and poor logic of fatties. On the other hand, it would be hilarious to see this image shared by fatties who read just enough to confirm their biases.
Truly the master race. Everyone here hating are just thickheaded
>not banging chubbers that will eat your shit in return of getting a bit of attention
>not fattening up the fat bitches so you look even better in comparison
>repeat process
Take notes Veeky Forums.
>I like cheese
Fuck, that must be convenient. Having no shortage of fat folds to feast from.
Well if they're actual on medication for it then they could have hypothyroidism. It's not like it makes your body ignore thermodynamics, it just keeps your bmr and tdee very low compared to normal. That being said if you get treatment you go from having the short end of the stick to weight loss on easy mode if actually try
Generally speaking, but someone post the "that guys not going to be interesting in 50 years" comic, with the humorous implication that the artist has any chance in hell of even living to 50, yet alone 50 more years
It's 2017
>runescape chicks
I long for a disciplined gf to lvl agility with me
>mfw hours along on ape atoll
Give us her RS name user
I'll write you a bot to lvl agility for you in like 10 min...
Its cheaper than a gf, and takes up lass of your time
>tfw no android programed to love me...
What the fuck is this real
Is all that yellow shit fat?
Shit on the fatties.
>Do not have time and money
Well then make time for it and the money is inexpensive over here it's 70$ for just 3 month gym membership alone.
So called visceral fat, that stores between your organs causing enormous stress on your liver, lungs and ribcage, also pumping blood around body like this is extremely stresfull for heart of the Hambeast
Forget her. Spending energy trying to change others shit habits not only doesn't work 90% of the time, they also usually relapse anyway, AND it's far less satisfying than improving yourself.
Be an alpha bitch for once, if she pesters you about fitness again, say you're busy and only that till you hang up.
Lol just like how Farmers feed their cows until they become unable to move and they kill them.
>everything I have ever wanted
>immobile, surrounded by food
A flawless murder plan if so.
is this real...? this is what nightmares are made of.
I'm absolutely convinced this is some sort of sick fetish stuff. She's practically boasting about how unhealthy and fat she is, and if you see the channel it's posted on, you can see other similar content.
No clue how people find this kind of stuff enjoyable...
All i can think of listening to dat whale
What's wrong with android you pretentious fuck?
lmao @ you getting mad at that
I came here to post this, and then I saw you typed it first, anyway, here's a (You)
if you think the reason men want to attain these impossible goals is for "picking up women" then you need to get your fucking head examined.