Prove to me that round back deadlifts are harmful.
I have been lifting like pic related for over a year with no injuries and i recently rack pulled 300+ kgs.
pic related
Prove to me that round back deadlifts are harmful.
I have been lifting like pic related for over a year with no injuries and i recently rack pulled 300+ kgs.
pic related
Chink weight lifters do them to recover from bad form during a lift
Otherwise doing that is extremely stupid and will result in disc problems
>pic related
>Chink weight lifters do them to recover from bad form during a lift
what do you mean?
Round back deadlifts are the best way to train your spinal erectors. It's the only movement that trains them directly instead of in a shitty isometric way.
Cool, was starting to think i was the only one that trained this way.
block pulls > rack pulls
They go light and let their back round mainly for the stretch. You arent gonna see any good wler pulling anything over like 100kg with a round back unless they want to go to snap city
the fuck is the difference
>pic related
Where are your triceps?
Deadlift (note: not rackpull) for a few years with a rounded lumbar spine until you reach 4pl8+
Post with results from your physical therapy appointment
yes you will not be injured. you'll just be in pain and agony until you kill yourself.
thanks for the webm
look at where the weight rests
rack pulls, bar is on the rack
block pulls, plates are on the blocks
Believe it or not it effects the body differently. For example with rack pulls the bar doesnt spin like its on the ground but with block pulls it does obviously
Block pulls are safer
What is this
none of what you said made any sense
there's literally no difference between the two
Welcome to the club OP, I've been doing them the same way!
If anybody wonders about the deadlifts in WL shoes it's because Clarence does it, figured it should work well for me aswell since we are about the same size and build.
you'll be a lot shorter than Clarence when your spine snaps and you no longer feel your legs
>not writing >Veeky Forums
ya blew it
wow, literally goign to snap city any day now. this person will end up unable to walk
delete this
It's a myth that a straight spine is a healthy spine, you need to train your weak points which is a curved back during deadlifts.
sometimes i train with strict form aswell.
>prove to me that round back deadlifts are harmful
holy shit your form is retarded, even for hack deadlifts. Learn how to use your legs.
go to 1.06
my goodness.
what kind of good morning is this :^)
theres no evidence that anyone was ever injured from rounding their back during a dl so stop spouting bullshit
when I started doing dead lifts I rounded my back and it hurt like a bitch when I was done. I straightened my back and it wasn't nearly as bad
ever seen someone "throw out" their back when picking up an object from the ground with improper technique?
i've seen some dumb bitch try to lift a measily 80lbs off the floor, hear an audible pop, and suddenly she's clutching at her low back.
keep rounding your back you shitposting faggot. i'm going into physical therapy. idiots like you contribute to my 401k.
Oh you do physical therapy as a job. I thought you meant you were going in for a physical therapy appointment and failed to see the connection between you, user, and you getting paid. I'd suggest referring to it as studying for PT.
anecdotal also why are you so salty
No evidence? What about all those PTs that like to talk about shear forces of doing lifts with bad form? Or the countless reports of people entering snap city and blaming form? What kind of evidence do you need?
There's no evidence that sticking my dick in the garbage disposal is a bad for my health, but sometimes shit just makes sense.
cause you're over here spouting off terrible, dangerous advice
I've got some counter-arguments, but i just want you to get fucked up. please go on lifting like this.
>all those PTs
>countless reports
lmao show them to me because your claim is still unfounded
im not giving advice im questioning a claim that a lot of people believe yet have no evidence for
i never get these kinds of threads. are you the same retard from a week ago that said lifting heavy is retarded? and linked an asian study
why do you seek validation in fit, if you're so sure that what you're doing is better
fucking do it your way, i couldn't care less if you snap your back, but you can't expect to get validation for this retardedness
Stuart McGill would like a word with you.
>The worst technique would be to move the spine into flexion, over and over, so the combination of load with motion would slowly and cumulatively delaminate the disc collagen. Here the spine is fatigued before the muscles. Training volume is compromised. It would be more effective to build training volume by reducing the spine movement, truly train the muscles to perform, and spare the spine. My consulting with this approach has taken many injured athletes back to function sufficient to compete at the Olympics, and in the UFC, NBA, NHL, NFL etc. and win.
But feel free to continue lifting that way. You'll make for an excellent cautionary tale in your old age.
I want you to keep using shit form and severely injure yourself. You're a misinformed pretentious asshole and deserve it
Get off my fucking website
hahhahahahahah i dont even lift with a rounded back lowkey desu but thanks for your time
No worries-- I figured this thread was probably bait, but there're newfags on this board all the time, and it'd make me sad if someone hurt themselves lifting incorrectly, you know?
That being said-- Holy shit is OP's example dude's form fucked beyond all recognition. I mean God DAMN.
That's just absurd.
nice trips youre a good guy but i still dont believe the claim lmao but we can respectfully agree to disagree happy lifting
I feel when i round my lower back i can really target the erectors, i used to do back raises/hyperextensions with a rounded back and am currently looking into jefferson curls and stiff leg deadlifts but not sure how safe they are long term for spine
The human brain is so fascinating. It literally puts ego before logic and health.
he has a lifting belt guys, he will be fine.
makes perfect sense to me.
Instead of using their abs to stabilize they use they spinal erectors and let their backs only slightly round.
There's also a few powerlifters that used to pull with slightly round backs.
The other teams in weightlifting let their athletes stretch their lower back as part of their mobility routine though.
I've always used rounded back, you can lift more that way.
>gloating about rackpulls
>shit tier deadlift
wow so impressive, your shitty form results in a shitty deadlift. LEL
You're actually retarded, curved back is because of weak glutes and hams
>doing weighted worms
enjoy your visit to snap city
you're in the next /snap city general/ thread
how hasn't this guy snapped in half yet
Thoracic rounding is fine it's when your lumbar is rounded
I like doing them off blocks because I hate fucking up my bar
>hearing swedish voices
why am i not suprised?
that life was an abomination - no belt in this world will keep that spine from popping out