>tfw you still aren't over his death
Help me
>tfw you still aren't over his death
Help me
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Dead roider. Accomplished nothing but "inspiring" some WOW players on Veeky Forums.
Pathetic to still be riding his dick this hard.
u mad
lol you tk hm 2 the bar?
if youve been here this long just lol @ ur life
Strong reference senpai
>Gotta get back
>Back to the past
>Aziz's abs
4eva mirin
reason why i started lifting
I know it's silly but still if it wasn't for him i'd probably take more years to get into lifting
I got bad news for you, OP.
Zyzz was actually gay.
All the women you saw him with were just a cover for his homosexuality. He knew it would hurt his business if people knew he was gay so he hid it. I'm sorry OP that's just the truth.
how did he die? or am i being rused?
He died from the impact of coke and roids on his heart. His fanbois like to pretend he had some disease beyond his control, but he was stupid and killed himself at 22 and that is the truth.
>got facial surgery
>used roids to get a good physique
>died young with no family or legacy at all other than videos of him dancing and flexing his fucking muscles
yea, what a hero...
he took crystal and/or coke in thailand and went into a sauna
then his heart died
He did have a heart condition but yeah, the sheer amount of drugs and roids he had in his system certainly exasperated it
Not even joking I teared up today watching one of his tribute videos.
To think its been 5 fucking years now since he died, 5 years have gone by. That's absolutely incredible, I can't believe time flies this fast. He's a skeleton now and I'm still living yet 5 years ago he was an aesthetics God and I was a skinny nerd.
I made it. Thank you and RIP Zyzz.
Anyone know where I can find his "The Aesthetics Strike Back" video? The original got copyright striked.
>got facial surgery
Found it. Fuarrrrk the opening song clips.team-andro.com
Why do people like this clown?
We're all gonna make it brah
forever mirin ;_;
you mad mirin merlin, sad cunt?
Who's that autistic guy that thinks he's zyzz?
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Steroids eventually cause impotence, infertility, gynecomastia, and testicular atrophy. Serious adverse effects include elevated cholesterol, hepatic cysts, myocardial infarction and stroke.
so why the F is Dorian Yates still alive ?
>answer me
Evidence on this you jelly fuck
>Evidence on this
I don't roid and probably won't until my body starts atrophying but just spreading lies makes you look like a jackass
>picture of zyzz asleep while getting a tattoo
also i'm never going to make it brahs. ate 4k calories today at my friends bday party... the cut was going so well too
>hurr my grandpaw smoked a pack a day up until he died at 90
Literally any medical website
Caused by a lack of natural testosterone after coming off roids. Can be helped with pct.
Steroids mess up the quality of your sperm
Caused by the body aromatizing excess testosterone. Mitigated by taking an anti estrogen.
>testicular atrophy
Your 'nads don't have to do anything because the roids took their job. Stops after roid usage.
Most of these symptoms can be helped, but the ones with the greatest impact on your life and health (infertility, cardiovascular damage) are still present.
You can still look great without roids. You won't become a fitness icon, but most people will appreciate your body more as a natty.
Dorian Yates is natty though
jesuschrist 4k...
Checked Fatty.
if you only ate 4k calories today you're only gonna gain half a pound. just keep it up and it'll be gone quick
I remember blasting Alpha and flexing with a buddy on a balcony in Croatia while on vacation. I've been lifting for 1,5 years at that point and felt really good about my body for the first time in my life. Shit was really cash, great times were had.
Never liked him. Dude ain't even that big.
he died for our gains
They should put a tribute statue in the corner of every sauna in straya
>still giving a shit about a guy who roided for ottermode
nice one
I remember back when he died and so many people said it was fake.
Then a grave pic was posted and people were like, "no tombstone, its fake"
Somebody once posted a picture claiming zyzz was hiding out in Europe, that caused a bit of a ruckus
Then a real tombstone was posted and nobody said anything. I guess that was when we realized he really was gone.
>implying this isn't him at an outdoor rave in Sydney this past June
Fans represent the guy pushing the shopping cart: your life spent making his life great.