W-what would you do to me, Veeky Forums?
W-what would you do to me, Veeky Forums?
Stab you.
I'd call you gay and tell you to kill yourself.
wow what a fag
fuck you with a dildo covered in razor blades
I'd pimp you out to old men on Backpage and rent you out for months at a time.
id kys you
just a reminder that homophobes are the biggest gays, just closeted
Make you go to the gym
Put you on a better program
Drag you out of the basement so your pasty faggot ass could get a bit of sun.
Get off our board, you fucking faggot
>If you dont like X you're X
>implying we can recover from this
Put your ass to the gym
Fucking ROFL please tell me you're being ironic and don't actually use that warped logic in arguments
>you have arachnophobia?
>you must secretly want to fuck spiders
I'd tell you to stop looking for attention online and go on Grindr so you can get pozzed and die already
I would fuck you in the ass and tell you to stop making off topic posts
Put you on hormones and eventually get you under the knife to give you some proper tiddies. I don't fuck twinks, I only fuck full blown traps.
Drop you from the roof of a building like the muslims do.
id lick your tum
no homo tho