>landwhale who is losing weight
>wants to keep tits
wat do? what do i supplement with to keep my boobs? im trying to get in the habit of massaging them in the shower but idk
>landwhale who is losing weight
>wants to keep tits
wat do? what do i supplement with to keep my boobs? im trying to get in the habit of massaging them in the shower but idk
post a picture for reference
pic not related
Goddamn, how can any self respecting white man vote for the leftist political parties anymore?
>>wants to keep tits
You don't lose your tits you just come to terms with you never had them in the first place and deluded yourself into thinking your breasts were naturally large when you were just large and happened to have breasts.
You're going to find out how big your breasts really were... The answer might shock you.
no i need to keep them big while i become small
will eating soy help
they can't, but there are a lot of women/non-whites these days.
You'll look better with the smaller tits, you cow. If it really bothers you, then get them augmented once you're in shape.
Very few do
we have to see your massaging technique
post a video quick or we can't help you
there is no real way to do this, anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit
implants are the only way if you're that obsessed with big titties
also genetics
you might lose all the weight and keep all the tits
Fatty tits are disgusting, though. Much prefer small tits to them.
While you're here posting your shit on the wrong board I suggest you consider lifting
?? I mean this is a very fair protest, a whole gov't-managed/owned high-rise went up like a matchbox
Oh I forgot that buildings don't light on fire
bruh there's lighting on fire and then there's a fire spreading super rapidly because people didn't use the right materials, I mean the advice from the fire services was "to remain in your apartments, any fire will not be able to spread"
If you don't see a problem with this I don't know for you bruh
The white guy in that protest is Chad tier tho
The black chick is fine as fuck too.
Honestly there's nothing you can do. Coming from a female who lost weight and went from a DD to a C Cup, you look much better in clothes, have a lot less back pain, and look a lot more proportioned. I too, as a chubby girl, believed my titties were my only redeeming quality. Now my whole body is my redeeming quality. Honestly, they are a bit droopy, but it wasn't like my bigger tits didn't look saggy anyway. You have two options: stay a fatty with your saggy tits and die at 30, or get in shape and go down a few cup sizes. Your choice
this problem is even more distasteful considering this is the richest area in the UK, even considering all the poorfags in social housing there, without them would probs we one of the richest areas in the world
Do you want to be healthy or stay braphog?
Right wing parties have just as much cringy pics and both sides ignore these
Left wing parties are cringe, but what other option is there? Right wing parties are so cringe you mentally tune out the cringe because its so far from anything you seriously remember exists anymore. These people still preach creationism and want it taught in schools.
i bet on a skinny frame your tits will look way better than they do now, even if they end up ultimately being smaller
>Left wing parties are cringe, but what other option is there?
Somewhere in the middle maybe?
Fucking Americans...
Fuck off you dumb cunt. Your tits are THIS big only because of all that fat. Lose weight and have firm tits, instead of cow`s mammaries
To be fair I encounter much more lefty cringe than righty cringe on a daily basis, probably like 4 or 5 to 1
1 read the sticky
2. post webm of self-massage
3. let me help you
Ignore all these disgusting men m'lady
I am a gentleman and a gentle man. I consume NO animals or animal products, because I love animals with all my heart. I also love humans of all shapes, sizes, colour, ethnicity, religion, and colour. I often yell loudly at my mom, in fact, because I catch her eating eggs sometimes. I tell her how, because of her, many chickens were enslaved and raped by white men, and that by consuming them she is supporting the very broken culture that I have spent my early and mid twenties trying to correct.
I hope it isn't a bit too forward, but I have a wicked sense of style and would love to show you sometime. Do you drink coffee? I don't, but I could buy you some anyway -- my treat of course. Unless you think that's sexist, in which case you can pay for it yourself!! Ha ha! That was a joke, you see. I make a lot of jokes and they make me laugh a lot. Other people don't seem to appreciate my twisted sense of humour but I'm sure that an intelligent person (I don't want to assume your gender) such as you would understand and laugh along with me. Not that I would force you to, or even expect you to, of course. I'm not a RAPIST after all.
We can watch cartoons afterwards, too. I really enjoy Rick and Morty. Aw jeez, Rick! The character Morty likes to say; and Rick the scientist the old man scientist burps during and between sentences. QUITE hilarious, if you ask me. The show also has an overall theme of atheism and scientology, which appeals to my own religious views or lack thereof. I can also unashamedly laugh like Spongebob Squarepants, and often do so to break an awkward silence.
So, m'person, I want you to know that I, Dan, think you are incredible just the way you are, and you should not change in the slightest for any reason whatsoever. If the world is showing us thin skeletons or unhealthily muscled men, I say we be beautiful in our own opposition! There's nothing more punk rock than going against the grain!! Hahaha!
>search for pasta in google
>no results
>Lose weight and have firm tits
That's where you're wrong.
Got a small kek out of me, good pasta
>>landwhale who is losing weight
>>wants to keep tits
Literally do not worry about this at all. If you lose weight & get in shape you will be infinitely more attractive than any fat titcow despite the loss of a cup size