/fraud/ - I didn't even really want to be shredded for summer edition
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/fraud/ - I didn't even really want to be shredded for summer edition
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fuck off
redpill me on giving blood
redpill me on bloodwork
I have done neither and I've been on 300mg test mini blast for 8 weeks
All I know is that my blood pressure skyrocketed but since adding cardio it went back to normal
please wait for autosage before making new threads
Nobody cares about your opinion faggot, you're a nobody. Show pics you're worth talking to me or shut up forever for some damage control
If i didn't took the shit i took i was fucking bald af, because that's how quick it went.
I had more DHT in my body than people who have MPB you dumbshit motherfucker
1v1 me irl and i fight you to the death
Take supplements like ubi/coq10 and fucking eat clean food
Lower the androgenics m8, you look angry.
>8 weeks
wow, it's literally nothing
Redpill me on low carb. Been keeping between 30-50g as a beginner but dont remember why I'm even doing this. Goal is to stop being fat
/qtddtot/ is that way
>sudden diarrea
>start sweating like fuck
>feel like fainting
what's happening
I am only on 100 mg mast
Stop being a pussy, you're fat. Low carb is god tier for fat loss.
low carb/high protein and fats + HITT
You should be dead already.
>too lazy to work out & take time
>use steroids
Fucking pathetic. kys immediately you godless heretics
>You should be dead already.
I feel better now but fuck that was spooky
How do I cut weight super fast? Like one week trying to cut 5 pounds
I cut 16 in two weeks with dnp, "starving" and raw ground beef
this guy (you) is retarded
The FDA isn't lurking in this thread user
Yeah but what if I dont wanna die
I didn't. Forgot to mention I also ran 45 min a day
How safe is oral test? Should I taper on and off at 250 before 500 10week?
I was super fat and lost 5 pounds for a few consecutive weeks living off only lean chicken and my own stored fat ass. Was he'll on earth,also eat celery
Can't find a good answer anywhere else
How far can low dose test cycles take you? Considering either a 12 week 500 cycle or just jumping on a 250 permacruise forever
I'm 25 and i like to do things like drink which lower your test and it's all downhill from here anyway
So honestly just thinking one 250 shot a week to keep me at the top level of natty for the next 40 years or so
whats better for cutting ( 4 week cycle with cruise test ) oral MENT/trestolone or epistane considering side effects to gain ratio
depends on your natty test levels
I'm sure they'll be higher cruising and since i'm not ever interested in coming off the questions are is there any particular damage this will do, and will my receptors adapt to the point it becomes futile?
I know about sterility and i'm already sterile (vasectomy) so that's all good
>taking steroids and not working out like a beast is gonna make you shredded
Broscience asf
>using steroids
Well, enjoy your enlarged hearts and organs...except for that dick that be shrinking, lol. Really dont see why this is allowed to be spoken about on here, it's awful for beginner's to see this thread and think they need fake hormones.
>Oral Test
Fuck off or man the fuck up
It's cause it's informative you fag, and literally everyone recommends you get 1/2/3/4 better or even close before you cycle. I'm 19 and I'll browse until I do my first cycle at 22 or 23.
Potentially damage to heart and vascular system. Do your cardio and have good genetics, you'll be fine. Watch what you eat and your lipids as well.
>Receptor adaptation
If this were true there'd be no low test faggots because their body would juet adapt to the low test.
>posts a dedicated juice head who has claimed natty
Pls tell me you don't believe o'hearn hasn't juiced up since childhood
Not because I want to faggot, I just have it readily available and cheap as shit.
Trenbolone-Acetate or Trenbolone-Enanthate?
Is that Nick Cage?
question - are you guys totally open about your drug abuse? or do you tell girls and other dudes you're natty?
Anavar is supposed to be directly lipolytic isn't it?
Would 25-50mg/day with (300mg tren E/350mg tren a) a week be worth it? Diet is clean, eating juet barely under maintenance.
why would we
LTRs I'll tell after a few months vetting
Friends, actual friends, I told near immediately cause I was excited.
>Drug abuse
Kek. Uptight losers will use whatever colorful language they can think of to put others down.
Thinking of taking this trenavar/epi stack.
Should I stack anything else with it?
What kind of PCT should I take after my cycle?
>Never frauded and the closest thing to a PH I've taken is D-Aspartic Acid.
I'm not trying to put anybody down dude, not my intention. What's the right way to put it? I'll use "steroid use" in the future.
Technically it is abuse but eh.
Nah just the entire notion of 'drug abuse' is comical. Like the drug is some innocent victim. Or that there's an objectively wrong way to use a chemical, and YOU'RE DOING IT. YOU'RE AN ABUSER.
where do I find the wiki?
How about you shut up before i abuse your mom with this big tren dick again you faggot. Betas are all the same, go cry like ur a victim.
read the op, retard
Damnit. I tried epi again and my acne started back up so I'm pretty sure this shit is causing it. Guess I'll have to switch over to adrol and hope it doesn't give me acne too.
>tfw getting past natty limit and feeling too big because people are starting to notice
Are you on your period?
Can I use 31g insulin needles to draw and inject test? I'm using 25g needles now and they hurt
>DNP Day 10
Past couple of days have been normal, just a little extra heat. Today is pretty chilly so I'm just comfy.
Weights starting to come off faster now.
Got punched last night walking a girl (friend) of mine to a cab. We were at a bar and I had just gotten off work so I wasn't drinking. She spotted her ex who flips out at her every time he sees her. So I walked her to a cab, put her in it and turned around and got sucker punched.
The guy had big rings on and split my lip, 8 stitches. I grabbed him by the collar and kicked the shit out of him. He only got one punch in but it was a good one.
So I'm here today with stitches in my mouth and lip, a prescription for antibiotics, and a decsion.
>do I continue taking DNP despite this
>do I stop taking it until I'm healed up
idk how DNP affects the healing process if at all, or how it may affect the antibiotics
>mini blast
So like a cruise?
You will heal better if you are not in a calorie deficit
>citation needed
>oral test
literally why
shit tier bait, my dude. you gotta try harder.
how autistic are you?
>Not dying and becoming a 0% bf skeleton, thus achieving the ultimate cut
Exactly what someone from the FDA would say.
Why would you hop on gear and still drink, that's kinda stupid tee bee aych
>Discussion about drugs that lead to performance enhancement among those who lift casually for fun
Why would you not buy separate drawing and injecting needles?
Are you retarded? If you have a infection i would stop dieting, if it's only the stiches do whatever it takes baby
My TRT doc gave me 30 25g and 31g needles for test and HCG, so I don't have more. Might just get em online
Bumping sterons question
Am i the only one who loves dnp?
>roiding so making gains anyway
>mild dose of 500mg dnp lets me stay at or less than 12% BF at 190+ lbs with no diet discipline
>eat whatever i want, when i want
>go out partying and get wasted as fuck, eating good food and have a great time without worrying about muh physique, and bitches love a man that can drink and live how he wants
Literally just stay hydrated and deal with being warm and you can live how you want while looking like a god. You all act like the sides are so hardcore.
>Why would you not buy separate drawing and injecting needles?
To be honest I draw and inject with the same 25g needle, never had pip since week 1 either. The broads working the pharmacy counter at Shoppers never seem to understand what I'm looking for when I ask for draw needles so I just said fuck it and ran with it. That said, I sure as shit wouldn't try pinning oil with a 31g unless I had a lot of time on my hands.
No but i eat pussies like you for breakfast.
You think i abuse drugs? That i couldnt have gotten here without it?
Well in that case you abuse calories you fatass fuckface.
Watch your blood pressure there, mr roidrage.
It's shit like this that's making me seriously consider trying DNP but I know I don't know nearly enough about saying safe with it. Tempting, but I don't want to die.
>It is safe if you aren't an idiot
Therein lies the problem.
Why not just buy them online though? I'm not a people person in the slightest so being able to get everything over the internet is a godsend for me.
A 14 yrs old cyclist was caught using oral steroids. How fucked will his health be in the future?
It just raises your tdee, taking it constantly like that is retarded for many reasons. Great for short bursts though, esp combined with a harsh diet protocol and lots of movement. Even just long walks.
I have bought absolutely everything to do with my roids in person, and I don't like waiting for packages to get here - so I just buy them IRL. They're only 20 cents each at the pharmacy so I don't mind. I really should order gear online though, as it's much cheaper it seems.
Haha classic, "mr roidrage"... classic go to insult for you liberal beta males. Cry about it sissy boy, ill still pound the shit out of ur mom tonight with this big ass tren cock
But it also makes you very warm, and since it usually feels like it's 100+ degrees in the summer where I live, I'd rather wait on it than die.
I only know like three people irl who do this kind of stuff, two of which don't sell it, and one of which would probably tell my family.
Also I hate going outside.
what do i take to be like clarence
You must attend the hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
I've taken up to 600mg/day for a week working in south FL in a kitchen with no ac.
I'm sure you'll be fine, just make sure you have a way to cool yourself down when sleeping. DNP is so overhyped. The fatloss and the effects, just like every other non-pschoactive drug.
>working in south FL in a kitchen with no ac.
O shit, alright then. Maybe I won't be so bad off then.
>just make sure you have a way to cool yourself down when sleeping.
Haha alright I'll just have to make sure nobody is in bed with me to accidentally keep me too warm with their body heat.
Wait that's how I am anyway.
mast runs just 100mg mast haha pathetic
Is 22 too young to roid?
read the wiki
You think anyone that achieved or meant anything in fitness cared what was "too young".
have been on 500 last week at 35°C
the heat is okay but i sweat a lot like full drenched shirt in an instant. had to keep 3-4 spare tshirts with me to change to not feel disgusted by myself.
droped to 250 now and its a hell of a lot better. but i will end those fucking double digit %bf and never fall for that "muh dirty bulk muh tren nutrition pathing muhcant get fat on roids" ever again. i rather kill myself with dnp than get 20% again
Tfw still natty, i just keep telling myself next year or once i hit the right amount of weight on my lifts.
I have everything i need for a cycle except for needles, just dont feel rdy to take the dive.
Wanted to bench 140kg before went on gear, 10kg away... am i wasting my time or better to get most out of my natty gains?
im srs
what can i take to be super strong and recover fast but look natty like my husbando clarence
I barely notice 250 unless I'm working out, and then it's just like slightly warmer and sweatier than normal.
600mg is kinda shit as far as being able to function in my opinion, I usually just run up to 400mg max and I can still workout and sleep.
>Look natty
Just start with lots of.test e and go from there. My favorite blasts are always high test based.
nolvadex protocol for mid-cycle gyno treatment desu?
20-40mg ed
Can steroids give you hollow cheeks and and make your cheekbones more prominent?
What else should I order from my panjeet ancillary supplier besides HCG and aromasin? And does anyone else find it kinda weird that there's basically only 1 brand for aromasin unless you're willing to pay out the ass for Bayer?
60mg ralox am/pm
well what do you need lol
last time I ordered pharma I got asin+cialis+viagra+ralox. caber?
>only 1 brand
xtane and pfizer?
>well what do you need lol
Just HCG really. I have asin raws and a couple bottles of caber.
Just wondered if anything else was worth picking up since it's $25 for EMS.
>1 brand
Nah mate. There's xtane, pfizer, bayer and some other one
Only ones I've seen are xtane and Pfizer. The Pfizer pills were coated and a pain in the ass to split.
Never seen Bayer. I think euros have Astra zenika brand.
What are we training today lads?
>doesn't have the willpower to cut
>decides to do steroids which requires 10x more willpower and responsibility
never change /fraud/
why don't I feel my test yet it's been 1.5 weeks
lol. You put yourself through "he"ll" for only 5lbs a week as a fat fuck? You dont know what hard work is....
You don't feel test unless you are a low test faggot to start
Takes a month faggot why are you cycling if you don't know this KYS
Frontload with 3ccs of prop
You'll feel something then