Autistic/pathetic or path to Chad life?
Approaching girls at the gym
"ewww, get away from me, creep!" What did she mean by this guys?
The gym isn't the club you dumb nigger
Get your workout in and get the fuck out
I actually dragged 2 girls to do strength training with me after i caught them mirin my 350 lbs squat (normies will think its elite class lifting). I do have a gf and one of them also has a bf but that doesn't mean you should stop talking to girls. Just don't be a creep OP.
There's 2 manlets at my gym that try to hit on every single girl that's a regular there. Yesterday I saw him go up to a girl 3 inches taller and ask where his hug was at, now she did give him a hug and she chatted with him a bit after they lifted so maybe he banged her maybe she was just being nice but it looked pretty cringey. I'll give the manlets props for having the balls to approach so many women tho I can't take that away from them.
dubs speaks the truth
>maybe he banged her maybe she was just being nice but it looked pretty cringey
What is the difference between talking to girls and being a creep to them
If america dont bother everyone in the NA is unsuprissingly snobby and have some sort of socialphobia in Europe its aight lots of girls and guys just casual chatter during workout and even seen plenty of guys picking up girls at the gym
This whole GET IN GET OUT mentality is limited to NA and not just in the GYM but outside the gym aswell, Europe is a lot more social.
Being attractive or being unattractive
The "asking for a hug" thing is about as repulsive as it gets.
Then again approaching women is a tough thing to do, so a dude has to find a way somehow. I'm sure there's a time and place for it at the gym too.
do people unironically find this plastic monster attractive
Goddamnit I guess I better go bulk another 50 lbs
You can try small talk with them and read by their reactions if they are ok with you or think you're just creeping. I talk to everyone in the gym but some girls there are shallow. You get that real quick because they usually will give you monosyllabic answers. I usually end up talking with them while we are doing the same exercises so I'd ask them about progress or what were they trying to achieve with the training.
>been seeing some fat/chubby regular for 8 months now
>she's lost at least 40 lbs now if not more, idk how to guess that shit
>seems to be doing a not meme routine, lot of typical ass work but some push/pull upper body in there
>goes with what I thought was her son so I ignored her
>kids mid teens, making progress on some kinda greyskull like routine but he sticks to lightweights for some reason
>either way ignore cause not about to get into some trash young single mother drama
>overhear her and kid talking, it's her little bro
>mybad, couldn't imagine an older sister so based to take a brother to the gym
>wanna talk to her now
>ya know get in good if she's single before she fully makes it
how with the kid brother around all the time
mostly they go off and do their own shit but I see they keep an eye on each other
not just me noticing this, some other dudes at the gym have checked her out but anyone even kinda does a set too close to her and all of a sudden the kid is right there. Once some guy asked if he could work in with her on the incline bench and she was cool with it, dude tried making small talk, kid comes up rushing her cause he's done so she just did a set on the machine for a similar version and they left.
this. You betas saying "GET IN GET OUT NIGGER" are just cuckolds who do that in every aspect of life. Not just the gym.
Every location is a place where conversation can happen, if you're funny or charismatic it shouldn't matter where you are.
If you have to ask then you're in trouble. Do what comes naturally, or if you're too autistic do what you think naturally is.
it's all about the face my man
Why do you care about that?
Trips confirmed.
Idk man dude is in good shape and looks halfway decent but is legit like 5' 6" and bald at 23-28 years old trying to chat up a 30 year old 5' 10" hottie. I assume all the girls in the gym know him since he try's to talk to every chick that's a regular and figure they would be put off by this but he could be playing them and using their jealousy as a way to get laid and if that's the case I respect his game. Mirin dudes lifts as well.
It looked incredibly cringey but shit I still saw them chatting at the end of their workout. I've seen the same chick eyeing me before I'm just too much of a pussy to talk to her so I can't hate on the guy for having the balls to try despite his manletude.
Leave the picking up women to your resident gym chads, unless your very good looking and catch girls eyeing you first I doubt they want sweaty autists coming up and trying to chat them up. Unless you don't mind getting rejected in front of everyone and then seeing the chick you tried to pull the next week. If your gonna try anything wait till her eyes catch yours and flex a cep
Don't really care, just a way to start a convo. I don't wanna stick my dick into every woman i talk to but i want to get as good as i can at talking to them.
this cuts too deep. pls stop.
Become the gymbro of the brother. It woud eventually lead to you meeting the sister ... or meeting some underage girls the little bro knows. WIN-WIN.
My best friend did this. I said it was autistic and I cringed hard when it went down, but he actually got a date and they've been dating for 4 months now.
He fucking showed me, alright.
I'm an american living in Italy (I'm military and stationed here). I can confirm this.
>using brain
such a rare thing to see on fit... listen to this guy
Honest post
The hottest GF I ever got was in high school, and I got her by walking up to her in the middle of the school plaza during a break and asked her to a dance. It took balls and was a gutsy move, and she said yes.
Fast forward roughly 8 years, and I'm too afraid to just straight up approach girls. I feel incredibly anxious and my mental goes all fuzzy. I've had several gf's and I'm not a complete autist, but approaching girls on a night out or just straight up going up and making small talk is still SO HARD for me. How do you fix this shit?
apart from looks and autism:
the girl being open to interaction when she's in the right mood...
> walking into hot yoga
> girl I sorta recognize says says hi randomly
> do some extra stretching after class
> she hangs around does the same
> seems like she timed it so we would leaving at the same time
> "Hey, it's user? Right?"
> introduces herself
> chitchat for a few minutes
> she tells me that shes an assistant teacher on Fridays
Wut does it mean? wut do I guys? [spoiler]Obviously I'm going to ask her out but what should I suggest? I think I could segway balance in yoga into slacklining at the park and going out for coffee after[/spoiler]
Hey! Fuck you!
are you me?
Yeah, do that. Coffee or drinks is an almost guaranteed lead into fucking a girl, and if the conversation goes well and you hit it off, eventually dating her. Sounds like you already know what to do.
Depends, but don't listen to these guys
You need to build rapport first, then see if she does like you, otherwise don't be creepy
Best way to approach girls is to stand naked in the middle of the gym and letting out loudest war cry you can muster. You display dominance and your gains at the same time. Works every time.
My roommate's dated a few people she met through the gym. She has them over every so often and makes us dinner.
I try not to talk to any girls because I don't wanna shit where I eat and be THAT guy. The only exception is when they ask for a spot, after which they usually ignore me because they've figured out something's not right in me noggin.
>Make friends with people with sisters
this is what I'm doing now
That mexican girl got surgery and she is now living the great nice life
I've met my actual 4 months old gf at the gym
[spoiler]through normiebook[/spoiler]
Don't fucking "approach girls" at the gym. That's gross cringey creep speak.
You can TALK to PEOPLE everywhere.
Wtf dude your gf is 4 months old
Are you a pedophile?
if she can lift she can fuck
Pathetic and annoying
t. grill
Kid autistically won't talk to anyone. He's fine with cleaning up after himself, puts shit back, wipes down bench, will let you work in a set if it's packed. But otherwise no one.
I know the almost-qt will ask the front desk for the pt to give her a form check and she'll ask him to give her brother one and that's it for as much as they talk to anyone. She does tease him that he should lift heavier weights because he's a teenage boy. He'll just tease her back on some other shit like her balance.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
>implying guys approach you
good thing girl in the pic doesnt go to the gym, she takes trips to dr fix a flat
Don't shit where you eat senpai
That's a horrible attitude to have. Just because you've convinced yourself not to talk to women doesn't mean you should discourage others. If you think she likes you just go for it
If you bulk, they will come
No it's not. The gym is an establishment to work out in, not a place to try and get your dick wet
Just like how a school is an establishment to get a degree. When does that ever stop people?
you are not going to the gym to fucking talk to bitches. Most of the women at gym don't want to be bothered. They don't fucking care if you are chad or not, the Gym is not even a place that chads get pussy regularly.
Yeah, and if you're charismatic you don't do a thread like this.
The gym smells like ass and loud, why the fuck do you want to talk with females at a loud smelly place.
Good way to get banned, creeper
mirin that reference
Help me Veeky Forums. I read an article that said that women respond to body language better than verbal language. So I approached a qt in the gym while she was on the treadmill and started flexing my arms and smiling at her, so she gave me a weird look and walked away. Did I do something wrong?
No. Just try again
Onee-chans are for little brothers. Don't take her away.
>Europe is a lot more social.
Kek. I live in Sweden and if you make eye contact with strangers at gym you are a creep.
This. There is not a type of man I'd want to approach me at gym. Focus on your own shit for real and don't make it uncomfortable for anyone.
>Europe is one country
I do this a lot. Just talk to anyone. Say hi to random people, anyone. Doesnt have to be a girl. Girls look at that shit and realize you're not a weirdo. I also ask about their progress and they usually point their ass or legs and ask for your opinion or if they're doing an exercise correctly.
If you really want to try to talk to girls, try going early in the morning. There are a lot of people that go at that time who are social or are probably like you OP, weird. Its not as awkward compared to the afternoon where every single guy tries to hit on them.
I honestly want to talk to these two gorgeous girls at my gym, but I just don't want to get rejected by them.
>I talk to "Chad's" at the gym (every now and then) and the short conversations and questions I ask go well.
>Don't really care when I get rejected during job offers and interviews, because I still manage to get another job.
>Can't really muster up the courage to talk to babes at the gym, because I use to get rejected during hs and everywhere else too frequently.
It just seems difficult, what are you even suppose to say ?
>It just seems difficult, what are you even suppose to say ?
Don't shit where you eat user, it's not worth it
Or bang your sisters friends. I even get women taller than me.
>Europe is a lot more social
what the fuck
I was in the UK you fuckers don't ever talk to each other
Fuckin ouch
>why the fuck do you want to talk with females at a loud smelly place
It's practice for when I talk directly to their butts, user.
In all absolute seriousness, exertion and sweat from workouts are similar enough to same from sex that the gym is a GOLDEN place to pick up girls. It's related to misattribution of arousal. You can cash in on that, and the girls you get there are more likely to have other overlapping interests/less likely to be gains goblins.
It's like Hitch said, no girl ever wakes up and says "Damn I hope I don't meet Mr. Right today"
But you're probably 5" too short to be Mr. Right :(
This hot receptionist at my gym always (I mean every time I go to the gym) goes out of her way to say "hi user" every time I come in, I'm literally the only person she does that to. Haven't engaged in conversation yet, mostly because I'm too focused on the workout. May strike up conversation later this week. She asked me if I knew her name the other day.
Given that I'm into musclegirls, and musclegirls are rare even in gyms, if I want to get what I like I'm probably forced to speak to them at the gym. The problem is I don't go there (I like getting my exercise in other ways) and they're probably stuck up cunts who probably get more attention than I draw breaths in a day.
Being a man is suffering.
you know what needs to be done user
Terrible argument you fucking peacocking idiot
thats the spirit user! i can tell you're gonna make it!
Am I wrong? Unlike with exercising, in this case the effort simply isn't worth the reward.
yo dawg she wants to fuck
If you think hitting on women is cringey then you TRULY will NOT make it. I feel bad for you, son.
Yes, you're wrong.
>i don't go to the gym
>i want to pick up fit or muscular girls
>i also have never spoken to a muscular or fit woman before, and they are probably therefore stuck up cunts
That's not a good attitude. Even if you get rejected by 3 strong muscular women doesn't mean that they're all cunts. Jeez. Spend some time with other people in the real world, will ya?
>i don't go to the gym
That's something about me personally. Whether or not you approve of it, I don't like the gym atmosphere for losing weight. I much prefer going for a swim over going to the gym. Even if this is an inefficient way of going about it, it doesn't relate to the conversation.
>i want to pick up fit or muscular girls
It's more of a fantasy to be quite honest with you family.
>i also have never spoken to a muscular or fit woman before, and they are probably therefore stuck up cunts
Not really. They're probably stuck up cunts because they're as rare as a goat with three heads. Being women and having unique desirable traits, they are therefore drowning in dick at any given point in time. Competition for any given woman who isn't a landwhale is fierce, therefore competition for fit girls must be immense. It has nothing to do with the fact that I've never even seen a fit girl (other than this proving how rare they are).
>Spend some time with other people in the real world, will ya?
How do you think I've come to dislike women? Because I woke up in some NEETcave one day and decided it'd be totally rad to hate those my biology compells me to feel attraction to?
Ok. Sure. Losing weight... It all depends how fit/MUSCULAR(if that's what you mean) you think is good enough. It all gets easier once you get more fit. It might be that women treated you poorly cause you were.. fat or something, just making assumptions cause you said you were losing weight and you didn't like to go to the gym.
Anyway all I have to say it just workout, get fit, and if you really want to date/FUCK a fit girl, then just downright go for it. If they're a stuck up cunt, all that happens is you feel a bit awkward for a minute and then go back to working out.
I try to do this too so i can improve my conversation skill, but i always find myself flirting even when i dont like the girl
tfw unable to have friendly chat with a girl
he clearly means southern Europe
Spain, Italy, France...
>>Europe is a lot more social.
>>Kek. I live in Sweden and if you make eye contact with strangers at gym you are a creep.
>>Europe is one country
>sweeping generalization about z being y
>but x isn't y, x is the opposite of y and x is part of z
>hey hey now, z is way to big to be making that big of a generalization
Being attractive and being unattractive
Chad doesn't even know what a gym is
Your face
A short or ugly guy could say the same exact thing to a girl as a Chad would, and it's highly likely she responds better to Chad
Natural selection. It's evil.
They want you to look but don't want to be approached