Pic related is mine, modified phul. For some reason it doesn't feel quite right but I can't put my finger on it
Post/Critique routines
Day A:
·Squat: Week 1 7x3 @75% / Week 2 5x3 @80% / Week 3 3x3 @85%
·Bench: Week 1 7x3 @75% / Week 2 5x3 @80% / Week 3 3x3 @85%
·Plus Rows, Bis, and Tris assistance
Day B:
·Deadlift Week 1 7x3 @75% / Week 2 5x3 @80% / Week 3 3x3 @85%
·OHP Week 1 7x3 @75% / Week 2 5x3 @80% / Week 3 3x3 @85%
·Plus pulldowns, bis, and delt assistance
AxxBxxx with conditioning and 12hr night shifts in between
>no deadlifts
>all those stupid meme exercises instead of just more volume with auxillary lifts
Gee, I wonder.
>meme exercises
Please develop.
* Bench Press -(4x8) OR
* DB press -
* Incline Press - (4x8) OR
* Incline DB -
* Machine flys - (3x10)
* Chest press -
* T-bar Rows - (3x10)
* Lat pulldowns (front) - (3x10)
* Seated rows - (3x10)
* Face pulls - (4x15)
* Reverse flys - (3x10)
* hammer curls - (3x10)
* EZ curl - (4x8)
* Machine curl - (3x10)
* Overhead tricep - (3x10)
* Seated push down - (3x10)
* Tricep rope extension -(3x10)
* Arnold press - (4x8)
* Side raises - (3x10)
* Front raises - (3x10)
* shrugs - (3x15)
* squat (5x5)
* leg press - (4x10)
* Leg extension - (4x10)
* Leg curl - (4x10)
* Calf raises - (5x15)
I always post this shit and no one critiques. Help me out, Veeky Forums.
Everyday: Burpees until I throw up
Let's go through the list of meme exercises here.
>flys of any kind
>leg press
>leg curls in general
>calf exercises
>doing horizontal and vertical pulls in the same day instead of one one day and another a separate day
It's a fucking shitty brosplit. Who do you think gas more muscular development, the guy like you, who's pushing bitch weight at the end of his workouts, or the guy like me that does the same number of sets as you over a week, but each set is with significantly heavier weight?
Oh, and week 4 is a deload week
Here's mine
OHP 3x5
Bench 5x5
Hammer Machine 3x5
Dumbbell chest press 3x12
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x8
Side lateral raises 3x12
Tricep extentions 3x8
Deadlift 3x5
Squats (upper/lower alternating) 3x5
Seated lat pulldown 3x8
Preacher curls 3x12
Reverse ez bar curls 3x12
Forearm curls 3x12
Power Runner 10 reps of 20 steps, 30s break between reps
>squats on pull day
oh shit nigger wtf are you doing
I don't actually know what to call it. "Pull" day is actually modified legs day. Since I'm doing deadlifts, I thought of including all my pull accessories on that day as well.
Works for me.
I can see why someone would say leg press was a meme but flys and calfs? the fuck?
lol you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, come back when you've been lifting more than 6 months bud
Didn't finish making upper day, I don't know what to add.
- Bench Press 5x5
- Seated DB Shoulder Press 4x8-12
- Skullcrusher 4x8-12
- DB Flyes 3x10-20
- Lateral Raises 3x10-20
- Cable Triceps Extensions 3x10-20
- Pull-ups 5x5-10
- Deadlift 4x8-12
- Barbell Rows 4x8-12
- Lat Pulldown 3x10-20
- Cable Rows 3x10-20
- Barbell Curls 3x10-20
- Back Extensions 3x25
- Squat 5x5
- Leg Press 4x8-12
- Leg Extensions 3x10-20
- Leg Curls 3x10-20
- Calf Press 3x30 (10 reps for each angles)
- Bench Press 5x5
- Pull-ups 5x5-10
- Incline Bench Press 4x8-12
- Barbell Rows 4x8-12
Variation of Greyskull LP
Day A
Bench 3x5+
Dips 3xF
Deadlift 1x5+
EZ bar Curls/Lat Raises/Skullcrushers 3x10 (Alternating)
Day B
OHP 3x5+
Chin-Ups 3xF
Squats 3x5+
EZ bar Curls/Lat Raises/Skullcrushers 3x10 (Alternating)
I've tried about every variation of barbell row, dumbbell row, and cable row, but it's incredibly painful on my upper back. Doctor told me to knock it off or pay $$$ for corrective surgery, so I just swapped them for dips. Working my way up to 3x10 reps for chin-ups and dips and then moving to weighted progression. I know the arm work at the end isn't necessary as a beginner, but I like the feeling of DOMS in my arms.
Usually hitting gym 6 times a week.
PushA, PullA, LegsA, rest, PushB, PullB, LegsB, rest?
nice. would do except
>DL 4x8-10 wtf
Oh, it's 4x6-8 actually, lower weight as well.
critique me 'nons
> Modified leg day???
Nigga you only do 1 Leg exercise, 1 1/2 if you count Deadlifts, but alternate with Straight Leg Deadlifts.
> No calves
> Upper back
> Arms, Arms, Forearms
> No abs...
How's this look for someone starting out?
3x5 Squat
3x5 BB Row
3x5 Bench
2x8-10 Skullcrushers
2x8-10 DB Curls
1x5 Deadlift
3x5 OHP
3xF Chin Ups
3x10 Lateral Raises
3x15-20 Facepulls
3x5 Squat
3x5 BB Row
3x5 Bench
2x10 Close Grip Bench
2x10 Hammer Curls