More of these

More of these





Good. Moar pls

I have that haircut

>no ITALIA jersey and arab ethnic makeup
>no eyeliner

I'm sorry to hear that

Chicks dig it. It's high maintenance, but I got tired of the messy faux-hawk look and wanted to try something new


>having a bmw means you can't bench over 1pl8
post your car faggot


cool it ragetard nobody cares about your (tiny) dick-waving

These old fucks should be banned. Nobody wants to see you old cock and balls

Those are half squats not quarter squats dummy

Truth right there. Hat backwards, jerking that fucking cable like a spaz

I mostly see them at the pool lounging in the fucking lanes.

>half squat
>not even parallel
got me to reply

Manlet rage detected

haha shit that's me, only the shoes look better and casual underwear


speak for yourself

w2c wristwatch

Add the pussy pad to this pic.

wow that's some guy at my gym that i see always benching 1 pl8



>tfw 10x10 german volume training on the lat machine today and i dont dress like this

curls for the girls

lol I thought my gym was the only one with these people

the "I crush it in the gym and generally succeed at life" starter pack

reminds me of my friends little bro

99% of women in Texas. Fucking kill me so I do t have to see these subhumans anymore. They waddle around with their head cocked back and arms turned in like gorillas. Fuck I hate fat people.

That's what you get for living in Chile 2.0

Thighs for the guys

I've seen all of these in the past week at the gym. Fuck me

This is damn near every girl in a Uni gym period


i've only been to a gym once when i was like 16. all i remember is a huge somoan guy, a skinny kid that everybody knew, and an old guy that talks too much.

>Hair seems to overreact to the wind


Why is this so common ? Every gym I go there's always that guy, and oh always stares (hard stares) at cardio bunnies. Nigga, like every gym I go

too accurate

Half squat is to parallel. Squat is calves to hamstrings.

Calm down there elliot

Are women allowed to use neck protectors when squatting without it being shameful?

>file name
Kek'd audibly

Found the manlet

>bought a BMW to make up for the fact that his bench sucks.

That file name

so fucking true it is hilarious

>no 'letting the leg press drop on the safeties after one set and wandering off'

No, because the bar doesn't go on your fucking neck.

I also have this issue, but none of the other ones. I just don't like how fake my hair feels when I put product in it.

I have that after shave


>tfw living in Asia now
pic related is my life every time I'm at the gym
I miss that Protestant discipline and respect for the gym

I've only seen an indian in mt gym once, he was wearing exactly whats in the middle pic, expected him to be shit being skiny and not wearing the right clothes. Out of nowhere he starts doing benches like a god, doing 2pl8 like nothing

lol I made this one.


t. A normal person

they never really lift enough to cause pain though

Anywhere just think thats mexican

The bus

There are more products than just the gel that turns your hair fucking solid. Use either a wax or a clay you autist.


There is a group of 4 - 5 teens, probably 16 at much, who go to my gym and dress exactly like that. They always go from machine to machine, together, taking turns to use them between them. They go to the bench and maybe the biggest one can lift 2 10 lbs plates.

They are alright tho, I don't think they have a real routine and don't mess with anybody, they are always yelling "CUM ON BRO, YOU CON DO IT" and shit like that, tho.

that guy is clearly a meme for track cycling.

Holy shit. No wonder India is such a shithole.

>perceives every oncoming face in his periphery as "looking at him"

those legs are shopped

>fibonacci press


i walk like this but i've had sex with 3 people, 2 of which i am currently sexing

Yeah well I have 4 gfs and they let me touch there boobs

this image had me so self concious that I've started mean mugging everyone I walk past now, but it's better to look mental than a virgin

Someone make one for crossfitters

THIS IS MY BANE i've been so ashamed of my tiny narrow knee area! So is the cause bad squat form? is not genetics?

>Lets cram as much relatable things into an image as possible

Obviously inspired by a 12 year old boy.


literally nothing wrong there bruh

quite an expert

It's the truth that often stings the most

Nope. Having big calves is useless for oly lifting, quite the opposite even. Being able to deep squat depends on mostly on hip mobility and ankle mobility (dorsiflexion). If you train your calves a lot without stretching them properly you are reducing your ankle mobility and making it harder for you to squat deep enough.

TL;DR: Calves have shit all to do with leg strength

Why don't they just buy a barbell and some weights and train at home? Hundreds of dollars wasted on useless curls.

>straps invalidate your deadlift
brb telling Eddie Hall his world record 500kg lift doesn't count because someone on a polynesian stone carving forum said so.

>implying im a cager


>tfw you're mad on Veeky Forums
>tfw you have to let everyone know your engine size in litres is the same as your dick size in inches

>currey powder


post more virgin vs chad pics

Where are you in Texas? There everywhere here in Fort Worth



this one is trying too hard

This is 100% accurate. Even the watch looks like mine.

Am I a normie Veeky Forums?


