post your no pump no flex body and r8
pls no bully
post your no pump no flex body and r8
pls no bully
For the love of god shave
Richard Spencer?
my body hair?
nah i don't care that much
Why the fuck are you posting this, go put on a t-shirt there's nothing aesthetic to be seen there. Go lift at least two more years before making another pic.
Nigga your body look 35 but your face look 18
wtf are you doing as a 40 year old man with a dad bod posting on a sri lankan szechuan sauce-producing imageboard?
stronger and more aesthetic than u
You'd look great after a cut. Good mass to show
fridgemode, dadmode, nips too low, odd body hair distribution
nobody will post because they look worse or they post flexed pictures and say "lol unflexed"
looking pretty aesthetic for pushing your gut out OP
>post yourself unflexed thread
>pls no bully
>anons show up
>don't post bodies
You guys are truly pathetic. Take a nap on some railroad tracks.
Fuck that user dont shave
Who the fuck shaves? Man up faggot
Better yet, post no pump no flex followed by a pump/flex side by side. I imagine seeing the differences would be sobering to some Anons.
Because it's a shit mentality to take a pic before you even made solid progress. Maybe he'll even get compliments because some people praise mediocrity, and that's terrible for him.
When batman trained, he went to mongolia in secrecy and didn't come back to show his shit until he had mastered the shit.
wrist routine???
Why does every faggot on fit insist on taking pics that show right above their dicks, put on boxers christ
You look 40 in the thumbnail.
Nice mass, no joke striving to look like this.
I want to be strong and big, not shredded and weak
Agree. Would rather look like OP than someone like
I'm an automotive tech, so my forearms get plenty of work
OPs body is fantastic, post your body mate
If this thread lasts til tommorrow then i'll give ya'll some post gym stuff
You've got something to work with. Clean up the diet, lift a litter lighter with more reps. What's your goals?
goal is 2/3/4/5
im at 1.5/3.5/3/4
how do you bench more than you squat? how are your bench and deadlift so close? post legs wtf is with these numbers?
no flexing here
i just got used to good posture
Started two months ago and trying to not give up
Also /stupid/ I don't have a routine, the guy at the YMCA said to do just do three sets of every weight
I choose to believe this is bait
It's not I know I need to choose a set routine but I just haven't got around to it yet
I've been lifting for 2 years and pretty aesthetic lurker who nvr posted because of my body dismorphia. I hate you for thinking it's alright to post garbage non result shit after two months of lifting
Sorry senpai I just like participating
Here is arm ''tis better than belly
Sorry guys
I will work out more and come back later in the year
You have a bit of dadbod going on. Don't let these fools bully you, the only problem with that pic is I'm not on my knees sucking you off.
Only op so far put a frontal relaxed pic.
Still waiting on your physique pic brah...
Pretty swole actually, cut a bit and youre golden, good delts too.
Or run like 3 weeks of dnp, 500mg per day
Closing on ottermode brahs, thankfully I can get away with falling for the meme by being a manlet
That's a good physique for a manlet desu.
t. 6 ft 4
Just in case this is real, do ss or sl. Thats it. Google those and pick one.
pls bully
You have a jagged outline
i dunno what that means
It means my phone is a piece of shit. The image cleared up when I zoomed in.
Looking good.
Your belly button looks like it's trying to stick it's tongue out. No bully just observation
>That gyno
Still not gonna make it.
One of the most disgusting bellybuttons I have ever seen.
nice muffintop chansey bitch
there's nothing wrong with my belly button ;_;
Nice tits, but this is blue board
Can't be helped. Outies always cop shit
post your body
OP here, I'm very seriously considering /fraud/
just not sure on where to start
bigger delts, ceps and traps and a lower bodyfat you'll look tight as fuck bruh
1,80 cm 83kg
Any advice?
Saving the thread lad.
You have no idea what progress he's made.
And Batman doesn't exist.
Let's see your body, big guy. Hope you're bigger than OP, otherwise you'd be a massive faggot.
by posting a flexed arm picture in an unflexed body thread? wew lad, also lol@ numale beard
lel, OP has big arms, big traps, big delts and big pecs, and would probably have abs too if he flexed his gut like the other skinny fags in this thread did despite it being an unflexed thread
Lol I'm not flexing man. Whatever.
Yeah bro. Whatever. Don't listen to that asshole.
You hear that, fuckface? That's what we think of your shitty comments. Whatever. You don't matter. WHATEVER, bro.
>not flexing
>hand retracted
lol, "I'm only 90% flexing thus it's unflexed"
come on faggots, you can do better
Maybe you didn't hear how dismissive his "Whatever." comment was.
Lol good luck taking a pic while you're whole body is tensed and shaky af. Inb4 showing pic.
pls bully
Thread clearly said no flexing you neegroid.
Fucking hell. I see now why I lurk and won't post pics. Some of you guys offer constructive criticism, some of you are just nice - but a lot of people on here are just fucking toxic and hateful as hell.
I know it's the chan. But somehow I expect better from Veeky Forums.
- God.
Nice mate
I'm DYEL and this is what I'd want to look like
just noticed how filthy my mirror is. sorry lads
This would be a good place to be, with this kinda body no need to feel shamed, how long youve been working out ?
all together, a little over a year. i took a long break and ive only been back since january.
I have to ask, any advice you would give for a newbie on eating? I have never seen my abs
i was genetically blessed with a good metabolism. but i stay away from too much breads. and do your hanging leg raises and decline weighted crunches
fight club mode gjdm
dyel mode sorry brah
longmode, your torso just goes on and on
Literally everyone under 40.
>no flex thread
>pic of him flexing
dem brain gains real lacking bruh
The only decent advice is to eat lean and below your TDEE. Try to make the biggest part of your caloric intake be from protein while reducing carb and fat intake.
The fat that you do eat should be mostly mono- or polyunsaturated fat, these are actually essential for your health. They are mostly found in fatty fish, oils and avocados. Don't stress it too much, a meal worth of salmon is enough for a week. Limit saturated fats (butter etc) and no trans fats (cake etc).
The carbs you eat should be mostly complex carbs, while limiting simple carbs (white bread) and refraining from sugars (sodas, sweets). Complex carbs are mainly found in whole wheat/grain products, i.e. whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta. Carbs from oats are also great. To check if something is whole wheat/grain, check the ingredients for anything with flour in it. If the bread is mostly made out of anything with flour (for example, whole wheat flour) it's not whole wheat. An exception to the 'no sugar' rule is fruit derived from fruit, and dairy to an extend. Although fruit sugars are just as quickly digested as those in sweets, fruits contain a lot of fibre so the sugars are digested slowly.
Protein is protein as far as I care, all I know is that whey protein, in protein shakes for example, is quickly digested (so take after workout), casein protein, largely found in milk, is slowly digested (so should be taken before bed) and eggs/chicken are in between.
Feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything
>wut r delts
ur traps just make ur torso look even longer. get broader not longer.
spotted the american
don't listen to this manlet he can't stand it when people seem taller than him
you have fat thighs for a boy.
Notice how he didn't post anything.
i'm a tall nord. u gotta admit his torso is fucking long, but i hope he just widens out and doesn't develop a complex over it.
Just stick with it.
im laffin
uh oh. what complex can i develop? and getting wide is easier said than done, im a thinn fuck
So if you start out as a skinny fag who doesn't want to be shredded and weak, how do you become big and not shredded?
Let us see yours you fucking homo. Dont listen OP, im mirin