It was my birthday 5 hours ago...
My birthday marks 90 days since I started my journey.
Here's to progress.
It was my birthday 5 hours ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Congrats bro!
Losing that much weight is really a big deal in that span of time. Keep it up!
Nice progress. Hopefully you're doing some form of strength training
Haircut plz
Thanks senpai, we're all gonna make it.
...fuck my shit up senpai
The past 90 days I have neglected to lift.
However, Phase 2 begins today.
And I'm no stranger to lifting:
That's a video from about a year back ( ~285 lbs/129 kgs)
Regardless, I know what I must do.
And believe me, it will be done.
>And I'm no stranger to lifting
well, that's strange because you look dyel as fuck
What I'm saying is that I know my way around the weights.
It will come back soon.
graph attached.
Show us your symmetric strength profile.
rofl show me yours and I'll show you mine.
Nice work OP
that graph looks pretty damn autistic
you made it yourself or there is a template for it?
Thanks, I'm about half-way there. We're gonna make it, in time.
Yeah I made it, wrote it in VBA...
Given your starting weight + start date, AND your goal weight + end date; it calculates your caloric needs to reach your goal.
It also takes your daily weigh-ins and recalculates your caloric needs each day so you hit your target on time.
Lastly using data from the Compendium of Physical Activities, You can enter your exercises ( weightlifting or running); and it will accurately compute how many calories you burned.
All of this is built in.
The formula I use for determining caloric needs(Mifflin St Jeor Equation, with 1.2 sedentary factor):
The formula I use to determine calories burned by exercise:
You can say I have weaponized autism.
Attached is a comparison of when i was the most fit in my life (~2013), compared to me around a month ago.
OP pls tell me you're still here. what did u eat? Happy bday btw.
Nice bro
same height & your gw, but look worse than you cw
you looked better b4, no homo. is fridge mode the best mode 4 tall, wide-hipped fellas?
that pic has to be shopped
no, but this one is
Thank you, hombre.
I am very consistent with what I eat.
I cook in 10 day batches, keep 2 days worth of food in the fridge and the rest in the freezer.
I rotate food from the freezer into the fridge, to make sure I stay within USDA food safety guidelines.
Here's a breakdown of my daily diet, all portions are raw/uncooked ingredients:
228 grams of boneless skinless chicken breast
218 grams of white rice
154 grams of pinto beans
152 grams of 73% lean/27% fat ground beef
This yields:
1871 calories a day
120 grams of protein a day
2.39 USD a day
Affordable, sustainable, and delicious.
Thank you. We all have our genetic gifts.
Some are born tall, some are born into wealth, some are born with increased capacities in intelligence/muscle building/etc...
People are blessed in different ways, and personal effort is the most important quality to have.
First, thank you.
Secondly, don't compare yourself with others.
Are you taking the steps towards what you want in life?
In life, the race is long; and the only competition is with yourself.
I appreciate the compliment.
And, I disagree with you. I think I look better now than, I did before.
I never hated myself in the past; but I want to do better.
I remember where I once was, fitness-wise; and I am determined to not only reach my past fitness level (~year 2013); but to also surpass it.
Fridge mode, ah reminds me of door-brah.
I say when in doubt, put in the effort.
It's strange that no matter how you look, by making the daily effort; you put these weird glasses on.
When you're constantly making effort at something you think is good, you will look amazing in the mirror.
I think it's called confidence building.
That picture is legit, she suffers from lymphedema.
Delicious to me, and really that's all that matters.
Find your personal combination of food, and stick with it.
These things are for the long term, nevar forget that.
andre? is that you?
eat some veggies cunt
>Using the silver fairy bar
pls stop ego lifting
I remember you, OP, you made a thread about nutrition a while back with all kinds of info. It was a quality post, so obviously it didn't get a lot of attention because of all the r9k tier threads. Glad you're keeping your promise of checking in with your progress, keep it up.
ROFL beans and rice are vegetables, come on dude.
There are 49 essential nutrients (and 9 conditionally essential) that form a complete diet.
I have done my research my dude.
Compare the nutritional profile of all the listed ingredients to the USDA food database.
Make sure you are getting appropriate levels of all essential nutrients
And compare that to the RDA as defined by the National Institute of Health, Food and Nutrition Board (Institute of Medicine)
Get big and strong you sick cunt.
My dude, you killin me!
How about these brow-ridge gains.
(Pic is several months old, and highly related)
Literally the cheapest OLY-spec bar on Amazon
It's a bit thicker at 30mm but it gets the job done, besides it will only make my grip stronger; as compared to training with a thinner bar.
We're remembering the same thread. And yes, keeping consistent.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Nice progress bro
you started on my birthday