missed the date ... when was it again?
Boogie surgery / death
Mid August. His doctor is a madman for performing it. Boogie WILL die on the operating table - there's a reason why nearly every doctor will require you to lose a certain amount of weight.
The doctor will either change his mind or boogie will chicken out, and nothing will happen. He made the announcement back in February and if anything he's gotten fatter
I thought it was today. Been wondering myself.
His fans off whatever he has might just pay for it collectively
I was told it was today. I want that piece of shit to die already.
Here's boogie sitting down with his meal - all 7 of them are prepped and ready to consume
He's sperging out at vidcon right now
>blocks your seat
what do?
play my pokeflute
Top fucking kek
Knock him to the floor, roll him to a downwards hill and let go.
I don't understand how there are people that look at this fat slob and thinks he's an inspiration. He preys on pity, has never shed a pound, and just says pseudo-nice fence sitting bullshit muh fee fees.
meh. me too.
wheres his wife lol? probably fuckn that nigger
His wife doesn't like her picture taken that much unless it's a FGAS because she's at least 300 pounds herself after living with boogie for a few years
You know they don't respect him. And he wears all black...
Better not let mom catch you typing naughty words on the Internet.
hello nigger
I hope he dies so bad.
u mad black boi
he changed the date
I mean, here's the deal: It is a doctor who has faith he can perform the surgery. Doctor's don't take on patients they know will have a large chance of dying without making them sign immense liability contracts that utterly fuck over the family in-case of accidental death.
So assuming that the surgery goes well and Boogie survives the healing process, he's still fucked.
Because of his mentality of "THIS WILL FIX EVERYTHING". He genuinely believes that his stomach band will change his habits, lower his intake, and make him more active. The issue is you can still eat 3k calories easily and not even realize it. The little things: mayo on sandwiches, oil in recipes, sweets, breaded foods, sauces; all of this shit piles up despite not filling you up.
He will probably lose some weight before stalling out and causing his stomach to adapt to his appetite again, thus regaining weight and probably going back up to His willpower is pathetic. The fact he claims to have only lost 8 pounds in, what, 2 years? That's bad even for a cripple. the lowest of caloric deficits would get him into the low 400's.
He's not going to die, but the surgery will not make him thin.
6 pounds in 5 years
Also, a lot of people who get this surgery just change to an all liquid diet (which go through your stomach faster), so he'll just increase his Mtn Dew intake and start drinking 1000 calorie smoothies for snacks
I forgot about soda since I hardly drink it anymore. yeah, soda is a monster of an addictive drink that is just fucking awful for you. One coke is like 40g of sugar and literally no nutrition whatsoever. It's worse for you than alcohol or bread. The only thing you could do to worsen your body harder than that is physical damage or smoking.
Someone could easily have 3-4 large glasses (assuming 12-16 oz) a day and that's at-least 600 calories.
his excuse for his habit problem is he will HAVE to change his eating ways because it will literally kill him.
but just ONE 2liter won't hurt
and neither will that piece of cake
I usually get the combo meal
And I need doritos so I can focus on my video
All he's going to do is continue eating due to grazing habits in more-frequent, but smaller windows.
Death doesn't scare Boogie. He knows his weight is killing him, he's not ignorant to that. He's also in immense pain everyday (because he's a fucking fat fuck who has destroyed his body) which still isn't deterring him. In his mind, the universe wants him to be fat because if not he'd have willpower
Don't know what kind of surgery he's getting, but I know with bypass, you really can't drink carbonated drinks or else it fucks you up big time
>source: I watch a lot of "my 600lb life"
Fight to the death, who wins?
You guys are fucking creepy.
boogie get ye gone
That being said, I didn't know boogie was such a faggot.
I only watched a few of his videos, mostly the Francis ones.
Does he seriously bitch about not being able to afford health care like that and imply he wants people to donate when he can just exercise and eat right?
Then again, I guess that's a deeper problem than intention.
>people calling boogie a lard ass for eating shit in his vids
Um, boogie, just because you were playing a character doesn't mean the MtnDewrito Smoothie you drank didn't go to YOUR stomach
Boogie has never once said he couldn't afford healthcare, and has stated numerous times that he can.
What he is bitching about though is Trumpcare getting rid of the "pre existing condition" clause which will allow insurance companies to deny boogie like they would refuse to insure a house that's already on fire
Who the hell is he and why should we care?
Disregard last reply. I suck cocks.
He's a youtuber. Incidentally, you've probably seen some of his content and not realized it was him.
Either way, not important and nothing to give a shit about it.
Not sure why people obsess over him here.
well duh, he's got that operation coming, no need to lose Weight now :^)
joey would choke him out and eat the remains
>So the people in this thread are retarded and think you shouldn't be able to treat someone who has a condition that might be treatable.
Why should people have to pay for someone else's poor lifestyle? Boogie will be a net drain on the healthcare system due to HIS OWN choices.
I'm all for helping out someone who drew the genetic short straw or got fucked up due to circumstances beyond their control, but I refuse to pay for a fatfuck's surgery so that he can live slightly longer
Basically, boogie either doesn't understand how to lose weight and has bad habits, or just has bad habits.
The people in this thread are pretty much just calling him stupid. Some of them might be Trump supporters maybe? But I'm not sure.
Any way this thread isn't worth your time. Just gives attention to someone that makes money off of google adsense.
You shouldn't care. Outside of this shitty board he's nobody like everyone else here.
>If a man falls down a well, we shouldn't help him out of the well because he shouldn't have been playing around the well in the first place.
False equivalency. Learn how to argue like an adult or I won't waste my time responding to you again. One free (you)
>playing near a well
>eating a fuck tonne of food
these arent the same thing user
i highly doubt his fat ass would fit in the well
I'm willing to place a real bet on his surgery being ok, but his own bad decisions cause fucked up complications later. He's been shilling this shit for whatever YouTube shekels are still left after the advertisement debacle. Now he's at a point where he's seemingly worse off weight and mobility-wise than he was as the VGA's when he got an award for existing.
He may lose some weight, but I think if he does, he'll find some other shit to be assmad about, like joint problems, or some other obesity-related problem will come up. His shitty lifestyle got him to this point, and he still drums up e-support by claiming his surgery will be the thing that solves all his problems. Yet he still won't exercise or bother to eat right. Or he'll keep it up as long as it makes him money, and then he'll get bored and stuff his face again.
If the doctor doesn't fuck up, I guarantee he will.
shake the bottle idiot
After surgery, you'll lose weight (like it or not) for 2 years. However, after those 2 years, your body gets used to it, and you can regain it all again.
Also, one thing a lot of people take up after surgery is... alcoholism. Trading one bad habit for another. It helps that alcohol has almost no nutritional value, and you get a ton of calories from it.
I hope boogie comes out ok, but surgery isn't magic.
You really can't eat that much after having the surgery, it's physically impossible. You eat two spoons of rice and vomit them right after.
Becoming morbidly obese is not at all like falling down a well, which is a sudden event and often with little warning. It's more like walking into quicksand and refusing to grab any of the nearby vines and branches to pull yourself out with. Much slower, much more self-destructive, equally catastrophic.
Boogie's numerous ailments resulting from his weight are no one's fault but his own, and no one's responsibility but his own.
What the fuck is even wrong with him. I don't follow retarded e-celeb bullshit.
>you will never bulk this hard
Why live?
He'll definitely fuck up. Right now he's practically immobile relying on a fucking mobility scooter, I'm willing to bet he barely even walks 100 feet in an average day. After the surgery he'll lie in bed all day while having his wife feed him 20 piece boxes of chicken nuggets every 3 hours.
He'll probably balloon up a hundred pounds.
He's fat as fuck
>the 1800000th time the man jumps down the well it's not worth risking your back pulling his fat ass out just for him to inevitably jump right back down the well
You know, I realized in retrospect that wasn't a very good metaphor for Boogie's situation and I should've either changed it, or clarified that I was only referring to the apparent overall dismissal of thinking its a good idea to not insure pre-existing conditions.
By the way, if that is the case and you guys really do think an insurance company shouldn't insure a house that is "already on fire", then you're assholes and don't understand what people pay for when they pay for fucking insurance.
If that is indeed what you all are saying.
But after hearing you hypocritically say
>Learn how to argue like an adult
When I simply made a mistake in re-applying logic, I'm fucking done with this thread.
So they're gonna lyposuction him? Won't the skin get all loose?
No he's getting a stomach band
Why should they have to? Drives up premiums for everyone else
Some people's cards are just marked and I fail to see why we should let them drag us down instead of letting them go
why do people still type the n word on this site? what's wrong with you people?
get out, kiddio.
By the way, I like how you didn't explain how it was a false equivalency.
>then you're assholes and don't understand what people pay for when they pay for fucking insurance.
Do you not understand the concept of insurance? It's essentially you betting against yourself. Do you think people should be able to take life insurance policies out on dead people and then collect the money?
>ask for insurance on my burning house
>yes that will be an upfront payment of 5x the amount we will pay out
they're insurance companies not fucking charities
Lol, I'm not him but stop being a butthurt idiot. It's more equivalent to compare falling down the well with maybe a cheat day, or binging for a day ect.. Boogie isn't slipping or playing with fire, he's self destructing. I'm not a Boogie hater because he should've been taught by parents/adults better about self control and the effects of junk food but that really only goes so far. He knows what he's doing and just gave up, which is fucked up.
kinda amazes me how the simple chair can support that much weight
true craftsmanship is still alive
Even more impressive when you consider
It's more like willingly climb down the well, cut off your own safety rope and then starting to bitch about being stuck in a well.
>getting lapband surgery to lower your calorific intake instead of eating less fucking calories
Is there a link to this tweet?
Yeah, it took him ages to find a doctor that would do it. Also fucking stupid considering that he has lost 0 pounds in preparation for the surgery, so he may well die on the table
Who is he anyway?
imagine eating with that blob, the sounds
> arguments get btfo
>"I'm outta here, fuck you fatphobic bastards"
Where do people like you come from ? This place is dead.
singles he dies
hi fellow redditor
he's sitting on two of them
How has no one labelled each person in this picture with a Veeky Forums board yet
literally mfw
>Not full of sociopathes
Being fat is not a pre-existing condition you fucking mongoloid
What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!
>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*
*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?
*Gets 10000 likes*
I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!
*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*
Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
hope he dies the sack of shit
*drinks mayo soup*
*shatters toilet seat*
*swallows entire pizza*
*bursts stomach band*
*blends a hamburger*
*nearly passes out from standing up*
*eats a cupcake without removing the paper*
*falls over and dies on impact*
all hills are downwards hills user
Being totally honest? I hope Boogie gets his shit together and lives a long and happy life.
Looking at the statistical reality of the situation? He uses the surgery as an enabler to sink deeper down the hole.
I thought he was getting a gastric sleeve?
Why are Boogie death threads so /comfy/?
>Doctor's don't take on patients they know will have a large chance of dying without making them sign immense liability contracts that utterly fuck over the family in-case of accidental death.
You act like every doctor out there is blameless or competent.
Michael Jackson found a doc who hooked him up with pills like they were skittles.
Most doctors are glorified dealers for pharmaceutical companies and are protected by malpractice insurance.
Obesity is like crawling into the well a little further every day when people tell you to stop and acting shocked when you get stuck
WTF is wrong with the Twitter generation
Do people have no shame?
Must they share every little thing to get puvotes and reblogs?
He didn't have to.
It was obvious to everyone else in the thread you shit eating retard.
redditors from /r/Veeky Forums who came here for epic leg day maymays