Why aren't you plebs rucking yet? It's great for burning fat and builds solid leg muscles.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I like my knees.
it doesnt build leg muscles at all though. just fucks your shit up
because i can make a little more than minimum wage without fucking up my knees
Only fucks up your knees if you run.
>all these """functional""" strength lifters can't even jog without blowing out their kneecaps
I was going to post the exact same thing
>burning muscle and wearing out joints
>boring as fuck
>serves literally no purpose in the modern military
That shit took years off my life in the infantry. Doing it voluntarily is beyond retarded.
Hey let's go for a heavy footed job. Sure! But wait, put this 60 lb bag on! Awesome, thanks bro. Got your stupid fucking big ass boots on bro? Let's go!
Doesn't rucking imply a fast pace?
If not why not just call it backpacking like everyone else
Because we aren't retarded. And we aren't forced to destroy our knees, hips and backs due to dumbass requirements.
22 y/o E5, make over $50k after tax.
No college edumaction
> Service members are poor kek
>E5's making 50k even before tax
Why do you feel the need to lie over something so easily looked up?
1sg pls go
>I 'ruck
If you haven't noticed how many people lie about their income on the ch0n by now you need to keep lurking. It amazed me at first constantly hearing anons say they made 90k at their first job fresh of out uni. Reality is most are STEM student's larping that they are in the workforce who haven't had an interviews yet to see that the majority of jobs even in stem statr at the 35-45k range
T. recent STEM graduate that has interviewed at 6 places the past several months.
It might not be good for your joints long term but it definitely has a purpose in the military.
ruck is short for rucksack, so putting an apostrophe before the r makes no sense
I just wonder why people lie about it when it's something so easy to look up. The STEM meme I get because it's harder to find real figures
Depends on what you mean by STEM. Engineers can make 90k starting if they land a good job. Biologists cannot.
I'm not sure where you're applying/looking but most of my STEM grad friends started in the range of $55k-$70k with a few making more
Hes right. It's not a lie you morons. The amount you make is far more than base pay. I was making over 4 grand a month easy while I was in San Diego as an e5.
Go ruck yourself OP
>someone actually thought this was funny
wow dude, congrats on not liking the thing haha :^) great work
>get cucked back home while getting IED'd by Muhammad.
Israel thanks you for your service.
Join at 18. Out at 22. Free college after that.
Wow I did that. Sure sucks having all that fun I had and now going to school for free. I sure fucked up.
I'll vouch that rucking is great for abs, since you have to keep them engaged for hours to hold your back straight with a pack on. I have solid abs while skinnyfat because of the infantry
But it's not good for anything else other than endurance. Also it's shit for your back and legs - any imbalances in your spinal cord will get worse trying to compensate for adding 70lbs and walking.
>Rucking with no plate armour, tac vest, helmet, or weapon
What the fuck is he even training for? Going to school with his backpack?
both biologists and chemists get fucked in the ass. Unfortunately for me, i have degrees in both. But im using it to go to grad school so is all good
Did the same. Joined reserve when I got to university, spent my summers learning how to shoot guns, throw grenades, and camping/hiking while LARPing combat. Had a grand ol time, left this year without having to participate in government sanctioned murder adventures.
its unfortunate many people don't live in florida. College is dirt cheap if you are in-state and getting a scholarship here is easy as fuck. But most of the kids here don't actually study and fail state standardized tests so not everyone gets the scholarships.
The myth about southern education isn't a lie, most students here are dumb as bricks despite having less work to do.
Ha underrated post.
Great. What's your point? The whole country can't move to Florida dude. And I don't regret joining at all. It was fun and met some of the coolest people I'll ever meet.
If you have a wife you can get well over 2k+ a month in housing allowance. That's an extra 24,000 a year. Plus the ~31,000 in normal pay, that's over 50k.
Joined the ANG in December, going to basic next month. Going into cyber/1b4x1 (for ANG you get hired for a specific slot so you know exactly what you're gonna do). Will get a half dozen certifications, experience, and crazy good training. My unit never even goes abroad even when deployed.
The ANG is like the best kept secret for people who are smart and want to advance their careers. It's a crazy good deal.
>a wife
Poor investment. Promote to E-6 and buy a condo.
Not that guy
Are you prior service?
Divorce and cheating rates among service members is astronomical though. Extra 2 grand a month isn't worth humiliation of the wife fucking all your friends and then taking half your shit.
Guys calm your autism he was just saying.
Look you guys, I'm just saying the guy wasn't necessarily lying. Also you don't get an extra 2k a month, you get like an extra $500. See pic.
>None of my Canadian military certificates are good in the civvy world
IDK what retardation caused this. I'm qualified to fire rockets and use heavy MGs but if I want a gun license I have to attend the civilian weapons safety weekend.
But I can slap down on my resume upon graduation that I've managed groups of over 40 people and have been responsible for over a million dollars worth of equipment - can't say that for any other student jobs
Not autism. Experience.
Plus BAH is non taxable and if you have a spouse, you're gonna have to let her spend it or she'll go straight to your commander.
Weapons certifications? Seems like a waste of time. Go for
Yeah they won't care. Military experience doesn't translate well, they don't even know what you're talking about.
there was no point you dolt. I was just mentioning it.
powerlifters LUL
idk what any of those mean?
You're ass backwards. Employers love military experience, especially officers. You just translate what you did into civilian speak and they'll understand
Literally every recruiter and person I know who has worked in recruiting has said that mentioning being an army officer on a resume is a huge plus and will help make the resume stand out.
I don't do it because I hate the name.
Yes nigger I know but as he said hereHe was just point out one situation where your pay was good go up. He wasn't advocating it. Calm your autism.
Wow way to be mean cool guy.
Who's an officer in this thread? You need to make O-4 before anyone gives a shit.
Recruiters/civilians have no fucking clue what the different ranks are. I just write down "officer", I've never once been asked my rank
Nobody likes you.
>calm your autism
>way to be mean to me
Also what is wrong with the US fags using their alpha-numeric system to describe rank in conversation?
Can't you just say Major so every other military doesn't have to look it up
>Also what is wrong with the US fags using their alpha-numeric system to describe rank in conversation?
It's a NATO standard, but pretty much any western country (even outside of NATO) conforms to it.
>Can't you just say Major so every other military doesn't have to look it up
Funnily enough, you shouldn't have to look it up. That's what a standard is for.
>that's the joke
dude woaah wao waooah
I've been in the Canadian army and worked with both the brits, aussies, and germans, in addition to the US. Nobody outside the US uses the alpha-numeric codes to refer to rank. Nobody
I doubt it's NATO standard at all
because it's retarded besides you're in the army
Which purpose is that?
We're talking about pay grades here, not rank.
pick one
So all the countries that have armies for parades dont do it and the one that goes to war every 10 years does... Interesting..
That's what everyone keeps saying but realistically, no, it fuckin' doesn't
>Proud dipshits
Out of all the countries that train together, we all recognize that the US has the lowest quality soldiers
I rucked your wife, but it was more of a workout for her.
Rucking is great for building strong stress fractures in your feet
Does carrying deer or a pack count, or are you a faggit who carrys a fuck ton of weight for no reason?
21 y/o civi ATC, Center facility, no college, make 70k after taxes.
>E5 lying out the ass
You must be a recruiter or looking to be one.
>Serves no purpose in the military
I spot the guy who's never been on a combat deployment
Here are some examples of times I used rucking endurance:
1) Did a sunrise raid on some shitty afghan village. To avoid detection, vehicles dropped us off mayb 10k away from the target area. My company humped it in at a very fast pace the rest of the way with at least 60lbs in our pack. Was a shitshow of an operation, granted....and poorly planned, granted....but we humped fast with weight on our back.
2) We were doing some interdiction ops in afg (catching taliban opium movers). Spot a fast moving truck changing direction after spotting us...our LAVs (I was a vehicle commander) were getting bogged down in some shitty loose, moon-duney terrain the truck took off in...we spot the talib truck, stiuck in the sand, three sets of footprints going away from it. My squad abandons vehicles (other squad was watching them) to chase on foot. Commence running chase in desert with full combat gear for at least 2k. We got them.
link related
Fake and gay. I'm E-3 20 Years old making 41k a year.
its easy to ruck too much and screw up your everything. Not to mention the misinformation on the military website on how to prepare for ruck marches. It's no wonder people rucking has such a negative association. But really, unless you're in the military or are planning on enlisting into something like an 18x series or opt 40 contract, rucking really isn't necessary. You're better off training strength with squats and training endurance with jogging or spinting. separately.
Of course the fucking recruiter told you that.
>on the ch0n
You are a retard
Wow you're so cool
Kill yourself
Please tell me more senpai, I'm about to submit my prescreen packet to a recruiter but I thought 1B4X1 wasn't entry level and so I was going to try for 3D0X2 or something similar. How did you manage to get a 1B slot? It's my top goal right now and I thought I would have to cross train into it after 5 years. Please tell me everything you know and I'll suck your dick
pls respond