Ask a guy who just finished his first set of 2pl8 bench anything
Ask a guy who just finished his first set of 2pl8 bench anything
Would you rather have a /pol/ trap bf or a stacy gf?
why would I want to ask someone who just started going to the gym anything?
Mirin. How long did it take you?
Started lifting exactly 1 year ago, but had like 6 months of proper training and diet. On the first day I couldn't even lift the bar off my chest
i started lifting a year ago, but i think i never got past the first phase and im still fucking around with bad form and bad diet.
tell me, whats the biggest difference in things you did when you were fucking around and when you got serious?
how much do you bench ?
Wait... you counted the bar, didn't you? You only lifted 80lbs bro.
First of all, master the form. Secondly, eat according to your needs, obviously, don't fuck around and keep track of things you eat. To be honest, I was also afraid to try this kinda weight last week because it was something "new" and I thought my form would be shit, it would be useless and other bullshit like that. The idea is to just keep pushing and pushing for more progress, even though things won't go easy, with only like 80-90% correct form. Just believe in yourself and keep to your goal man.
Dunno man, I just counted the plates, not the total weight
If i were to count the bar too, it would be 225, of course.
>also lifting exactly 1 year, out of 130lb skeleton mode
>couldn't bench 135x1 first month lifting
>maxed out 195x4 last week
Keep it up bro, we'll all make it eventually.
>that damn 145lb bar
>just believe in yourself
i thought we make fun of this bullshit all the time and you give it to me unironically
I'd better keep to Stacys thank you
He literally said 2pl8. Are you supposed to subtract a plate for the bar? Kys
Not OP
If that trap was a trans, 100% the trap
The bar negates one pair of plates idot
Newtons third law
I'm not that much into physics only lifting but thanks for the info bro
It's confidence bro, just walk up to that bar with confidence and you can bench whatever the fuck you feel like for that day.
How many sets u got left.
I left the gym now, had only one left at that moment. Second out of three
How does it feel to weigh 225 pounds?
Do you stick your elbows out or keep them in at your side?
When will you hit 3pl8, mr dyel?