Has anyone ever done it, it makes me feel more concentrated & focused on my workout
Anyone smoke weed before a workout?
I never smoke before a workout feels like i have less control of my movements and too relaxed but i often smoke after for munchies to aid my bulking
I believe I smoked hours before I worked out but was still buzzed and it didn't really affect me. My friend did it before but really there's no benefit. You're basically making your body numb when you want to be super pumped and energized b4 your workout, hence the reason people take pre workouts or coffee.
Haven't smoked but take hits of co2 oil vape. Have really great workouts and get that mind muscle connection. I'd never smoke before a workouts it would probably make me too stupid..
I used to do that every day last summer, don't smoke anymore though but that shit + a good pwo makes for the best workout.
>I have never smoked before working out but there is no benefit to it
My first sentence literally stated I was buzzed after smoking when I was working out. Are you retarded? Plus I know what it's like to be high and it would not benefit me working out.
Would be a pretty dumb idea to use weed or alcohol before a workout. I mean you can, but overall performance is going to be miserable.
You're not high during your workout if you smoked HOURS before you fucking faggot.
kek! triggered
i went to the gym blitzed out of my mind one time then realized id been sitting in the leg press doing calf raises for 45 fucking minutes.
Unless it's long steady state cardio, don't waste your precious workout guys. Lifting and weed are a shitty combo.
weed is for AFTER lifting user
>not blowing coke with your pre workout and 2 aspirin before a workout
Doing it wrong
it was probably only 15 minutes
i would go in high and think "holy fuck I've been here way too long" -- after only 5 minutes in
I did it once, it was the worst decision of my life. I smoked before a workout actually and I couldn't stop mirin' all the jacked dudes. Turns out I'm a faggot now.
you smoked before typing that
as did i
Edible, maybe.
I did once and it felt like it went on for fucking ever. Good for bulking tho
If you take an edible chances are all you'll be doing is sitting on a couch all day