so whats smoking weed do to you?
So whats smoking weed do to you?
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I heard it lowers sperm count and shit, whats that all about? is it even true?
actually wondering if anyone knows?
bump to save the lowtest stoners
Gave me permanent anxiety and panic attacks
Chad here. Smoke everyday. Also pin 1000mg Testosterone weekly. Week willed faggots blame a plant for not being successful. Seriously the amount of faggots who cant handle it here. No wonder they wont let you niggers source talk.
Makes you look like pic related. That was enough for me to vow never to take it.
It turns you into a dumb pussy without ambition
Awful. Hate the day when I got hooked up on this shit. But at least I have some brain left to not smoke this trash before the workouts
Damaged my brain and memory. For reference please see
I study, work 2 jobs and am out of the house at least 12 hours a day. Also I have a big social circle and a gf. Still manage to get high as fuck each and every single day. Only downside is metabolism really. eating 2k+ calories each evening and waking up the next morning not even feeling bloated
so much weal beta males here...
I love to smoke weed, i do it like 1-2 times a week, mostly Weekends. I enjoy, savor lips (mouth and pussy lips alot better), Sex all arouds feels better.
Doesnt effect my life at any mean negativ.
I earn like 3.310 USD net / monthly.
yeah, only part that i dont like is the hunger part... im on IF18/6. Weekend when i smoke, i go IF 32/1, the hour i eat is the hour after Smoking. Feels good and i eat fucking everything. I always king of regret the fucking suger intake... too much ice, too much from everything
just stop for 2 weeks to a month
no this is not going to help, his brain is just to weak to regenerated. He should just stick to water and will be fine
Reduces levels of dopamine, making it harder to enjoy life when not high
Permanently damages your DNA which will be passed on to your children.
I would have accomplished more if there wasn't any weed in my teen years.
I'm not a real stoner anymore but I still smoke every few months or so I have a period where I just go full relapse and smoke for a week or two.
One joint knocks me out for the entire day and the day after too.
I accomplish nothing when I am stoned. I lose my confidence, my will, everything. I retreat to being a fag that just wants to wait till the high is over in a comfortable place. Preferably a couch.
Talking to me when I'm baked is useless, esp when you small talk .
I started weed when I was 15.
I was a daily smoker by the age of 17
I had fucked up my college and life with weed and drugs by the age of 20.
I went back to college after quitting daily danking and doing a shroom trip.
I succeeded college this time.
I don't live in burger land so college is cheap.
I have a gf and a job and a confy life.
But it could have been different and I would have had everything I have now much earlier, and more, if it wasn't for weed.
I'd go so far to say that weed is even worse than cocain and amphetamines, merely because of the fact that weed demotivates you. where as you sniff a line of cocain you feel on top of the world and have nice idea's for business.
seriously fuck weed.
( but I still smoke it sometimes tho )
That's how fucking retarded my relationship with weed is.
Makes every single aspect of life better
I havent smoked in 2 weeks, longest I've gone without it in the past 2 years. I actually feel fine and don't feel a need to continue which is surprising, but I will again obviously just because it makes everything more interesting. Probably when I go to NYC in a month
I have friends who went to jail for selling the stuff and they had to get clean for a while. They still sound retarded when they speak. Not as bad as it was tho.
Thank you mr white knight. I'm a big grill and I'll deal with my permanent retardation on my own although you sound a bit fishy yourself...
>kind of want to find someone to get a couple grams every so often
>only leave the house to go to the gym
My only friend
Its awesome, and chill. I like getting fucked up without losing myself or getting A hangover. I only get to smoke every second month or so.
tfw i wish it could be like this for me.
I have a huge weed hangover that lasts atleast a day but usually like two to five days.
the hangover expresses itself in me, wanting to do nothing, feeling depressed and ultra beta tier behaviour
I only got lazy when i smoked every single day. But i got add. So it may affect me different.
so it doesn't lower test? or is it just negligible when you use moderation?
yeah fishy... this is because i love pussy, and this is why fisherman's friend.
it doesnt, but smoking stems / seeds can cause impotence. Keep in mind you would have to smoke that shit a lot for it to actually happen, by a lot i mean a few joint of just stems / seeds a day
Fucked me up in a similar way too man. It's not for everyone.
> a confy life
Shit bruh, you're in jail?
I can be your friend
Weird, weed helped cure my betaness. But I'm still this close to just fucking off into the woods and just living as long as i could, but I know eventually they would even take that away from me
>as fuck each and every single day.
How do you deal with your tolerances?
I mean, after the third day I noticeably need to smoke more to get that same high as on the first day.
It kills motivation, but as long as you can handle this no problem.
Of course always after job/workout
Here you go friend.
>it's a "brainlet thinks his anecdotal experience counts for something" episode
>first year of uni
>crush on qt3.14 all term
>she explicitly offers to have sex with me during her last week in the country, I'm high as holy hell
>I reject my crush, going back to my room as she fucks someone else
We're... we're gonna make it, right?
>>she explicitly offers to have sex with me during her last week in the country, I'm high as holy hell
>>I reject my crush, going back to my room as she fucks someone else
you're either gay or you value sex as part of a relationship instead of as it's own activity.
either way you're a huge faggot for denying to fuck her, or for holding your values in such little regard that you question them in front of strangers in hopes of being validated or scorned for making the wrong decision.
>claims chad
>thinks weed is cool
literally everyone on the entire planet smokes weed, you are clearly a beta virgin if you brag about it on the internet as if it's a cool thing to do.
If you wanna talk sick drugs, it's coke, acid and mushrooms.
Stick to your little fag whippets and cro, fucking 10 year old neek.
>literally everyone on the entire planet smokes weed
this is false.
Been lifting high for 2 years now.
Shooting test and some orals rarely.
Combine it with some dope music of choice and have an orgasm every time you finish a set.
I used to take daily dabs till about 3 months ago. I was baked 24/7 for almost 2 years and it made a reclusive, socially awkward fuck. I had to move back home from college because I just couldnt handle it and had a mental breakdown of sorts. Since I have quit daily dabs I have made more gains than ever and my family relationships have improved. I made gains before I quit but since April i've shot up from a plateua of around 155 to 173 lbs. Quitting was a bitch tho
>couldnt eat without naseua for about 5 days
>couldnt sleep
>felt like all around shit
It was worth it though. I quit completely for a whole month and now only smoke occassionaly with friends, I know my limits and don't abuse it as I once did.
>not pinning heroin
Not gonna make it dude.
Are you bragging about making 40k a year?
No one wants to be friends with your bitch ass
B-but what if she just wanted to start a new form of aids, never thought of that, buddy?
makes me a lazy piece of shit but I don't really care anymore, literally nothing I do in my life will matter once I'm dead
just began smoking it again after a few years hiatus. It basically pacifies you, I've felt depressed but chilled out sometimes, overall i don't like the feeling so I flushed my half bad of weed down the toilet today.
Is it weird that I like the taste of these?
> (OP)
>I would have accomplished more if there wasn't any weed in my teen years.
>I'm not a real stoner anymore but I still smoke every few months or so I have a period where I just go full relapse and smoke for a week or two.
>One joint knocks me out for the entire day and the day after too.
>I accomplish nothing when I am stoned. I lose my confidence, my will, everything. I retreat to being a fag that just wants to wait till the high is over in a comfortable place. Preferably a couch.
>Talking to me when I'm baked is useless, esp when you small talk .
>I started weed when I was 15.
>I was a daily smoker by the age of 17
>I had fucked up my college and life with weed and drugs by the age of 20.
>I went back to college after quitting daily danking and doing a shroom trip.
>I succeeded college this time.
>I don't live in burger land so college is cheap.
>I have a gf and a job and a confy life.
>But it could have been different and I would have had everything I have now much earlier, and more, if it wasn't for weed.
>I'd go so far to say that weed is even worse than cocain and amphetamines, merely because of the fact that weed demotivates you. where as you sniff a line of cocain you feel on top of the world and have nice idea's for business.
>seriously fuck weed.
>( but I still smoke it sometimes tho )
>That's how fucking retarded my relationship with weed is.
>quotes the whole post instead of just replying with an image
Now this is the kinda shit that makes people think you're a huge faggot
this is not fitness related, go to another board. weed is still illegal in many states
>america is the whole world
>only people from America post on Veeky Forums
I'll smoke a bowl immediately before hitting the gym and just do cardio and low weight high volume stuff
It's amazing desu
it makes games fun. Otherwise, i end up watching something on tv or youtube before bed. But most nights, im too tired anyway so i just go to bed only to get up to go back to my shitty job
It relaxes muscles so if you want to be swole it hinders you.
im actually asking how it effects fitness, its everybody else who wants to tell gay ass stories bout when they went to lala land with thier boyfriends
i actually do appreciate the replies though, i am op and was happy to see this thread was still going.
It turns you into a faggot.
you can count on one hand what countries weed is legal in
yeah everyone here is an unironic closet fag.. might be broscience btw but my buddy worked out and smoked, then he quit and got jacked when he stopped. everyone has a different body but it has been said that weed kills gains, it actually makes u lose weight
doesnt it have anti-inflammatory properties? Good for recovery but honestly I dont know why inflammation is bad for recovery
ok thats all fine and dandy and stuff i can deal with it if the stuff you guys are telling me is true but how about this:
depends on the strain, if we're talking psychoactive effects.
i prefer to use my tabletop vaporizer to protect my lungs, but i find smoking occasionally actually helps with my asthma. since it's an autoimmune problem and not a problem with my lungs itself, i hypothesize that frequent, controlled exposure to smoke desensitizes my body's reaction. my breathing doesn't get as inhibited by outside factors when i'm smoking as compared to not vaping/smoking in general.
if i could, i'd have 3 strains daily.
a high CBD sativa, with thc in the 10-13%, for morning and day use. i have a good tolerance, so smoking a little bit doesn't affect my productivity (altho out of principle, i don't drive, take exams, or do group work while high) as long as i'm careful and the strain has high levels of cbd for dat bodyrelaxation without the high.
some people get super lazy when they smoke, and i've had some experience with it, but that's largely due to someone being lazy and unmotivated before smoking and that character trait being exacerbated. if you hate work/school, you'll be more likely to shirk responsibility when smoking regularly.
weed has drastically improved my quality of life, but i highly recommend practicing restraint with how much and how often you smoke. weed and booze should be looked at like fast foot and soda. is it necessary? fuck no, and there are definitely health risks. however, responsible and controlled usage can fit into a healthy lifestyle if enough care is taken
forgot to add the other 2 strains lel. a high THC sativa after work to enjoy food, tv, and for motivation to practice guitar/read/exercise.
prior to bed, a high THC indica is perfect. body relaxation + sleepiness = relaxing sleep
It's the only way I can workout desu
Usually the earlier you start and the more you do it the worse the outcome is. Think of everyone you know who started blazing before the age of 16. All of the ones I know are massive loser faggots and I'm convinced it's because they fucked their brains during it's crucial stage of development.
Biggest problem I have with weed is wanting to smoke as much as possible whenever I do it for some reason. (I don't do it too often, but when I do I have a tendency to smoke a lot.)
feels good living in a legal state
Bit of a mixed bag I guess, friend of mine started at 15 and is now doing a PhD. Another one flunked out of college and is now posting about weed non-stop on facebook.
I started at 15, then took a break because my parents found out, but started in college again. Had a daily habit going at some point until I had to focus on my master's thesis.
Personally I think the important thing is that you don't turn into a le hippy stoner dude. Keep track of the things in life that are important, be it lifting, school or social gains. If you don't have that drive or willpower to lead a good life, then drugs will likely fuck you up.
not in my state
Fisherman's Friend is fucking dope (except for some of the flavors e.g. cherry)
I smoke weed fairly heavily, and I used to smoke cigarettes and drink every day. But I eat well and stay active and I look fucking great. I use other drugs occasionally and really my life is great. Weed doesnt hold you back if you put in effort. Look at Joe Rogan
I've personally resigned to only smoking it once every few months in private. it triggers some real paranoia in me outside of my own home, and my dick doesn't work when i'm high which sucks.
I'm also much more of a beta when I'm high and for a few days afterwards. It's not for everyone, and outside of my own place it's not for me. shame because I used to smoke every day and have a lot of fun memories of high nights with my mates.
Thank you Jesus that I am not this dolt
>got caught selling weed
your friends are just retarded
strange as it may seem, a few weeks ago when I was smoking a lot of weed I found I was able to push myself harder/longer in the gym, and I had less trouble getting myself to do cardio
The big downside is that I often got this dread feeling that my life was slipping away from me because I was high all the time. Which is true, because it makes me partially retarded and forgetful and spacey.
Gets me high