>Boogie will never get weight loss surger-
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Joke's on you.We hope he gets the surgery done too, he can't die on the operating table otherwise....
Fat fuck can't even give up his burgers lmao. What a weak willed cunt. He's going to die
>this is a strawman argum-
>I might try to sneak in one...more...burger ;)
made me more angry than it should have
The most weak willed and cucked fatass faggot. Not sure whether I want to see him die or make it. His weak will and shit attitude make me wanting him dead. On the other side he'd be an amazing example to his following if he does actually pull through with all of this
fuck boogie, I'm more worried about gaben
Yeah that would be awesome, to have him spend the first 4/5ths of his life blaming everyone else for his problems and then to come out the other side patting himself on the back for doing it all by himself.
"Gastric bypass surgery"
If we think about that for a second it's really sad isn't it?
Our western societies have degenerated so much that we have to perform risky invasion into a humans body, which might even kill them, just to get their lack of self control and their gluttony under control. It's really fucking sad if you think about. We're the most degenerate beings on the planet sometimes
We have made enough food that the need for self-control is necessary and have enough medical science to help a person if their self-control fails. Awesome for science and agriculture.
Bad for the planet.
That's not what I was referring to.
As for himself, he still is a fucking degenerate with no self control who would have died a long time ago if it weren't for society constantly whiping his ass for him with healthcare and caretakers like his "girlfriend". I seriously have no respect for boogie neither as person, man or even human. But if he'd manage to at least inspire a few in his audience(which is most likely filled with american lardasses since they see him as equal), then he could at least take something to be proud of with him into his early grave. He basically has nothing outside of his yt channel.
I can only think about all that lose skin
But if we're honest it's also a huge testament to the degeneracy that comes with our advances. Simply brushing it off by saying "yeah if someone fails, we'll help 'em" is just sad really. We should promote discipline and concern about these things if we wanted a better society. But I'm forgetting where I am. This is Veeky Forums after all. And what place in the world represents the hypocrisy of our so called "morals", if not this.
My words are spoken into the wind.
Still: make sure for yourself and everyone around you not to fall into the depths and degeneracy. Stay safe brehs.
The same would have happened in the middle ages or during the renessaince or in any point in human history if we had the resource to fatten ourselves that much. Hell pretty much any animal on the planeth would do the same given the chanche, we have far more self control than any animal.
I have no problem with gastric bands or any other degenerate surgeries, so long as the taxpayer doesn't fund a penny of it. The obesity of the west will only become a problem if we allow socialised healthcare to cripple the functional and productive members of society.
That would make for an interesting experiment to be honest senpai
But if it were like you say, then we need to put even more effort into not falling to those sins and keep healthy. Just because we can fatten up, doesn't mean we should.
Someone is going to pay.
>Just because we can fatten up, doesn't mean we should.
i agree but i was contesting your statement that we are the most degenerate being on the planet.
We should try to give a bunch of lions unlimited food and see if the get fat as fuck and make theyr youtube channel to cry about it.
>no solid food from the 11th
yeah right
unless he's going to live off of milkshakes until his surgery
he's a big guy
Dubs confirm he will die during surgery
i will roll for this
>join the Foodie Senpai
you're not a "foodie" you're just fat as shit
rofl that didnt take long
The final burger will do him in.
>weak willed
Why do you think he's doing this operation.
He could just stop eating as much and would have gotten same results without operation.
What did kek mean by this?
he's gonna die because he didn't listen to the pre-surgery food restrictions.
Shit the Guy could lose so much Weight, he would be under 400 in probably 6 month's.
what if he cant resist eating solid foods and still does the operation?
i had to check to see if it was real it made me so angry.
He's gonna do the surgery, lose weight then become a fat motherfucker again eating burgers and sugary shit.
In the end he's just gonna waste money.
He would have been an amazing example to his followers if he had lost the weight through conventional methods instead of getting dangerous surgery.
>one...more...burger ;)
what will the autopsy photos look like i wonder
>one..more..burger ;)
fat fuck famous last words
One.....more.................burger :)))))))
> One more burger hehe xd
He's been given the final chance he never did deserve and all he can do is laugh about how much he doesn't give a shit.
That's not how the gastic bypass works.
After your body get's used to it you eat what your stomach tells you. So he is physically limited in the amount he can eat.
The inly way to have that weight again if the operation is sucessfull is if the injects soda to his veins or somehing
he will just stretch out his throat into a new stomach and eventually choke do death. He wouldn't be the first either.
> can't eat solid food in 11 days
not gonna manage that lol
if boogie becomes just regular chubby will anyone pay attention to him?
I'd rather him just die. That way he's dead then we can also show everybody the dangers of being an irresponsible 600 pound hamuniverse
Yep. He clearly doesn't give a shit about it. He's fucking joking about becoming a decent human being.
Burger and Mtn Dew smoothies garnished with Doritos
>injects soda to his veins or somehing
Seems like something boogie would do
You do realize people can still be fat after gastric bypass? My father lost about a hundred fifty or so pounds but is still very overweight and eats unhealthily. The first year will have him losing weight but with his attitude and lack of constitution, Boogie will plateau and regress eventually.
I heard stories about people with a gastric bypass eating too much and tearing their stomach/reversing the operation.
Our ancestors must be so proud that their blood and tears led to a world where people like him can exist
Say's the guy who's paying for his surgery.
>inb4 he does this
quads for death on table
>has a final ceremonial last burger
Zyzz was wrong. Not everyone is going to make it.
So goddamn close. But 3+3+3=9. What is Kek trying to tell us? My digits will help.
Can't wait til loses the weight and we can keep bullying him because instead of being a fatass he'll look like a gigantic scrotum draped over a chicken bone.
>We are sorry to announce that Steven Jay Williams passed away at 12:42pm on the 25th of July due to surgical complications
post yfw
He's not going to lose weight. He'll go to grazing and a liquid diet to bypass the band
No, he's just fat.
check em
His wife is probably can't wait for this fat fuck to die and get all his money. She's probably already messing around. I cannot fathom how this fat fuck can have sex, so she's probably unsatisfied as fuck.
He stated he physically cannot have sex and has to go "down" on her. She probably sprinkles dorito chips around her pusy
>already fucking deciding to cheat beforehand
Even if he's joking he's fucking retarded.
>She's probably already messing around
That long lost 3rd hodgetwin in the picture has been slamming her cervix for years, Id put money on it
He won't die during the surgery but become a vegetable... which would be rather paradoxical because he does not know what vegetables are.
He's confirmed gay
I bet she tried to suck him off
He'll become a vegetable if he goes without oxygen for an extended period of time (which is common in morbidly obese patients) and they revive him.
But if there was a shred of morality in those surgeons they wouldn't revive him and just let him go
>We're the most degenerate beings on the planet sometimes
I think you forgot that sandniggers worship a child rapist (even though he did wait until she was 9 to consummate the "marriage")
i had roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago, lost 300lbs of fat, but after a while my stomach stretched back and i can eat the same amount of food as any other person(but not as much as i could before the surgery)
dubs and he dies on the table
So close
dubs of cardiac failure
>"just one more burger"
Biggest lie I've heard from Boogie yet
3+3+3 = 3*3 = 9, perfect square.
Boogie dying on the table is too perfect.
He will die 9 days after the surgery.
re roll
What did he mean by this?
>3 fat dudes eat burgers
>they don't like veggies
What else is new
What is your current weight? Have you left your degenerate ways behind since?
>might try to sneak one more burger
This is why he will never make it.
Death confirmation confirmed
He's going to get the surgery and lose some weight. But he will gain it all back once they take off the physical restraint by the time elections roll around in 2020 so he can pander to liberals about healthcare for those sweet channel views.
Fuck off back to /pol/ you piece of shit
Not an argument
Butthurt fatass detected
I'm not american lmao
Nigga nothing he said was even remotely political, he's right; fat people are gluttonous degenerate pigs
>if dubs boogie dies in 2018
He'll eat until he vomits and continue chugging sugary drinks. He won't be 500 pounds but he won't be human sized either
So literally if he just ate less without getting gastric bypass and worked out a little he would lose weight. Man I don't think this guy cares about his life.
I bet you have a porn addiction. I want you to quit it and see. Different people have different types of addictions. Just because you never used to eat junkndoesnt mean you will be better off
stfu boogie
Jokes on you Ill never get as fat as boogie
You're just projecting your weakness to other people.
dubs that he dies during surgery
Friendly reminder that the guy who tried "All diets" and "nothing worked" won't even touch vegetables.
Disgustingly deluded.
The only people who believe a word boogie says are dumb kids and other deluded fatties. Any normal person will look at him and tell that he's full of shit
I don't understand how some people would rather have their stomach mutilated than switch to diet soda and stop eating chips/candy.