>that guy who shadowboxes with dumbells
>that guy who goes to spit in the water fountain
>that guy with beats headphones
>that guy who mouths song lyrics
>that guy drinking supplements out of his shaker cup with the blender ball in it
That guy who shadowboxes with dumbells
Other urls found in this thread:
>that guy who wears basketball shorts
>that guy breathing during his set
keep it fresh, user. Please
>>that guy breathing during his set
is me
>that guy who warms up with a naked bar
>that guy who isnt there to have fun with his bros lifting, spotting and talking about last weeks party and that cute girl that gave him her number
>that guy that streches before lifting
this. people who think the gym is supposed to be fun give me cancer
>that guy praying the rosary while lifting
>from memory
>in Latin
you mean the guy doing preacher curls?
>that guy that takes the gym seriously
>that guy who mouths song lyrics
O shits that's me, but exmortus and sabaton are too good.
>that guy who virgin walks straight to the squatrack but finds they're all full so he walks around not knowing what to do
>that guy who braps during squats
what if im not 20 years old anymore
>that guy who does sets between rests
There was some fag in my apartment having legitimate difficulty bench pressing the naked bar. He was doing 3x8 as fast as he could and had his manlet friend encouraging him. There's really no reason why a 20+ year old guy couldn't be able to do that so maybe he was showing off for the girls? It was dumb.
Its a nice building but fuark people look at me like I'm insane when I do deadlifts in the gym. I've had more "gym person" encounters here than I did working out at an LA Fitness.
Best one is the Italian expat who blasts and sings along to Il Divo. He turns it off as soon as somebody walks in but I told him its cool when I'm there because its actuall decent lifting music.
>that guy who has grown up
>Doing something you don't enjoy
Can you be any more beta?
I feel like this used to be meme supreme, but now newfags actually think there is something wrong with basketball shorts.
>that guy who does sets between sets
like whoa relax dude lol
They're comfy though, stop laughing at me
>he doesn't think there's anything wrong with basketball shorts
See, you obviously know that's a meme. But there are newfags that actually think it's weird.
>that guy who exhales loudly even when he's doing light weight sets
>that guy who rests between sets
It's the same thing with counting/not counting the bar
The memes are too strong.
I wonder if there's anyone who actually tried to squat with a butt plug
>that guy who checks his phone after every set
>that guy who makes ">that guy who" threads on Veeky Forums
>that guy who doesn't use a squat plug
>what guy who says "reps for jesus" out loud before sets and wears a bandanna
th-those aren't almonds bruh
>that guy who OHPs in the squat rack
Post your favorite squat plug
Pic Related
>that guy who calls The Press™ 'OHP'
The fuck is your problem bitch? what is
>practicing your form
but obviously you wouldn't know because you're just here for the funny memes and don't actually leave your computer
>needing to practice your form
t. les triggeros
>that guy who takes a sip of water after each set
Is there any bigger red flag about social insecurity than this?
Wait... Squat plugs are just a meme? They've helped me go from a 315 to 405 max in a little under three months. Every time i up the weight i use the taper plug to up the size of my plug as well
I do that sometimes
>that guy lifting without weightlifting gloves
>that guy that puts collars on the bar
How insecure can you get lol
>that guy that lifts with gardening gloves
>the guy who uses safeties during his squat
>that guy who deadlifts without double reverse grip
The fuck are you on about? This is good practice
>that guy who uses barbell pad for squats
>that guy who gets mad about somebody doing OHP in the squat rack.
Where else am I supposed to OHP dumbass
> That guy who wears gloves to lift and never touches a woman with the calloused hands that brought him gains for pussy slaying.
The joke is they say the most broad but singling out statements so if you read and do it, you hate yourself. Do you really believe fit when they say wear jhorts instead of basketball shorts?
Do you also wear a suit to the gym? Mr professional gym goer.
>that guy who comes in,does squats,deads,bench and then leaves
>>that guy drinking supplements out of his shaker cup with the blender ball in it
It's stupid to waste time pouring your shake in a cup, or dip your hand like a retard to remove the blender ball
If shakers have mouth holes with a radius smaller than that of a blender ball, it's not only for comfort, but also for you to drink without having to remove it
Real talk though:
Yesterday I saw a guy that wasn't able to do more than 5 reps
And what's even more pathetic - he just did ONE (1) set of deadlifts
What a weakling
Here have a (you)
>>that guy who mouths song lyrics
>>that guy drinking supplements out of his shaker cup with the blender ball in it
literally nothing wrong with these.
Formal request for deletion
unmemely not a good idea bbz, just warm up the movement with lighter weights and stretch after
What's OHP? do you mean The Press™?
you have to go back
>that guy who doesn't give his boyfriend buttery smooth hand jobs
>only doing things you enjoy
Do you live in the real world?
Get out you hedonist
If you're so weak that you have to use the bar to """practice form""" then you're just a dyel who should just give up. Might as well practice the movement with just your arms lmao
>that guy who spends 45 minutes in the squat rack
(is me)
>that guy that drinks water between sets
>That guy who makes that weird TSHSH noise with every rep
>This is good practice
objectively wrong
Damn. You caught me.
>that guy who sips water between reps
in the curl rack, dyel fag
>guys who don't shower after a work out
Fucking pigs, hot water on your body promotes muscle growth because your blood thins out and circulates quicker
>that guy that makes ugly faces while he's lifting heavy
I mean what a retard lol
>>that guy drinking supplements out of his shaker cup with the blender ball in it
Does protein or biosteel count? If so, idwtfk wrong with that
what you say bitch
practicing form with weight that a kid can handle isn't practicing, its wasting your time, do it with at least 90lbs as a warmup or even 1pl8 if you bench 225 or more
>that guy who uses fixed bars or kettle bells
LMAOing @ your life
I just pretend like im drinking before regurgitating a large black lunger into the water fountain
>the fat powerlifter creeps who take 3-5 minute breaks and most likely create these horrible threads
This is something Olympic gold medalists, powerlifting world record holders do, so why wouldn't you?
>That guy who uses his phone between sets
this is the fucking worst
>that woman who only uses the treadmill for an hour and then leaves
Why the fuck do you even come here?
What am i supposed to wear?
fuck off losers I have emails to send and songs to change during my rests
focus on your own workout
>>that guy who goes to spit in the water fountain
who the fuck does that
I jam TF out when I'm lifting, air guitar and everything. IDGAF I'm there to get pumped and since I'm lifting more than 80% of the dudes there no one's gonna tell me shit about it.
Delet this!
>that guy who only puts things up and down
why do you even come here, can't you just lift rocks or some random shit outside?
>the guy shouting allahu ackbar on his way up from an ATG squat
>implying you aren't checking your Grindr message box
Leather thong.
>that guy who lifts