Why even bothers if you're a manlet?
Why even bothers if you're a manlet?
Why do his pecs looks so odd when he flexes?
how does he have a cute gf and i dont
For your health faggit. Not everything is about pussy.
Not gonna lie I've jerked off to how lean he looks when he's taking his shirt off like three times. Can't wait for him to get into gay porn.
All this manlet/jawlet/lanklet/chinlet/whatever-let bullshit is so pathetic it's not even funny. It just makes you guys look insecure for constantly bringing it up (not to mention judgmental and douchey). This board would be infinitely better without all this fuckery.
Lifting doesnt help your health. Only cardio does.
>makes you guys look insecure
Where do you think you are newfag
that guy on the left is so horrible insecure, holy fuck
He's a spokesmodel user. This is his job. Well, technically his job is to make YOU insecure, so you'll by what he's selling to "close the gap."
I know... For some reason, I keep expecting Veeky Forums to actually be interested in discussing fitness instead of harping on genetic traits over which people have no control and that don't contribute to fitness in any way... I know, it's silly of me. :P
why would he make me insecure?
he will never be a natty avg korean oppa
Thats how pecs look when you flex them.
You might learn this if you ever lift.
>pretending to be this dense
user you and I know the exact score with all of this. It's the same exact thing as the "unreasonable" standards for women, except the effect on the psychology is different. Women want to be sold objects men want to be sold something to do. When you see a Connor Murphy or any youtube-fitness dude's video, you are supposed to compare yourself to them and want to do what they are doing to become more like them. It's the most basic marketing ever. It's why every commercial had sexy chicks on average dudes (until recently).
Connor's gay though.
>roid monkey vs guy who doesn't even lift
You just went full Letlet m8
please be bait
Who else /gregory/ here?
Is the guy in the middle MtF trans?
guess i'll just give up
>user you and I know the exact score with all of this.
nah. last time i was regularly browsing fit was 4 years ago. but i get where youre coming from.
problem is that you have little experience with women and think they only crave a ripped 8% bf body. they dont. your body isnt really the ultimate aphrodisiac to women - confidence is. and im telling you, little son, this guy on the left has no confidence.
but im getting why nerdy autistic 22 y/o guys think like you do.
Tbh honest he looks like he lifts. Batty though.
This gif is natty vs roid physique
Dude I'm gay I don't care about women. When I see those dudes it makes my dick hard. I fully condone straight dudes getting into a buffness arms race.
Fuck no to both, you massive faggot.
paid actors
I've seen her in porn
He literally looks like a potato.
no they do look pretty odd
Jewesses love black men wtf
This is fucking pathetic. Please don't post this webm ever again. Try to deal with your insecurity instead of trying to plant it into others.
because thats not how you flex your pecs. what hes doing is how girls show tits, and its making him look like he has tits.. if you want to flex your pecs you do it like this
The manlet has a way less impressive body though
wrong.. thats not how you flex pecs
he does look like he lift.. just not very impressive. im 100% sure hes natty and if he did the amounts of drugs condom murphy does he would the same, well shorter
Look at that mantlet.... that's just sad..
You sound insecure with your inadequate body desu
Sorry nobody was ever willing to confirm your feelings irl, but you should be happy for knowing how people actually think of you
i have a bunch of really tall (6'5+) friends and when i started asking them about their height they looked at me like i was an autist
dont get memed Veeky Forums
i mean 6'3+ fuck this burger metric
do share with us
Yeah i'm about 6'4 and desu in europe nobody really cares about height anyway, never experienced standards of having to be 6'+ or whatever
When will they learn?
His gf doesn't even look at him lamo
I can never get over how sweet those lil titties look
>ppl unironically waste time of their day on this shit
its probably like 4 incels after even /r9k/ told them theyre autistic
>Hurdur yeah don't even try. You should just live your life being fat if you're under 6'4. Don't make us lanky fuckers feel bad about ourselves because we can't build muscle
holy fuck its still alive. avg kgf status?
Connor has become such a douche. His videos are such shit. He claims he isnt socially awkward anymore but you can see it in his vids.
Do any of you have the version of this where Connor's face is replaced by this guy's?
Fuck, I used to have it, I was even there for the original thread. I'm on a different windows install tho and I don't have all my files.
The manlet wasnt fucked over by the lanklet due to height, its beacuse the manlet looked like shit and had bigger boobs than my sister
thought he had a leather shoulder pad in the thumbnail
tfw potato warrior
How come webms never load on my computer but work fine on my phone?
I hope that roid lanklet gets a heart attack
shit browser
If you ever get the chance to attach it to a comment or something, do that and there's a chance I'll see it somewhere around here.
Microsoft edge checking in
There is a reason why the manlet meme is about feet/inches. You need to be American tier retarded to care for it.
>manlet detected
Stop using Internet Explorer
it's dumb but half the time it's just people shitposting to get a reaction, you shouldn't really let it affect you anyway. I like memes on here sometimes but I mostly frequent this board because of the CBT/qtddtot's.
If you're here for the former, however, you're in for a bad time and should probably leave, this place can legitimately sap your positive energy if you read the wrong threads for the wrong reasons. Literally just use this board for info or fuck off, I mean it, for your own good.
hahahahahah fucking brilliant mate who draws these
did she break her legs? unless she is really agile she could have.
>always thought I was 175 cm
>discovered I am 172 cm few weeks ago
life is pain brehs. what could I possibly do about my height? can growth hormone actually make me taller? I'm 21
no, it would have helped partially at
A really insecure manlet
>ceo 10k/day
Thats defiantly misc humor
wanna know how i know youre a manlet?
Lol your funny, I'm 5'11 so I'm considered a Manley yes? What's funny is ive never met anyone over 6' that had the comminication skills or confidence that i have, and I know it's meaning less to say over the internet but tall folk are mostly awkward as hell, and typically don't fit it.
tfw 5'9" and dating a 6'3 girl
I don't doubt your confidence or communication skills but 5'11" is manlet status. Honestly I'm 6'0" and I'm the second shortest out of my friend group.
nice shirt m8
>tfw no mommy gf
you know there's a lot of women who like guys closer to their height? I'm 5'8" and it's really weird hugging onto a woman who is 5'2" or shorter.
LMAO you are projecting this hard. thanks for a genuine chuckle, loling at your manlet life.
Seconding this
just looking through the post, this generation is extremely fucked. i wonder what the percentage of middle aged single moms will be in 10-20 years
>jewish gf
tfw the manlet is cute n- no homo
In Europe the cutoff is at like 180cm. 185cm for tall.
manlet/jawlet/lanklet/chinlet detected
I live in constant fear that chad will literally pick up my gf and walk away with her. I fucking hate being 5'4"
that reminded me of that simpsons episode where homer tries to jump the canyon on the skateboard
This place is just unbelievably pathetic.
what happened to we're all gonna make it Veeky Forums?
I liked that Veeky Forums better than this diet /pol/
Veeky Forums is a feel-good place... unless you are a manlet of course.
What is king of manlets? 179cm?
>king of manlets
No. You are merely a manlet prince.
Fucking manlets
>170 poons
If this nigga really weighs 170, then he 5'6 ABSOLUTE MAX
If the growth played are still opened then HGH will make you taller.
I know a guy who actually thinks like this, kek.
Can someone post the actual YouTube source for this?
t. Manlet
Honestly 6' is manlet status too. 6'3 is the cutoff. How does it feel to know that girls laugh at you as you walk away after you desperately try to hit on them? Grow little man.