which boards pair with Veeky Forums the best?
>/mu/+Veeky Forums for tunes to lift to
>/pol/+Veeky Forums to prepare for the upcoming racewar
which boards pair with Veeky Forums the best?
>/mu/+Veeky Forums for tunes to lift to
>/pol/+Veeky Forums to prepare for the upcoming racewar
Other urls found in this thread:
Veeky Forums+Veeky Forums to be cultured.
Veeky Forums+Veeky Forums to be both gay and a fag.
>/fitlit/ for renaissance men
>/outfit/ to use dat functional strength
>/hmfit/ for obvious reasons
Don't you mean /pol/+Veeky Forums to defend deep-seeded insecurities and repressed cuckold fetish?
/pol/+Veeky Forums+/lgbt/ for the ultimate combo of gay nazism
Your parents regret not aborting you
Enjoying your summer?
nothing will ever replace /fitlit/ but /fitpol/ is a close second.
if you're going to fight the zog and their darkie minions you're going to need to get swole
>implying the cuck fetishists aren't from reddit trying to bait
Fitlit was pretty fucking legit
>/a/ and Veeky Forums haven't been paired yet.
For shame.
You are supposed to lift for 2D perfection, most commonly portrayed as anime girls. Lol@you 3D pig disgusting.
seriosuly i don't get what the fuck is pol even doing here. Few years ago they would shitpost in some threads but every thread now i see someone trying to racebait
/pol/ only pairs with reddit now.
rthedonald was the leddit trojan horse that ruined this site
I think I've got it figured out
>got Veeky Forums
>clothes don't fit me no more, go to Veeky Forums and discover palewave
>hey with this new social life it's hard to keep up with video games, and I don't want to browse Veeky Forums all day, why not try /mu/ and be a guitar fag
>well I can't always be on my guitar, and oh guess what /fitlit/ became a thing, why not read some books?
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /mu/, Veeky Forums
And then add a bit of Veeky Forums and /out/ because I love going to beaches my R3.
>pol instead of /pol/
>claims to have been here for years
Yeah sure faggot. The reason /pol/ is everywhere is because as retarded leftyniggers fuck up more countries and hobbies more people get interested in the types of politics common to /pol/. If the world wasn't fucked up, /pol/ would never have an audience.
I agree. If only we can return to the glory days of /new/...
>Veeky Forumsfit/ for making it
Veeky Forums /an/ because that's exactly what I am.
>oy vey, the fedora meme worked for atheists, maybe it can stop nationalism too
>implying the cuck fetishists aren't mossad up to their old tricks
Checked and the one of the best answers is Veeky Forums and /k/.
Also, /fitlit/ was amazing and needs to come back.
/pol/ is for plebians who waste time on politics instead of lifting
/k/ Veeky Forums for operating operationally.
Definitely /k/ Veeky Forums
>No one has posted Veeky Forums and /k/ yet.
Wait, shit
There they are.
Manlet nation ww@
I only like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums now, sometimes I go on /an/ but not very often.
There is no 'upcoming racewar' and /pol/ are edgy highschoolers being edgy and 45 year old stormfags sperging about da jooz
Veeky Forums and /int/
for the banter obviously.
Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and /sp/ for being a well rounded fun guy
Veeky Forums /ic/ and Veeky Forums here
People are spooked at my extensive anatomy knowledge
I can't be the only Veeky Forums and /a/ here. Come out you weabos
>/r9k/ + Veeky Forums
autist strength
>implying /pol/ isn't already the board integrated most with almost all other boards already
Veeky Forums + /sp/ to be a normie
>/x/ to punch ghosts
>Veeky Forums to dress well and make fun of obnoxious Veeky Forums twinks
>Veeky Forums /diy/ /out/ Veeky Forums for obvious reasons
>/sp/ for boxing and mma threads or other sports you're into
>Veeky Forums for larping as a barbarian/space marine
>supposed to type /aspfit/ but remember /asp/ is now for 12 year old /wwe/ fanboys
/ic/ for studying the ideal body
Into the gas ya go!
idk I just wish /cgl/ would like me back so I can get a mentally unstable weeb gf