Cutting General

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Whats worked out best for you when cutting?

Currently thinking of doing an ECA stack along with Keto on a Deficit while on Intermittent Fasting so i can control hunger/calorie intake.
Routine would be compounds with about 20min of cardio 4-6 times a week. Dont wanna lose all muscle though so not sure

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Cardio does not cause muscle loss.
Unless you are doing several hours of it a day.

it's easier in my country to get all kinds of steroids + dnp than ephedrin

that shit is rare like a rainbow coloured gay uniquehorn

>250-300g protein
>250mg dnp
>2x3split volume/heavy
>30-60min hiit or liss ed

hoping for single digit soon 10kg to go

Drop the aspirin out of the stack. It's not so great to talk in the long run for weightloss purposes. There's a reason that doing guide is just for an EC stack.

Keto + IF together sounds like absolute misery.
IF is the more reasonable of the two diets, imo.

Like other user said, you won't lose gains doing cardio unless you ran so much that you burned more calories than you were eating to make up for it, which would have to be several hours a week, considering lifting burns more calories per hour than running.

Yea but if you're on a deficit cardio will create a bigger deficit and you'll lose more weight. From everything ive read if your losing more than ~1.5lbs per week your start lose muscle

Here you have to buy it under false pretenses. I wonder if its really that dangerous. dont wanna fuck up my heart

Ephedrine is fine as long as you don't have pre-existing heart conditions, or pair it with something like yohimbine. Yohimbine is actually significantly more dangerous to take than ephedrine (and less effective for weightloss), and was banned in Canada, but you can still get it in the US.

Ephedrine was largely banned in the US because it can be used as an ingredient to some drug or another.
But if you have Canadian friends, or live close to the border, you can pick it up at generic drugstores as a common nasal decongestant. It's surprisingly cheap.

ive read yohimbine is actually pretty good for sub 10% fat loss. You're supposed to do it in a fasted state with some caffeine about 1hr before doing cardio.

Didnt know it was unsafe

If you're able to get your hands on ephedrine, it's a better option of the two. You'll get more accurate doses and a more effective supplement for that

Used it a couple of years ago and it helped in losing the stubborn fat on my lower abdomen. I took a bunch in the morning, then drank a black coffee and went cycling for 45min. Tried to buy it again this summer but amazon doesn't sell it in europe anymore, fucking EU

Can someone explain ephedrine and what it does?

ephedrine isn't that great of a recreational drug, so if it's illegal in your country then there probably just isn't that much of an underground market for it, because people would much rather have other illegal things.

Kills your appetite

dope thanks for the replies. I can get both in Ameriland. I was just thinking of doing the ECA stack for 2 months and then trying out Yohimbine for a month or so after that.

its not because people do it recreationally, its because they use it to make meth

i dont know the science behind it, you can google that. But look online and its praised as one of the best "supplements" for cutting. The downside is if you take too much and/or you have heart problems you can apparently croak. pretty unlikely if you're young and healthy, but the fact that it could happen is sketchy

See links posted in

Keto+IF is heaven

Lunch: 2 eggs, pork belly or sardines, avocado, 50g of cheese (real cheese, not glow-in-the-dark orange/yellow slabs of mystery dairy)
Diner: Large serving of greens, topped with ground meat (20% fat), peppers and feta, olive oil dressing. Walnuts in salad or handful of almonds as dessert.

Super flexible diet, you can go out for dinner, other red meat, swap carbs for greens, have cheese, dry red.

Anti-keto retards and pro-keto retards who think keto is all about chomping butter and cheese while sipping heavy cream have got it all wrong. There are loads of healthy fat options. Diner listed above is one example. I cook for my girlfriend or friends without telling them about keto and they don't even notice anything wrong. 20g of carbs is a shitload of broccoli/lettuce/celeri/spinach.

That sounds delicious. What i like about doing it with IF is you only have to worry about two meals a day.

Did you do it to cut? how did that work out

Anyone wanna r8 my diet?

I usually make pic related when I have the time or a bowl of oatmeal when I don't. Tuna and broccoli mixed with garlic soy sauce for lunch. Boiled chicken for dinner. And sometimes I like to make chicken curry with brown rice in the weekends.

Should I add steak and whey?

kratom and coffee

>on yoh, EC, dnp
>4hrs cardio a week on top of lifting
>losing 3+lbs a week
>cruising 200test
Fraud life is where it's at pussies

Why are you on 500t if you're cutting? Anything above 200 inhibits tendon repair. 300+ is only going to see significant muscle size growth. But you're not growing. You're literally pissing away money and delaying your next blast.

Who else here /DNP/?