who are your favorite fitness youtubers?
Who are your favorite fitness youtubers?
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I don't watch YouTube.
All the natties
patrish fitness youtubers
>candito, clarence, juji, eric bugenhagen, omar, jeff cavaliere
clarence ain't natty tho, all his scarce advice is based on his own roided anecdotal evidence.
i never said he was or wasnt, i still like seeing his footage.
is christian guzman natty?
No one
I thought Alan Thrall was alright but other than like one or two videos he has with good advice (the one on hip flexibility, and one he has with some dude giving a lecture at his gym, but then again that's not Alan himself), the rest are meh and I got kinda tired of hearing the at the gates intro all the time.
I liked Omar when I started some time ago. He had some good and advice on form (I remember/use the cable row one), even foam rolling, I don't watch his videos anymore but I guess I'd recommend him.
Justin Lascek is great, his advice on how to press (ohp) is fucking excellent. He hasn't posted anything in years but everything's covered I think (by him or others).
frank yang, boogiehagen, the pisslord
nippard and the athlean guy are good too despite the shitty clickbait titles of the later
eric bugenhagen and brian alsruhe
Nick's Strength and Power
Antoine Vaillant, Von moger, all the animal and universal athletes, Arash
Don't expect to learn much out of the first too but they are bizarre and funny.
Essop Merrick
He's got great information on sprinting, lifting, and nutrition
Jason Genova and the Delray Misfits
>watching YouTubers for legitimate info
Come on now.
This. Cool guy.
Also: Janoy Cresna, The Delray Misfits, Rich Pirahna.
infinite elgintensity
The Golden one
Rich Piano
Elliott Hulse
buff dudes omar and juji
>Everyone hatyes on Dom
>calls him reddit
>praises juji
> a guy who does fucking deadlifts in rollerblades and other reddit tier humor crossfit shit
Learned the most from Brian Alsruhe. He is also not a retarded child, strong as fuck and has actually lifted for a very long time.
For biomechanics, Tom Purvis.
Watch videos to learn something about the lifts, not for the persona. You arent a child anymore
who the hell said the hate dom
we love them both here
This guy is a content machine, i'm pretty sure he's doubled the size of his channel in like 6 months
apart from him, i like Alan Thrall, Scott Herman, and the Buff Dudes DIY stuff. sometimes Alsruhe as well
Dom gets a lot of hate here
Dr. Tony Huge and Coach Trevor. How are these 2 trap fuckers not the first comment on this Japanese anime fitness board. All others are faggots.
Brandon Campbell; he's a little awkward and boring and I like that. it makes me feel more normal.
Jeff Nippard hands down.
Blows that manlet destiny cringe faggot out the water and he's natural af. Plus his asian qt gf is above everything
even if the person seems to know what they are doing, buying programs is retarded when there are so many good free ones.
none. never saw the point of fitness youtubers desu.
I dont know man Ive been a long subscriber and the stuff he puts out is beyond what anyone else is making thus far.
Plus if you like an artist or painter wouldnt you buy their stuff for support?
Who's the most aesthetic fitness youtuber and why it's a fucking gym clown?