Any fit related story goes in this thread
ITT: Fit related stories
One time I went to the gym.
Dear Veeky Forums,
I didn't went to the gym today.
t. Anonymous
Instead of going to the gym I hit refresh on Veeky Forums for 6 hours straight.
>talk to girl
>try to have sex with her and reproduce because fitness in Darwinian terms is literally all about passing on ones genes through offspring
>try to impress her with my muscles I gained through fitness related activities
>sperg out and fail
>atleast I have a funny story to post on Veeky Forums
>mods delete it because it wasn't fitness related despite it being fitness related
>i'm such a failure, I can't wait till the guys at Veeky Forums laugh at me!
a girl matched me on tinder
>I'm too autistic to say something
I did go to the gym today, but I had a splitting headache and halfway through my 3rd set of bench press, I quit and left early. Took some ibuprofen and will try and gain this afternoon
O_ __e_e!
>Focus on strength for nearly my whole Veeky Forums life.
>no gf
>Switch to cardio and calisthenics because I was sick of the commute to the gym and all the fucking normies that infest it.
>obtain qt3.14 gf soon after
That's the key lads, cardio and calisthenics.
> 138lb skellington in school
> have 6/10 gf and lots of girls interested
> lift for years, get up to 170lbs with ~13% bodyfat
> haven't been laid since high school
Lucky bastard. I've only gotten 3 matches, one was a bot and the other two stopped responding.
Just talk to her user, what've you got to lose?
Ibuprofen is an NSAID and unless your brain has swelling (unlikely) you should try tylenol instead
t. Guy whose job is to distribute OTC meds and tampons for people who hurt themselves in dumb ways
I believe it.
Thanks user
Back in high school I had terrible acne yet still managed to have more gf's than all of my friends. I had 4 in high school and 2 in college.
Big fish small pond man. Gym's a whole new jungle for us skellies.
>what've you got to lose?
my spaghetti, I'm only good at speaking in person but fuck it can be a trial hog
Also could be due to heat, stay hydrated user.
On dat dere GOWAD
Just start with hello, wait for a reply, move onto tell me about yourself and you're good from there.
Whatever you do though, don't use Chan speak.
Let us know how it goes.
>I didn't went
Read a book
Ask to see her(male) dick.
>At gym at midnight.
>Only the regular autismos are here usually.
>New guy rocks up.
>He doesn't seem to know what he's doing and is running between 5 different machines like it was a relay.
>Walks up to assisted dip machine, turns around, places his hands on the pad behind his back.
>Proceeds to squat and press it down.
>Goes to smith machine and grabs two plates, on 15kg and one 20kg.
>Holds the 20kg in his right hand and the 15kg in his left hand.
>Assume he's going to do lunges or a farmer's walk.
>Proceeds to shake violently side to side like a baby in a dryer.
>After ten seconds drops the plates and returns to the cable machines.
>Stands directly in front of a dude and does lat pulls with a machine that a guy was using.
>Dude is too beta to say anything, but it doesn't matter because 5 seconds later the crazy fucker is back to the dip machine.
>15 minutes later he's gone.
>No idea if he was an Ayyylmao or just high as balls.