ah yes, the so called fitness related
Ah yes, the so called fitness related
Huh I really thought that shitty forced meme was way more dead
>mfw janny hasn't deleted them after dozen reports
I agree. Shitty, forced meme is retarded.
>t. siplets
it isnt a meme, one fag is shilling for monster and making cringy pics in photoshop
idk why janny doesnt ban him
the vegan cunts are worse
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
veganism is at least somewhat health related and doesnt benefit one exact company
only in that it's unhealthy
I don't see anywhere near as many vegan threads
search 'vegan' in the catalog
What's missing from a vegan diet?
Oh for sure. Imagine how much better this guy would look if he ate meat
Yeah, it must be the plants that gave him those muscles, it's definitely not the steroids
>roided vegan larper still looks like average dyel
really makes your homers scramble
Nice arguments. You guys totally destroyed veganism.
this is what happens when shills becomes janny
shitty threads get all the replies but actual threads get pruned. pitiful
>150 replies
Click on it to see what's going on, is kill
one niger is samefaging
the thread
>Veeky Forums must be purged
was deleted by mods
obvious janitor shilling going on and it is not just on /fit
remember to hide illegitimate threads from your catalog so you find the good quality threads and noy the shill ones. most people posting on fit do not even lift
The dude is obviously on steroids so a vegan diet did not bring him to that physique
>just ignore it bro, it will go away