Any tips on how to better regulator your sleeping schedule?
Sleeping Schedule
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Yeah, less time on chans.
Very intuitive advice.
welfare and sleep 12 houres a day no matter when
no coffeine, magnesium and zinc 1 hours before bed
Coffee only in early part of day
Read 1 to 2 hours of fiction in bed before sleeping
and the obvious one, exercise
Get up at the same time every day.
There is nothing stopping you from doing this other than your own weak will.
Sleeping pattern is not fixed at night. It is fixed in the morning.
I haven't tried it myself but the rest of my family swears by it
Bedtime tea (valerian root and shit)
Knocked me the fuck out yesterday. Missed all my classes. Woke up 14 hours later.
as much as I rely on chemicals and supplements, you don't want to rely on chemicals and supplements
Have a set routine to wind down at least an hour before bed:
>candle lit shower
>dim lighting in room
>Starting Stretching
Have f.lux on your computer, don't stare at bright computer screens or phone before bed.
Sleep at the same time every night or at least wake up at the same time, the earlier the better.
Get plenty of sunlight during the day by having open windows or going outside.
also be happy and not stressed.
is it bad that i fall asleep so late? I fall asleep at around 4-5 am but i get minimum around 8-10 hours of sleep.
Murdering my neighbors is the only way i can guarantee my 8 hours
Caffeine has a half-life of like 6 hours.
recc a stretching routine?
I've been looking for one
love being flexible miss it
This one used to be on the stickey, I've added a bit of foam rolling to it
Sleep the same time every night
wake up the same time every morning
cut out caffeine
cut out bright lights in the evening
Also, get sunlight early in the morning
this is VITAL
even if its just standing by an open window
it helped for me at first, but eventually it didnt do anything. for example I took 3mg of it today and managed to fall asleep at like 6am
4 hours sleep
8 hours work
4 hours spirituality
4 hours improving (fitness, reading, learning something new etc pp)
4 hours spending time with your community, improving relationships
this is the cheatcode for life. thank me later
Magnesium and zinc compete for absorption, should take zinc in the morning instead.
Actually he tired by end of the day (working out helps, so does working). Wake up at a reasonable hour. Melatonin before bed, maybe a beer or other drink too. Stay consistent. Keep the room dark. Avoid bright screens before sleep.
>4 hours sleep
Stopped reading right there.
Then why does ZMA exist and is recommended before bed?
if you cant function properly with 4 hrs sleep youre a disgrace and should seriously consider to man up.
what if I'm dead tired all fucking day, every single day, but still don't sleep well?
for example I went to sleep at 11pm and woke up at 4:30 today
Because both are still absorbed, just by lesser amounts.
All-in-one supplements are made for efficiency in mind user, most metals are absorbed in the same process so taking 40 mg copper and 40 mg zinc might net you only 30 of each (bullshit numbers but that's the idea).
Google it, it's best to spread apart supplementation of metals and magnesium is the obvious choice before sleep as it relaxes muscles.
*not made for efficiency in mind
Why would I sacrifice my sleep for the sake of manning up to some faggot on Veeky Forums? We aren't at war; I can maximize my sleep and reap the benefits.
>Running advice from a cripple lel
Really triggers me that someone took couch to 5k and stuck on some weeaboo gay shit on it
The visual looks nice tho
If you judt cut off the weeb parts its p nice
you're retarded to try to will your way out of biology for some autistic reason
The visuals existed before, and then some weeab added the weeab shit to it