Is 5'10" a respectable height? I know I'm a manlet, but is it still possible to get laid at 5'10"? Thanks.
Is 5'10" a respectable height? I know I'm a manlet, but is it still possible to get laid at 5'10"? Thanks
It may sound like bullshit, but just lift and be confident.
No definitely not possible to get laid at 5'10" you filthy manlet.
t. 178cm father
no you're fucked
Danny devito has 3 children. Anyone at about any height can get laid. Especially within normal range.
No. Literally no human in history under 6 feet tall has ever got laid. It biologically cannot happen.
It's possible to get laid at 4'2",it's not your height faggot
Have fun doing it puppy style at best
No, because of your height you are immediately incapable of having sex. Are people really this retarded?
Are you dumb? I am 5'10'' too and had sex with more than 10 girls. I was also a 60kg skelly when I did those
just find a 12yo qt gf
Ofcourse it is
Dont fall for this dumb manlet meme
Entire possible. You just have to rape
If you really feel bad about your height, more here to the Philippines. I am 5'9" and I am considered taller than average. Just hit on Chinese girls if you dont like your girls brown
You're done manlet
Of course you can get laid, it's a decent height.
Just don't make the mistake of considering yourself to be tall because you are not
ignore the memes here, 5'10-5'11 is probably the optimal height for a man.
Only thing being 6'0+ is actually good for is picking up diseased nightclub sluts easier
manlet detected
Im 5 11, 6 wearing shoes
Nobody wants to get pocket dyeld by you, tiny man
That would be my dream
Seriously man, don't forget that everybody are here trying to feel better about themselves. That's regardless of if they are trying to improve thenselves or tesr dien others.
Really though, the height thing is a fucking meme. How tall you are is just a physical characteristic, there is so much more to you than your height. So stop being a low self-esteem faggot and go bone some chicks.
you can get laid at any height faggot
browse Veeky Forums less often
just b urself
I'm 5'6". I have no problem with women. Be stronger than them and they rarely care how short you are. That said, fucking own it. Make self deprecating short jokes. Dress in clothes that are the appropriate length.
Just saw this. The fuck dude your fine. Chill out and stop falling for the Manlet meme
Totally, you just have to earn enough money so that you can become someone's step-dad first
>I have no problem with women.
I've never really understood this, a lot of women will reject you because of your height, you would do so much better if you were taller
>Be stronger than them and they rarely care how short you are.
Wrong, height is very important
>That said, fucking own it.
>Make self deprecating short jokes.
Absolutely not
i think 5'10 is a good height because youre not super tall so you can build your body easier than being taller, and youre not too short. and yes cause my 5'5-5'7 friends never had a problem with height and girls
nah you should probably give up on whatever
What women will reject me because of my height? Because I have only dated women taller than me and I've never had a problem.
The whole manlet thing is a meme. If you're about 6ft or more, girls would be more interested because it's a desirable trait or something, but at 5'10" you'll be fine. Just try and be confident about yourself and you should be alright.
By the way, this is coming from a 5'11" skinny fag with barely any muscle on me.
>What women will reject me because of my height?
A lot of women wouldn't date a guy solely because he is 5'6
>Because I have only dated women taller than me and I've never had a problem.
What do you mean by because? Obviously those women didn't care and felt that you both had the same "value"
Just B yourself.
user here speaks the truth.
You can insist the meme is true all you want but like I said, I've never had a problem. Maybe some girls have thought that but it doesn't stop me from being successful with women.
Being tall is a plus, but being short isn't a minus 90% of the time.
If your that insecure about your height then probably not
>b-but most women don't like m-manlets!!1!
Sorry to burst your bubble lanklet skelly bro but most women don't actually care that much.
I'm 5'7 and married.
It doesn't seem like theres much point in even asking a question like this because theres nothing you can do about it. Remember the Serenity Prayer, "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the strength to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
>be me ~4 years ago
>5'11" 125lbs. stick figure
>No idea why but this gorgeous 6'2" blonde haired green eyed Polish goddess in my class always making eyes at me
>Flirting with me after class and clearly wanted me
>tfw too ashamed of my own size to make a move on her
Your biggest obstacle is getting over your insecurities. I wish I had just let her dominate the fuck out of my tiny rag doll body. She was seriously stunning
Everything you said is correct except for this:
>Make self deprecating short jokes
Fuck that shit
The national average of American males is 5'9". It is also well above the cutting point of being labeled a manlet.
>online """"""dating"""""
no such thing. its either sluts or middle aged single moms