What did he say Veeky Forums?
What did he say Veeky Forums?
Nofap is a meme
Gibe da pusi b0ss
i have a magnum dong
>I donate to HAES and SJ Movement
"four scoops come on"
"Hi im chad"
I'm over 6'1"
i fuck wit shakes
"300$ is my final offer and you gotta moan".
i respect women
Just saw your ex fall into the manlet pit
"I got a vibrating dick pierceing"
Thats about how this happens with me
my sides
Hi there, couldn't help but notice your brilliant personality.
s i p b o y s
I failed so everyone else did to.
This is a blue board so i wont post Wang however this is the pierceing. I got this on top towards the base and a barebell underneath towards the tip. Girl gets curious. Vibrations help finish her off. Kek o get easy sex and dont even have to do a goos job. Life on easy mode man
Does this work on devote christian girls?
Damn, never heard of this until now. I can't imagine puncturing my dick for that so kudos to you, user.
He said he hits 1/2/3/4 obv
"check these dubs"
I hope you mean 3/4/5/6. This is the man talking to the woman, not the other way around.
I'm 6'4 and come from a white family.
Wow double 9s. Checked
My grandpa was in the SS
Wow thats me butidontgooutsideexcepttoworkout
you will never meet your father's expectations
Its not that bad. I actually did it myself with a saftey pin when i was younger. Worst part was the sound really. Upon exiting the shaft it made a noise like celery snaping.
Do u see this guy? Hes lanky as fck no way he can hit those numbers. He found some normie girl what got impressed with those shit numbers
>"Ey bby u wan sum fuk?"
I don't know. I've never gotten laid
Its pretty hard here to work that out. Most boys are 6'2 and up, all white people of course.
Maybe could pull it off in Asia or Latin America. Or even USA.
"I have a nine inch tongue, and I can breathe through my ears."
I think we all know the quality of girl who would be interested enough in this for it to sway her decision though
>it made a noise like celery snaping.
Do you want to see my Ferrari?
Doesn't that hurt you when you're inside her?
true af
Come back to my place so that I can show you all my judo medals from elementary school. There's gotta be at least 20 of them. Most are gold.
I wouldn't know, I'm a kissless virgin
No, ive been told they cant feel the one on bottom, more of a mental stimulus
O shut the fuck up. If thier was a pair of twins and one had a pierced clit or w/e people would choose the pierced one just out of curiosity. Dont try to lessen the effect something has just because yout a douce bag
I had a tight frenulum, I put a sewing needle through with nylon thread in the loop and tied it around the banjo string so it "strangled" it through in a few weeks. Really didn't even hurt that bad, the idea of it was just horrifying and having to do it your self, I was such a pussy about it lol, but that celery snapping was exactly how it felt and sounded like.
no bully but how does this happen?
The only mental image i can conjure up is something going wrong and ripping with your frenum piercing. No problems with it? What was it like when you first got it? I have no piercings myself so I'm curious.
"i'm vegan"
I'm scared of women because I believe they secretly find me repulsive so I don't even bother interacting with them
Every pot has its lid, user. Don't give up, please I'm sure you're not as much of a turn off as you claim to be.
Nothing like that at all. Dick skin has a bit of elasticity to it so it never really even tugs. When i first got it it was sore. Lityle bit od soreness when getting a borner. Expect to /nofap/ for a week or two. Also i wore basketball shorts everywhere to prevent rubbing. But after a month or so everything was back to normal.
autism and horrible social anxiety from a young age that led me never to learn how to socialize and now that im so far behind everyone else i've given up on trying.
Did it interrupt your workout routine?
this one made me kek
my whole body shivered
I lost the game.
your benus still works fine, right? I mean, reading that made me cringe a bit.
>Becomes a robot just to be able to pleasure a woman
>Ultimately cuck yourself and your skills to perform
I was a total curl bro at the time so no. I cant imagine running with it healing thou.
Dick works 100%. No noticeable change to biological functions.
I like how guys get self conscious about their own dicks so they gotta shit on my pierceings.
>be insecure about penis
>be too pussy to get a pierceing
>shit on people getting laid thru a "gimmick"
You ever think you dont get laid because your an insecure whiner?
>dick is so inadequate you literally need to add inspector gadget type gimmicks to get a girl off
Then how come I've never had a gf huh??
because either it's not your time or you gotta re-approach how you try to find women to date. I've resorted to online dating to meet grills now, never looking back.
Not him but it took me 26 long years... it's not that I couldn't have one, it's just that none felt right... user when you find her it'll work out despite anything.. I'm not a complete autist but a complete jerk to everyone almost no one likes me so my social status is in the dumps. When I found her it was the first time I felt understood.. i did a lot of shit to her but she still stood by my side every single time i needed her. You'll find her user, no matter what, you'll eventually find her and try not to do or bring up shit as much as possible. 32 now and I'm still tje same jerk but without tfw no gf, so have some hope and good luck
>thinking it matters how you win
try really hard not to kys when she inevitably leaves you
a good prophylactic move would be to start seeing a therapist and getting your shit together ASAP
i wonder if newfags even know this
Fuck off
Holy shit. Was on a 5 year streak aswell..
lmao under8ed
Fuck you
Most people knew about the game in middle school what are you on about lol
It has been a while.
I dont know why but i kek'd so hard
why are you doing this? ;_;
well over a year