Well bois. I'm in the army now.
Wish me luck bois, I'm sitting on the bed waiting to sign my life away.
Pepe, wojak and Veeky Forumsizens. WISH ME LUCK!!!!
Well bois. I'm in the army now.
Wish me luck bois, I'm sitting on the bed waiting to sign my life away.
Pepe, wojak and Veeky Forumsizens. WISH ME LUCK!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for joining the army meme
have fun wasting your life
If you manage to survive you're risking a lifetime of mental health issues and the likelihood of becoming a cripple what could you possibly have to gain from this?
Yeah yeah, if you were smart you'd join chair force or the coasties.
he's going full retard, giving up his freedom to go fight for ...freedom... merely a puppet of the sick and evil.
Don't do it boi.
Eh it's not so bad, it'll destroy a part of you but at least 6 years goes by in the blink of an eye and then you can settle down and get a trade.
Grats on becoming another puppet I guess? I hope dying for your Jewish masters won't be too painful.
Just remember, ruck marches fuck up your knees and back.
The army is what you make of it son
try making the best of your time there
the trick is to build relationships and kiss ass
>not being a royal marine
Quit bein pussies lads
It's a job, odds are your bosses boss is a complete Jew aswell. Don't listen to these faggits OP, just keep your head down and get your paycheck.
Early retirement?
I'm too intelligent to join the Military.
if anything it's more safe then most jobs
>white collar faggit
People like me, tell people like you what to do.
But I'm a fencer who takes calls.
Better get used to sucking dick for extra rations if you want any chance of making it
Enlisted military is literally the most stressful job there is.
>tfw ROTC fag
>tfw got college paid for and never had to go active duty
Feels fucking good, man.
It's not so bad so long as you're not in the suck, most of the time you're digging holes or sitting around and doing nothing, a lot better then working as a logger or doing dairy/dry stock.
t. Infantry/builderfag
>enlisted military is the most stressful job there is
Youre literally dicking around 90% of the time. I have more stressful days welding than i did in the field.
You're one of those "respect me for my service and sacrifice!" types, aren't you?
And don't even consider POGS
Have none of you morons considered that he's being conscripted?
He wouldn't call it 'signing my life away' if he chose to do it.
>nlisted military is literally the most stressful job there is.
Why is it, all my friends and family in the australian military for one. Who are all infantry do nothing but PT, gym, and drink alchcol and fuck around at base?
If you aren't deployed to a war torn country, shut your mouth about being stressful.
Finnish baby camp has nothing to do with real military
being conscripted is still a choice.
Are you retarded?
No I'm not retarded.
> le ebil gobermint is sending le letters that I have to le go to le armyboii camp !!
I must do it and listen to my masters
t. ultracuck sheeplefag aka,
>tfw next monday I am starting with the German navy as an officer
Does anybody have an idea what I should expect? Tips?
Please remove yourself from the gene pool
Preferably life in general
sorry boi :D I have a gf and gonna have babies,
I'm doing very well and work in IT.
:D le mad boi le
the amount of projecting people do these dais BOI.
I hope you die,faggot.
What mos you sign for? I can probably give you a reasonable course of how the next 4 to 6 years of your life is going to be.
I hope you eat a bullet before you get the chance to kill any babies, faggot.
Good work lad. I just did that the other week to facilitate going to school, etc. 68X - Mental Health Specialist but I went Reserves and have a nice job waiting for me once I get back.
What's your MOS?
> nice job waiting for you
Boi. You don't realise what you are signing up for.
USA military camps are mind control camps.
During your sleep you will be programmed with certain belief and behavior.
"Signing your life away" means that you're choosing to do it. If you're being conscripted, why would they need your signature for anything other than maybe acknowledgement?
Looks like someone fell for the "everyone in the military is combat arms" meme. user can easily get some kind of support job and never be in any danger.
As in I have a regular career that pays well and is held while I'm gone. Stow your conspiracy shit, /x//pol/.
did you not read what I just said?
They PROGRAM your MIND there BOI
and you take this shitty route with "career that pays well" in return. You happily accept getting brainwashed.
what the actual fuck boi.
Can confirm, spent 5 years in.
Never been the same.
Can't sleep more than 5 hours, can't eat right, have to be told what to do (because that's what they program you for), I'm broken physically and mentally.
It's taken years to recover, years and years. Still not how I want to be, just started lifting again because i was so depressed after leaving the military that I couldn't even get out of bed.
Not everyone's experience is the same and not everyone's job determines their experience. You know how many combat MOS personal never deploy or see combat?
While suddenly some dumb fuck SO or POG is in Afghanistan being fired at and has no idea how to handle it because they were never trained?
Well I was the second one.
you're a fucking idiot but ill humor it. Got any sources besides anecdotal shit from beta males replying on Veeky Forums?
dude it's clear common sense. I'm not even talking about the actual dream programming that goes on. Cause that's what they do too, when your concioiusness isn't present during sleep they can program you with vibration, brainwaves.
Apart from testing their mind control softwares on you during sleep, they also conciously program you to live a certain way and follow a certain routine. At the end of it all you can do is listen to your master for the next set of commands. And you will happily die in a war between evil you have nothing to do with. Becaues you are too retarded to understand they implanted all these beliefs on you.
Joining the military is a step higher than normal media brainwashing. You can't just turn your face away from screens in the military boi, They will make you watch it and you will believe it boi.
FUcking slave.
> joining the military
How fucking retarded are people these days?
>Dying for Greater Israel
Deep breath
Jesus Christ, this is comedy gold. How often does your tinfoil hat come off?
You're aware that you have PTSD and need help, correct?
Armyfag also, its like your brain was rewired.
Do all of the dim infantryman types buy into the conspiracy by the end of their tour? You choose a profession that comes with return fire and don't expect a mental issue?
I was in the army. It's easy if you're not a retard and can run w miles in 15 minutes. The shitty part is standing in formation for a long ass time because your sergeant likes to hear himself talk.
Also, once you get out, free college
Good goy
I just got out. Are you ready to spiral into a deep depression and get treated like shit for a country that doesnt give a fuck about you meanwhile contracting dysentery in a COP somewhere in Nowheregivesafuckistan? Also, say goodbye to your gains for 4 years. Infantry units only ever run for PT. But yeah, the army can get fucked. Ya cucked yourself boyo.
I'm on my way out after 3 years as a sapper.
Fucked up my back and knees.
Get out of you can.