>he used both hands to take off the 45
He used both hands to take off the 45
You mean I'm not supposed to?
>he uses his hands to remove the pl8s
>he didn't rotate all his plates to the same orientation
>safety is a laughing matter
Hope you drop it on your foot and lose all your gainz
Found the DYEL
>he lifts weights instead of nearby cars
>implying you need your feet to lift upper bod (tje actual important part of your bod)
>he doesn't use his teeth
>he puts on his own weights instead of getting a manlet slave from the manlet pit to put them on for you
>he doesn't use telekinesis to lift
>6'4 giraffe makes me get the 45's for him
>bring them back and "accidentally" drop it on his foot
> tfw tongue so shredded that you can use it to chew meat
>he didn't load up 3pl8s in one go
>he doesn't grab 2 45's at a time with one hand
not gonna make it brah
You forgot the ending
>the fall is so short that he doesn't even feel it
>His plates are made out of heavy rubber
Cheeky maneuvers like that are a good way to get thrown back into the manlet pit.
>he doesn't push the pl8s of on one side, letting the bar flip over
The last time someone let me out of the manlet pit I broke the plate dispenser and yanked the poop scissor chain when some lanklet was using it.
>he doesn't hang a plate around his dick while doing squats or deadlifts
I thought I was the only one who did this.
I thought I was the only one who did this.
>mfw dont even need to use the handle holes to pickup 45s with one hand
who here /forearms/
>he doesn't set his bars vertical then throw the weights on them like ring toss
Never gonna make it
>not using your neck and chin as a vice to pickup pl8s
its like you want to be a pencil neck
>not wedging the pl8s in between your pecs and carrying them with your chest.
>he uses clips to keep the plates from falling off the bar