To cut a long story short: I live in the middle of nowhere in a shitass little house and barely have room to do push-ups. Finally bought myself some dumbbells and plates, with the goal of getting huge.
Can anyone point me to a routine using only dumbbells?
Dumbbells Only
You're probably better off if you started a calisthenics routine and used the dumbells for accessory lifts or as progression to the bodyweight exercises.
Sounds good to me. Is there any routines for that you're familiar with?
this is a good one
you can only do pushes with dumbells
you also need like a bar at the ceiling so you can pull yourself up
unless you hang upside down and then pull the dumbells up
user invest in a pullup bar and a fold up bench too. If possible, even a dip bar. You get this equipment and you can get aesthetic as fuck.
Bonus: get wrist rollers.
>what are rows
>what are lateral raises
>what are rear flyes
>what are dumbbell deadlifts
>unless you hang upside down and then pull the dumbells up
you can mostly do push excersise but you also need to do pull excersise
just weights is not enough unless you have like a ceiling hook and a cable
Already have a pull up bar
Seems pretty good user, going to save the image
do your basic calisthenics movements like push ups and pull ups for 3x10. Add weight when you get to 3x15. Use the dumbbells for curls and shit to supplement your compound moves.
>Recommends strength routine
>"the goal of getting huge"
I'm assuming this guy wants to bodybuild
I can give you my old dumbbell only home gym routine. What I used was an adjustable dumbbell with weight plates up to 50 kg total, go higher if you wish. Basic push/pull back in the days:
>DB floor press (bench would be better imo)
>DB 1 arm shoulder press and/or circus press
>DB skullcrushers/tri extensions
>some weighted dip/push up work if you can get creative
>DB split squats (suboptimal for strength, good enough for hypertrophy in legs)
>ab work
>DB row variations (grip, kroc etc.)
>DB curl variations
>grip/shrug work (e.g. db shrug holds etc.)
>something mimicking a deadlift with low weights, suboptimal for strength, good enough for hypertrophy
>upright rows
worked good enough to get a good physique, mostly 3-4 sets x 8-10 reps
Routine example?
oh and pullups on B too. It's good enough for bodybuilding stimulation if you eat properly
Thanks user
By ABXABX do you mean an example week would look like:
Monday: A routine
Tuesday: B routine
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: A Routine
Friday: B Routine
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
somewhat, but most of the times I wouldn't rest on sunday at all and just continue ABXABXABX etc. but that was because I was fairly flexible and could always just work out at home
eating right and enough is the most important thing to get big btw, I reached solid ripped/athletic mode with this routine (though, my compound lift strength wasn't that good coming off of it but I had plenty of muscle mass). Working out at home, really look after controlling time under tension etc. and the size will definitely come
>implying a pull up bar isn't standard
>what are rows
>what are pullovers
Thanks user, this one sounds like a winner
I went about doing some cardio and cleaning up my shitty diet before I bought the weights, now I'm ready to get swole
Why are you so retarded, user?
just make sure you keep getting stronger on the lifts you choose. Progressive overload is key to size gains. And that's for all aspects, like making the exercise harder by doing it slow and being able to get more weight that way, it's also an overload for example
Thanks again user, can't wait to get into it and get huge
>you can only do pushes with dumbells
What's your advice user?
anyways cool thread, my uncle just gave me his old set of dumbbells, it can go up to 40+ kg on each hand with the plates he gave me, which is more than enough for starting
Similar question but in a bit of a better position than OP
>have a flat bench and a padded area in my basement
>have pullup bar
>have a barbell to do deadlifts
>have a shit ton of dumbells and weight plates
>also have one of those stupid power twister things my brother bought
Would this shit be enough to get some gains before I find a gym? I live in a yuppie town and the local gyms are anywhere from 40-60$, so I figured Id do shit at home before getting a membership
gonna try this next month
That's what Reg Park had and look at him. I also have a home gym and I don't even have a pullup bar (use a tree), and I already built a respectable physique without stepping foot in a gym. Fuck off with your excuses and start working out already.
you might want to look at getting a pullup/dip belt. not just to add weight as your pullups and dips go up, but to also try doing belt squats. see if you can find a pair stable platforms, equal height, and load up the belt with plates and just squat like that. it's not a perfect replacement for barbell squats, but since you've only got DBs and plates, it's at least something to do with your legs and glutes
lol who is this dyel
>you can only do push with dumbbells
>tfw to intelligent for curls
>he doesn't curl backwards
>unless you hang upside down and then pull the dumbbells up
this is my routine with dumbbells, no bully please
>Bicep curls, both arms at the same time 4x10
>Hammer curls, both arms at the same time 4x10
>Overhead extension 4x10
>Overhead press, siting, 4x10
>Dumbbell bench press 4x10
>Squats holding both dumbbell to chest, 4x10
>Sit ups, holding both dumbbells to chest, 2x20
I do this 4 times a week
You should probably do it 2-3 times a week.
Bruce lee, maybe you've heard of him?
He wasn't a bodybuilder really, but he did acquire strength from various training. His hands could fuck up most niggers at the gym senpai.
Advice user:
First off I don't see no traps, back rows or calve workouts up in this bitch.
Stop the hammer curls, there is no need for another bicep included exercise being added to the mix. If you want a forearm workout use a wrist roller or otherwise do some wrist curls.
Stand the fuck up for your overhead presses, stay in correct form and thank me years later. Also if I was you I'd add lat raises for those wide shoulders. You definitely want to put in just that little bit more of effort into shoulders.
Squats are alright for dumbbell standards, but you have to think about the lack of weight. To solve this try a harder exercise that requires more movement and stabilizers like Lunges. Powerlifters will judge you less if you do this.
Situps are alright, but you should probably go with weighted planks and lying leg raises.
Look at strongmen or Powerlifter. After they loose weight they actually look like Bodybuilder.
>I live in the middle of nowhere in a shitass little house
Thats one of my dreams dude.
How do you make living / afford internet?
>too intelligent for dumb bells
Family business. My Dad owns a small orchard and makes/sells cider locally. He makes pretty good money, but I have to work my way up from the bottom if I want to own the business when he's gone. Currently shit wages.
>being this autistic
Many thanks man will take note