Post memes you hear on Veeky Forums
>Deadlift, squats and OHP are all you need for abs
Post memes you hear on Veeky Forums
>Deadlift, squats and OHP are all you need for abs
deadlifts are safe and good for hypertrophy
i feel like the only thing that works my abs is when i lay down and hold onto some post and raise my legs. sit-ups feel really useless. also i read that side bends arent that good for obliques and its the only thing ive been doing for them. i should really fix my core exercise selection, any tips?
I guess that monster energy marketing scheme could be called a meme.
>dd-dd deadlifts w-will build abs
Shut up you dumb cunt, dead-lifts build a strong core. You wont be getting abs or have them showing even if you cut without isolating exercises.
Wtf is the point of working out your abs for anything but strength?
>how do I get this body of a chinese cartoon character?
>basketball shorts
>drinking water between sets
Lifting foe waifu is not a meme.
Waifu is love.
Waifu is life.
>You shouldn't work out every day
>You need to train for x years to roid
>1/2/3/4 qualifies as "strong"
>You shouldn't finish every session with drop sets
>Lifting for girls means you're not gonna make it
>Cold showers increase test
>Nofap increase test
>we're all gonna make it
how can i make it when im a fucking HAIRLET
Dragon flags?
/2/3/4 qualifies as "strong"
99.9% of the population can't do 1/2/3/4.
that is strong.
Shave your head. Bald men are seen as more dominant.
I bet you think 1/2/3/4 refers to 1RM and not 5RM, too
That’s a meme. Bald men with muscles look like gay porn actors.
oh god you're right. how scary
>Bald men with muscles look like gay porn actors.
The Jews did this.
Technically it is 1RM.
How do you know what gay porn actors look like?
where do you think we are?
>water fasting
>BBC bait
>carbs are bad
literally none of these are memes
>deadlifts give you big bi's
This is another meme.
>appreciating strong and aesthetic male bodies equals being homosexual
So you don't curl the bar once per rep?
my friends uncle told me... let's change the topic ok
once you hit 2/3/4/5 you become attracted to your gymbros. everybody knows this! it's common knowledge!
>Bald men are seen as more dominant.
Speaking of memes, nice cope you have there baldy.
>You wont be getting abs or have them showing even if you cut without isolating exercises.
Right, that's why ottermode fags who've never touched a weight have pretty good looking mid section. How your abs look comes down to genetics, whether your abs are visible or not is determined by body fat. Hypertrophy in rectus abdominis might increase the depth of the crease between the muscles. Hypertrophy in your exernal obliques might make your midsection appear "bulky" if you have bad muscle insertions.
>carbs are bad
Na, outside from ketofatties nobody says this. Veeky Forums is more advanced because they say
>sugar is bad
which is also a meme
>meme post
Train your abs. Don't be that guy. Train all year to look good, listen to the "you don't need to do abs" advice, cut for summer, and shit mid-section because you were memed.
You do realize you're supposed to shrug the par and then try to curl it.
NYRers are a meme
>lift and eat hard and long enough and one day you will get a qt gf and be happy
>getting called a meme post by a meme post
Alright entertain me, what kind of ab exercises are you doing?
no they are not.
Even had a guy try to use my garage gym last year.
hahah what?
This picture genuinely terrifies me.
Nigger google it.