>Bench 2 plates
>Squat 1.5
Should I kill myself?
Bench 2 plates
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I have a similar problem. I don't skip leg day so I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
>intermediate+ pullup/row/OHP/bench/clean numbers
>untrained squat
my ego woul tell me to just quarter squat like anyone else at the gym but I insist on doing autistic ATG pause squats like based clarence
I think you have gyno op
I've lived there. It's a good city.
That's not me, autists, but if you explain what is wrong with me I'll post more.
yeah youre not pushing yourself just add 2.5-5 lb smaller plates every session. Now make with the photos
meh, I live in a town just outisde calgary, too expensive. My house would cost double if I lived in the city
Nah just put a squat rack near that bench press you've had for years.
>Squat 4 plates
>Deadlift 3.5
Th-thanks Veeky Forums
u skipped leg day baka
will try
Happened to me, I had weak glutes and abs... now my bench and squat are even.They are still weaker than my quads tho, but im improving.
I injured my leg months ago and have always had shit ankles, but it still hurts that I feel more comfortable with 2pl8 on my chest then on my back.
I usually just hit my squats at ~205 pounds and it's still pretty hard.
I don't know who she is but I will find her and do absolutely nothing because I'm married.
Kill me.
i want to forcibly press my face up those asscheeks
I literally started lifting with a max of 1.5 plates. Kill yourself
for me its her ladytraps. Just want to sink my teeth into those cute little ladytrap muscles
calgary sucks a big penis
dont even get me started
>be at work
>very cute girl works there
>wears those tops that have wide neck thing or revealing tad bit of back
just want to lick and bite her skin and adore her freckles on nose
too bad she probably thinks im some turbo creep
eh, Ive lived in edmonton too (behind the safeway next to macewan college) edmonton does a shitty job cleaning snow off the roads compared to calgary
Yes. On this site, the answer is always yes.
You'll miss all the licks you haven't tried, user
Go for it, tiger
Daily reminder that wherever you are in Canada, you are a second class citizen if you're Canadian..
>“No!” Trudeau continued. “You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.”
We have transcended memes.
>just want to lick and bite her skin
>too bad she probably thinks im some turbo creep
If she does, sounds like she nailed it desu senpai
thanks for truth satan
i mean she smiles to me once in a while but im atusitc
This is like, my dream body on a girl.
How evil and immoral it's it to have my GF get something like this?
I live on the Canadian east coast, where for the time being it is still Canada (white). Major cities however are absolute trash and there is almost no reason to live there, however much money you make for having a job there will be shilled out for exorbitant rent prices, food price gouging and a general presence of "high class" expense. Not to mention that you will be living with indians and chinese, which is not all that pleasant.
vote buying. Better than bombing innocent people into dust and fleeing to europe like president cheeto is doing.
>bench 82kg
>squat 90kg
i think i'll be able to squat 100 in 3 weeks tho
because of her big nose and strong jaw she looks much better with her hair back and up like in OP. down she just looks like a gypsy
>if you kill yourself you win
Probably a jew.
please be my gf
What does that cunt's soles look like?
You should quit being a faggot is what you should do.
wow just wow, my girl is working out too but your ass is so much prettier
also are you monitoring closely your diet?
I squat 95lbs and bench 185lbs ama
post boipussy
Watch form videos. Squat more. That's all.
1. Read the Sticky again. There might be something in there that will help you.
2. Eat more. You're probably not eating enough. If you're cutting, STOP DOING THAT. You're sabotaging yourself.
3. Sleep more. Most people don't get enough sleep.
4. Quit alcohol, drugs, and smoking. ("no fun allowed" for you if you want gains).
5. You may not have enough recovery time in your training schedule. Lift 3 days a week (M-W-F or T-Th-Sa, take 2 days off in a row per training week).
6. You may not be training hard enough. How often to you progress the weight?
7. You may be training TOO hard. Increase loads by 5% every 4th training session.
8. Have you gone WAY TOO FAR? You may need to reduce loads until the rest of you catches up.
9. Is your form for multi-joint exercises (squats, deadlifts, etc) shitty? If so then you need to BACK UP, reduce loads, and fix your form.
10. Are you overall expecting too much of yourself? You are not Superman; knock that shit off. Are your core (abdomen) muscles weak? If they are then full-body movements like squats and deadlifts will fail at the WEAKEST LINK in your body. You may need to back off on everything, identify your limiters, and address strengthening and improving them before getting back to your main program.
11. Do you have NO ENDURANCE? That can affect your ability to even get through a workout. Mix in some running. NOT HIIT. Keep it in your aerobic range.
12. Failing everything else: Accept that there are some people who just aren't suited to intense physical training. You may be at your potential limit already. If so you have to decide whether you want to try to continue or take up something else for a hobby.
>squat 4pl8
>bench 1 and a little bit
>>>The Press ™ 1.5
Do 3x5 squats as your first exercise 3 times a week.
who is this semen demon, OP?
>leg day
you are doing a retarded bro split and only squatting once a week
Nothing wrong with squatting once a week
Anything more is for bodybuilding
Indians/pakis/arabs are kinda ok in my book.
Hell i'd even tolerate the basketball-canadians from nigeria etc but fuck i cant tolerate the chinks from china/taiwan which turned vancouver into a shithole for me
ig: narduchita
Only if your going to respawn at my bonfire bby
i have a big penis, does this mean i should visit calgary? will everyone suck my penis?
or anyone who actually wants to be strong
or hypertrophy their legs more than once a week
I didnt even have the bare bones fucking beginner I was training squat only once a week, I had her do backsquat on monday and front squat on friday
you fucks are idiots
yea probably theres tons of fags in every city in canada
Jewesses like these are 100% my type.
shes wop mixed with wetback
Get on my level.
>long-term lifter
>skipped legs basically since my first time squatting
>squat sub-1plate
>overhead press 2+ plate
At least I look good in clothing
>At least I look good in clothing
you look like a pencil legged faggot and everyone who knows anything about lifting probably laughs when you pass
>Nothing wrong with squatting once a week
>Anything more is for bodybuilding
You look like shit you wannabe nazi
>he fell for the marriage meme
Nah, 2 plates bench is pretty decent
You don't ohp 2 plates tho
don't feel bad I can't even bench 1pl8
>you train arms more than legs
>your form is garbage
>You don't do full range of motion (probably cause your form is garbage)
>You don't do enough squats
Pick one
in a similar boat, op.
no idea what my squat is, I just rep 1 pl8 something like 8x5. I don't even get tired of that, I just get bored of the exercise. That's my leg day once every two weeks.
I do deadlift with 1.5 pl8, same rep skin, no clue what max is, no care. That's my leg day for the other 2 times in months.
2 pl8 bench, and approaching 20 pullups (i'm not skele either, if anything i got some fat going). Sick lats too.
Little cucks here talk about "bein stronk", but lets face it, very few of them are on college football team or in a job that requires strengths, so they are just that... jelly cucks with poomba legs.
Not that guy but just because (you) can't ohp 2pl8 doesn't mean everyone else can't.
>not actually human
xpl8 numbers are for homo sapiens
I fucking hate vancouver now I grew up here. I swear to god if another faggot Asian wearing a comme des garcon t-shirt doesn't get out of the left passing lane I'll fucking run him off the road.
You seem like a faggot.
Love the genetics you got.
>use better bait
>incorporate more shoulder exercises in your routine
pick one
this roastie is ugly as fuck, judge probably threw her in jail because he was sick of looking at her
he threw her in jail cause she was a little manipulative sociopathic cunt, which makes her queen of /fit and /b
I'm rather surprised it wasn't a jury trial though, she'd totally get away.
I think people would be more sympathetic to a suicidal teen than this whore.
Fellow leglet here.
Bench 1RM is like 245
Deadlift is 265
OHP is 160
Squat is 185.
I feel like I'm making no gains. I'm on week 6 of Beyond 5/3/1 My form is solid, The following days or 2 my legs are sore to the point where i can't walk normally but I feel like I'm not progressing.
I have very little faith in people, starting with OJ. And Cosby mistrial? I mean WTF?
Judicial system with a single judge making the decision should be the standard, not an exception.
Oh and she is kind of a qtpie on some videos where her face is in tears and she looks like a lost kitten. No way the herd wouldn't be sympathetic to that.
A2 resident reporting in.
I did powerlifting training and competing for quite a few years and have done smolov a couple time in the past. I now squat one day every 2 weeks and easily maintain a 550 squat at 190-195 body weight.
>too bad she probably thinks im some turbo creep
Gee I wonder why?
>vertical press exceptional
>everything else proficient
Wanna know how I know you're e-statting?
>bench 2 plates
>squat nothing b/c girls dont care about legs
get on my level
sauce on that chick?
im so fucking tired of women, why cant i stop masturbatin
Are you gay or something?
tell me about it
my nigger
don't let your ego tell you what to do, if i ever did """parallel""" squats i'd be at well over 1/2/3/4 but as i only do autism paused ATG squats it's 1.25/2.25/2.5/4.5
>nipple piercings
huh? her instagram says italian/mexican
then she's a dumb bitch, but the nipple piercings were a dead giveaway on that
Fuck me she is actually amazing. Her front squat form tho
Where does one find such a grill
you're a genetic freak when it comes to squatting lad
I couldn't maintain a 405 squat squatting once a week, and i absolutely had to do at least 2 days a week or preferably 3 to progress