>user, why are you going to the gym?
User, why are you going to the gym?
"to work out"
>"Are you working out so you can beat someone up?"
Why would that make you nervous? I have some social anxiety, but I can hold a conversation.
1.Responsibility gives life meaning.Having problems (weak points in your physique) working on then, and getting a reward (gains) is extremely fun.Feels like you are winning in life
2.Its a shame for a man to grow old and not have seen the strength and beauty which his body is capable of
3. Gives you evolutionistic status. Being muscular activates animal instincts on women that shows a sense of high value and sex-worthiness
It doesn't need to be any more complicated than this op
>I work out to stay ahead of a shitty diet
I really work out so I can be the one who rejects
Because originally I thought having a nice body would get me laid but apparently it's my complete lack of charism and charm that's the main problem and now the gym is the only thing I'm good at besides drinking and Dark Souls and I'm so body dysmorphic I can't even bring myself tone down my regimen. Also I think I have minor depression and I'm scared that stopping would make it full-blown depression.
>be me
>start lifting in hs
>move to new area and join a new gym
>have lifted for 4 years at this point
>free trial with hot personal trainer who works at my gym
>tell her I've been lifting half a year so she thinks i have the (((CHAD))) genes
>she says she can help me get out of skinny fat mode if I hire her weekly
Kek wills it. Only go to the gym to work out
"I'm getting big so I can fuck bitches mom..."
>Well I work a desk job and don't want horrible back pains at 25
Works every time, nobody fucks with back pains.
>lifting for 4 years
>skinnyfat mode
we are done here
Not him, but, personal trainers are trying to get you to pay them so they'll say whatever they think you need to hear to fork it out
To lift the endless pain away for another day.
Great, another thread with potential ruined by le epic dubbz thread
Mods, can you do your fucking job and start banning everybody ITT who gets doubles?
I'm so sick of it ruining this site
Nice dubs, check'd
Kys, and never quote or reply to me again. I made by comment as fitness related as possible.
I want to become so strong that one day I become the only symbol of peace!
The benefits of exercise are so numerous, from physical health and conditioning, to lowering overall stress and preventing many long term diseases. Some say that if the benefits of exercise were available in pill form it would be the most successful pharmaceutical in history.
Why don't you exercise?
>Great, another thread with potential ruined by le epic dubbz thread
>rehashed le ebin social anxiety greentext with sweatyfrog.jpg that gets posted a dozen times a day
literally kill yourself. i suggest hanging, it's quick, easy, and you don't need any special equipment. you can do it with a bedsheet.
I don't wanna
>you're already in shape you don't need to work out
What kind of cunt shit is this?
Saving people with a smile :^D
/thread of all /threads
I have an irrational fear of my heart giving out for no reason. So I hit gym to try and be one of the rare breeds of Americans to not die of heart disease.
for you
I lift for beach
Lol. Just don't be obese and if you DO get a heart issue anyway you're dead so it's fine.
>tfw no fat jewess gf
i like to look at benises in the changing room
Oh the irony