>tfw 5'5 manlet
>tfw black
>Gainz come by the week, PR's getting smashed on a regular basis
Tfw 5'5 manlet
>actual nigger midget
Veeky Forums is a whites-only board.
Try thecoli, plenty of your kind over there
Why so mad m8? Not all of us can get gains as quick as one another.
>that pic
>PR's getting smashed on a regular basis
Yes that's what happens when you lift
Tom Hiddleston is 6'2?
Holy fuck David Gandy is a 6'4 or 6'5 giant!?
Gandy is 6'3
He's right. No niggers on Veeky Forums. Gtfo shit skin.
life gave you lemons
and you're making tiny little lemonade
>Veeky Forums is a whites-only board
and yet, here I am, posting with my brown skin. what are you gonna do about it, bucko?
I thought Boyega was his StarWars name wtf
>Tom Hardy is 5'9
Jesus...the shit they can do with cameras these days.
>tfw 6'4" and white
who else /superiorgenetics/
also, lmao at the midget nigger
>I'm as tall as Boyega
Genuinely surprised
How is it you can see a big difference in 5'10 and 5'11 but almost nothing between 5'11 and 6
Jesus Fuck you're all so small
oh honey, you're gonna beat me up over the internet? how would that even work, sweetie?
>tfw same height as hemsworth
>white people
Why are there no asian stars?
They fall off the chart
>tfw 6'1.5"
heh, pathetic
Why is it always blonde women? Everytime i see niggers getting horny for white women it's always blondes.
Jamie Dornan is 5'10''? The google says 183 cm, so I'd say 6 feet.
Are you supposed to measure your height in high heel shoes or what?
>xxxtentacion posts on Veeky Forums