Post You're fridge!
Post You're fridge!
>eggs ham and milk
Your life must be hell
I am fridge?
>no George Costanza
it's marinated beef, and a lot of frozen chicken tits up the top
imagine you set that up, and after you take the picture you have a date, and as you watch say, Seinfeld reruns, she goes to the fridge and sees this.
How would you explain this to a normie?
pic related
Yes. I am fridge mode too.
Nigger, are you cereal?
>he's a sodafag
drink water, amerishart
op pls giv me a kpop gf
also you need to buy more milk nigga
Ignore my semen drawer
seriously, what is all that?
do you have a baby or something
What the fuck am I looking at
Eggs cost 5.20$ for an 18 pack cheapest brand... FML
Looks like chicken broth or some veggie purees
Lol. Not getting 60 for $7.
N-nordic master r-race
Norway? the grocery stores here fucking suck so bad
Your fridge is perfect.
US military or actual korean?
This picture is old
Its the fridge of a trip fag called "Rasputin" who was a literal fag
yo we got the same fridge
fuck i made my protein shake to a dirty shaker on accident, forgot to clean it. what do?
here's mine, what do you think anons?
Is Veeky Forums basically Veeky Forums without fun?
>sitting here waiting for the great "ketchup in the fridge or not" debate
please guys
>who was a literal fag
Thats like half the people on Veeky Forums
Anyone recommend a healthy cereal that doesn't taste like flakes of cardboard?
Also, opinions on almond milk?
>You're fridge
no you're a fridge! meanie!
more important is why americucks have to keep their eggs in the fridge
Because the Germ Theory of Disease.
>Germ Theory of Disease
lolol apparently americucks wash their eggs with soap which weakens the shells and ironically makes the eggs more susceptible to rotting as it removes a protective layer
fucking Christ, do you yanks eat anything naturally? no wonder you're all such fat low test fucks
Who is this Guy ? Quick info pls
baganoffs rule the world
It's breast milk, you fool.
Of course we wash our eggs fucking bong. They come out of a chicken's rear end. Filthy as shit. What if some of that egg shell gets in your food? Salmonella for days.
>chickens in the US still get salmonella
oh my!
>eurocuck doesn't even know shit about what he's spouting off about
it's because we don't treat our poultry with antibiotics, like you do.
whether or not that's a 'good thing' is up for debate- see drug resistant bacteria, etc etc...
where's the rest of it? Where's your condiment shelf? You don't really put your oats and canned tuna in there, do you?
ohohoho the famous US education
Golem begone
oh deary me
salmonella is a bacteria, dipshit, hence prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
widespread use of antibiotics contributes to a growing amount of drug resistant bacteria.
is there some non-meme argument you'd like to use, you fucking shitskin lover?
they vaccinate the chickens friend
do you know how vaccines work?
>Post You're fridge!
You're fridge!
poultry, dipshit.
prophylactic antibiotics targeted toward specific diseases and vaccinations are essentially the same thing, fucktard.
desu i'd rather fight off salmonella and e. coli at the same time then be condemned to a life of eating "meat" that's actually poison
besides vaccinating the chickens and feeding them fattening hormone/antibiotic "food," did you know they also spray the meat with hydrogen peroxide and similar chemicals?
there's a reason americans wash off their chicken before cooking it, besides spreading pathogens around the kitchen that is
>post a chart with literally no information besides "SCARY BAR IS LARGER THAN OTHER SCARY BAR"
that says literally NOTHING important or discernible, and, if not accounting for things like 'per capita', it could easily show that the UK uses more antibiotics.
that shit's as retarded as fat logic.
>prophylactic antibiotics = vaccination
wrong, the immunity gained from vaccination (which doesn't use antibiotics you brainlet) can be passed on to offspring etc. 1 off hit of dead salmonella = healthy population with 0 salmonella cases, much like how you cure things like smallpox and polio
that guy likes saying "prophylactic" a lot
How vile are your farts?
do some research, easy to figure out US is much worse than UK for this stuff
in what fucking sentence did i say vaccination uses antibiotics? how far up your own ass is your head to fuck your perception up like that? you're so obsessed with 'lol dumb american' bullshit you skew reality around you to make it fit.
So does the Supreme Court.
>keeping eggs in the fridge
been there done that bro
>“The average consumer isn’t interested in a side of bleach with their chicken, I think they’d prefer barbeque sauce,” said Hitt. “The industry isn’t really quick to let the [public] know what it takes to get a carcass ready for consumption.”
>“When used properly in a process environment, they are extremely safe,” said Giles of these solutions.
>prophylactic antibiotics targeted toward specific diseases and vaccinations are essentially the same thing, fucktard.
I'd say this strongly implied it lol?
in no way, shape, or form does that imply i think antibiotics are vaccinations.
both methods have a specific, known antigen they're targeting to eliminate the possibility of infection, despite taking different routes.
>widespread use of antibiotics contributes to a growing amount of drug resistant bacteria.
>prophylactic antibiotics targeted toward specific diseases and vaccinations are essentially the same thing, fucktard.
>in no way, shape, or form does that imply i think antibiotics are vaccinations.
babby's first logical argument eh? baby steps, those brain DOMS can be pretty brutal
motherfucker, are you capable of critical thinking? a fact. prophylactic... is explained as above.
fuck it, you're worse than a fucking fatass trying to explain science.
you can keep eggs in the fridge, less temperature fluctuation
bro just accept it
you're an idiot
Do you have a phobia of chilled food smells?
you strongly implied that vaccinating chickens to prevent salmonella would contribute to the problem of a growing amount of drug-resistant bacteria
Do you admit that that viewpoint is incorrect?
If so then we are in agreement
they're two separate arguments- fuck, they're two separate facts, you illiterate fuck.
No way, they spoil in the fridge after like 3 days.
i had a chinese roommate last year and found out people unironically refrigerate eggs. crazy
Exactly my point lol
literally my response is
>no you
hope you don't have an important job ahah, cos you're not the shiniest plate on the rack
>Amerifats hide their eggs in the fridge so they won't get shot.
Can't make this up guys
1.) What?
2.) There's Jap scribbles on everything in the fridge.
What? Do people not refrigerate eggs?
>Post You're
>Highschool diploma
Its Korean actually
If an egg isn't washed it doesn't need to be refrigerated. In european grocery stores (at least the ones I've shopped at in the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden) have cartons of eggs sitting on the shelf.
Don't put milk on the door, it spoils faster
Jesus Christ dude the other guy won your shitty argument now pipe the fuck down or kys
ITT: Homosexuals.
It's in the freezer
This is autisticly perfect...
>those brain DOMS can be brutal
my fucking sides, m8
how will ever fucking recover holy shit
Not to be a hater, but why you got canned tuna in your fridge?
>Maxwell House
Absolutely garbage-tier
You ought to get a Sam's membership. 180 eggs for $11
Wow, manlet fridges are really cute!
>Post You're fridge!
Never skip brain day.
Sad. I bought a box of 60 eggs for $1.65 from Walmart. Eggs are dirt cheap now.
Holy. Black. Nigger.
Im up here paying $3 a dozen in Canada because of "supply chain management" aka egg cartel.
We're getting cucked alive up here.
Damn, where you at user?
Haha. 60 eggs for $7 here in the midwest.