Please critique my squat. The weight feels light but I'm feeling knee pain the day after.
Please critique my squat. The weight feels light but I'm feeling knee pain the day after
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Sorry you are a pussy. Looks terminal.
Sorry for the shit gif but the max file size is 4mb
is that low bar?
You lack ankle mobility try squatting with your heels on small plates. Should feel akot better
you're feeling knee pain because you stop at parallel. all the weight is resting on your knees, you need to go lower. work on ankle mobility or buy lifting shoes. even putting a plate under your ankles will help.
Damn I thought my squat shoes would fix that qq
Why are people wearing belts for light weight? I'm squatting 140kg, and even do 100kg 5x5 without one.
Really no need if you can control your breathing and tense your abs.
Do thumbless grip
I'm wearing lifting shoes lol
I don't need it I just like wearing it.
Not allowed chalk in my gym so the bar slides down my back if I do thumbless.
Lose the belt, the weight is too light
your back is bending the wrong way
should be like this ) but is going like this (
you aren't sitting back properly, loading the weight onto your knees instead of your hips. You should feel a massive amount of tension at your hip-quad insertion (upper thigh) in the bottom of the squat, then squeeze your glutes hard while pushing your heels into the ground.
Your posture at the start of the lift is horrible, you need to sit back more while pushing your knees out instead of letting them fall forwards. Think of the lift as trying to squeeze as much of your body directly under the bar as possible, you want to end up with the bar in the middle of where your ass and knees are (which should also be over your heels) when you hit the bottom, right now the bar is too far over your knees and not your ass.
then do high bar, you'll be able to go lower. low bar is a meme.
>I don't need it I just like wearing it.
You'll probably fuck your shit up later on without one. Also just a heads up, belt wont stop injuries or you fucking your back up.
It acts as nothing more but another set of abs, that also cousin your lower back a bit from the pressure.
Still easy to snap your shit up. Ditch it and learn to squat without one.
>you're feeling knee pain because you stop at parallel. all the weight is resting on your knees, you need to go lower. work on ankle mobility or buy lifting shoes. even putting a plate under your ankles will help.
also forgot to say ditch the belt and don't listen to the retard telling you to put plates under you heels, you ankle mobility is fine you just need to learn how to maintain tension in your entire body underneath the bar during the descent, try to visualize yourself as "compacting" your entire body like a spring directly under the bar, instead of thinking about just bending your legs or moving your self up and down.
I've tried so hard to make my back stay like this ) but if I go anywhere near parallel it automatically goes ( . I guess its just a flexibility thing. I get that on dead lifts too which is really worrying me.
try suckin dick
I don't see why that would help
-Work on your repetition speed. If you're doing it for mass, really concentrate on your muscle and it's burns.
-Don't rest too long at the top
-Straighten your wrists, don't bend them by the joint like that.
>bragging about squatting 140
Is this really the summertime Veeky Forums
not an arguement
How do I improve my posture at the start. Lock out hips and knees?
You need to work on hamstring flexibility then. try to touch your toes while keeping your back flat.
calling people summer wont make you a non DYEL.
140kg is 3pl8 you fucking moron
its not really a flexibility thing. your form isn't loading the correct muscles from the beginning and the force of the weight has to go somewhere. Right now its ending up in your lower back and knees, when it should be held mostly between your glutes and the front of your hips.
To squat properly the bar needs to be (from the side) as close to the middle of the distance between your knees and ass as possible. In your gif you see its closer to your knees than your ass, making your lower back work much harder, taking more of your legs out of the lift, and anchoring the weight on your knees more than it should. Messing around with your stance to achieve this should fix most all your other problems too.
How do you suggest I change my stance?
and also that all makes sense but why does the SS picture have it closer to his knees
that picture is kinda weird, its honestly not a very good squat form example, according to the picture the weight isn't over his heels at all which is terrible for low bar squat, which is more or less what its trying to show. If you move the bar in the picture back an inch or two the weight is over his heels and his chest would have to be more upright which is a very GOOD from queue for anyone who isn't a powerlifter prepping to squat super lowbar at a meet.
I was trying to follow this guide.
I know
Thats fucking nothing you dyel retard
webm's nigga
all of this autism over form smdh you could just do leg press instead. how often do you see people asking for form advice and complaining of knee pain on leg press? answer: never. just do leg press instead. problem solved.
I can't really tell, but are you pushing your knees out as far as you can when you're in the bottom position?
Not allowing my knees to go sideways caused me some pain in the past, ever since I've made an effort to really shove them sideways in the bottom position which has helped with depth and alleviated the discomfort I felt.
You might also try squatting In shoes that have a sloped sole (heels) if you lack the ankle mobility.
I almost just want to do this just to take the stress off
I was trying to push my knees out to the side yes
I used to have nonstop knee pain on the outside of my knee from squatting.
Narrowing my stance and only slightly pointing my toes out instead of a large toe angle got rid of my pain completely. I'm not sure if this will help with low bar though because you're supposed to stand wider.
This. You have the weight and movement positioned over your knees which is giving you poor ROM and loading the stress on your knees. Honestly just focus more on ROM and go deeper and the muscle chain will bring the weight towards your thighs more
>even do 100kg 5x5 without one.
All lifts require perfect form. Squat is hard to perfect and hardest to perform but it is extremely rewarding because it builds crazy mass and easy to destroy your legs. Both is a great leg routine so I usually do em both.
3 plate looks like nothing once you've seen 5 or 6 plate irl
Middle of foot is what it says on the book why would he draw it over the heel?
Op knock your feet out a bit more. they are too close together. I was getting knee pain, watched videos and started seperating my feet out "further apart than I wanted too"
It worked no more pain
Oh no conflicting advise what is op to do
Leg press is boring.
3pl8 is more than your average gymrat's squat but it's really nothing worth bragging about on a fitness board user. It's the bare minimum of an intermediate lifter.
You need to wear those (meme) lifting shoes that have the heel padding.
I try to squeeze my ass cheeks together as much as possible and brace my core like someone is about to punch me. Also in the decent, the cue I use is to imagine trying to dip my cock in a glass of water on the floor
I am
work on shoulder mobility so you can have a closer grip while still doing low bar
Can anyone link me to some good shoulder and hamstring mobility videos?
Way too shallow
he's not even at parallel.
user is this 1 pl8?
It is at parallel
i love you pls respond