Be honest, deadlift does fuck all for your lats
>muh muh lats contract!!
Go do a pullup.
Be honest, deadlift does fuck all for your lats
>muh muh lats contract!!
Go do a pullup.
not even rackpulls above the knees does enough
do people actually do deadlifts for lats?
>have slight scoliosis and also have hyperlordosis
>have a quite long torso (i'm 6'4)
>can't do deadlift since the weight focus on my lowerback
>confirmed for never having done high volume deadlifting for multiple sets
Your forearms, hammies, glutes, traps and lats are going to feel very fatigued after a couple of sets with a fairly heavy weight.
It works your lats a lot more if you have shorter arms
On second thought it also has to do a lot with your build. The more bent over you are for a deadlift the harder your lats have to work to keep the bar over the mid of your foot and the lats will contract through a longer range of motion.
this desu. deadlifts made my ass and hammies big but didn't do shit for lats. barbell rows and weighted pullups, on the other hand, turned me into a bat
The lats do get worked pretty hard isometrically during deadlifts. You just don't feel it because generally other muscles fatigue long before the lats.
You do realize partially abducting your arms is moving focus away from your lats and shifting it onto your traps and rear delts? Your lats are responsible for adducting the arms.
they do with a snatch grip. focus on keeping your chest up and out - your lats and lower traps will feel like they're being torn apart
im too heavy to start doing pullups
when will THICC die out and this become the norm again
>Wanting big lats
>Not doing Dorian Diddlies
How heavy are you?
It is the norm. T H I C C is a pretty big meme.
It works your lats as much as squats works your lats. Which is not very much.
>hit lats """""pretty hard"""""
>other muscle groups fatigue long before your lats and therefor you can't continue the excercise
pick only one idiot
Why can't you people like both?
There's not such thing as too heave unless you are fat.
When I started I could only do 1 pull up.
Now I can easily do 6 or 7 in a row.
Builds your erectors and lower traps making the back thicker
There's more than just lats on the back yano
I said "generally" you faggot.
Its not always the case, as one user said, higher volume deadlifts can have you feeling the lats just as much as other muscles.
6'2 285lb
200lb lean body mass
guess my sport
(yea i know still obese fatty, but can still get 7s)
start by doing negatives.
Well, can't argue with those quads.
>not able to do pullups
I'm 170lbs@19%bf so pretty fat but I can still do pullups with 45lbs added for 8 reps. That's 215x8.
Either you're way fatter than you're admitting or you're weak as shit.
that's a yates row right
I have lower lumbar scoliosis. Deadlift you faggot. If lordosis is a problem, strengthening your core through deadlifting will help fix it. Lordosis isn't a permanent position. Just straighten your spine when you do the lift.
30%bf so yea fat.
weak at an exercise im never able to practice. interesting concept
it's Yates doing a row, but it is not a Yates' Row
Yates' Row is supinated (underhand) grip
Assist pull up machine or negatives. No such thing as too heavy as long as you're still mobile.
Also lat pulldown is the same motion. Good starting point.
When the average weight drops below obesity again, probably after the next Fall
It's about the weighted stretch. I agree though, weighted chins are better for lat growth.