Does a thick neck make you a Chad?
Does a thick neck make you a Chad?
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Nah. It's just a new meme that has caught on.
No. Various factors play into it, the most important being a sense of honest good will towards your peers and a genuine belief in yourself and your own sense of worth.
Take that fatalistic bullshit and fuck right off.
no amount of physical changes will make you a chad, you are a berrypicker and no fit memes will fix that
> new meme
This "new meme" has been shilled since 2013.
Thick neck make you look like a fascist if you go bald so I wouldn't recommend it
This. Training neck is a meme made up by incels at lookism. A) you cant increase the size of your FUCKING NECK (the muscles are thin af) more than a half an inch if your lucky B) you WILL injure yourself. Literally just be yourself bro and you will find a gf.
That's not what a Chad is. You're refering to a Bryan.
>the most important being a sense of honest good will towards your peers and a genuine belief in yourself and your own sense of worth
thats the fucking truth spoken right here dudes.
this is honestly what a chad is
Bullshit, my neck went from 15 to 17 in the past two years.
Not sure about the good will towards others but the number one factor in being Chad is 120%, constant, unshakable irrational confidence in yourself
t. Bryan
Youre delusional af. Theres plenty of extremely confident men who have nothing to do with Chad.
The definition implies at least a 8.75/10 face. He's a walking stereotype of very precise attributes, not your wishful thinking of what it takes to be a role model.
What in inches is a big neck when lean?
>a genuine belief in yourself and your own sense of worth
You guys are pathetic to even look up to Chad as the endgame because 1) you don't become Chad youre born it 2) nobody gives a fuck about Chad past 25. 3) Chad is empty inside and secretly depressed
Be a Gabriel desu.
No, but Chad's superior athletic genetics and upbringing give him a naturally thick neck.
It does. Pic related.
IMO a thick neck makes you look like one of
-former high school wrestler
-construction worker
-martial artist
holy shit Corey has a retard frame
are you retarded?
This is now a Taylor-worship thread.
lol that unibrow
>the most important being a sense of honest good will towards your peers
confirmed for chris
Am I a skinnyfat chad?
I admire that you haven't killed yourself
> neck thicker than body crew
>the haircut
>the nose
>Not realizing thats the best part
Stick to your girls with thin painted on brows friend
patrician as fuck
INCEL KEK. yOu HAVE a narrow face and a low fwhr. just kys
hahahahahhahahahahahha nigga why u on fit
>r9k is this way