Chimps BTFO
>University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, and colleagues reviewed the literature on chimp muscle performance and found that, on average, they are 1.5 times more powerful than humans.
Chimps' strength secrets explained
Chimps BTFO
>University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, and colleagues reviewed the literature on chimp muscle performance and found that, on average, they are 1.5 times more powerful than humans.
Chimps' strength secrets explained
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chimps have more fast twitch muscle fiber than humans
blacks have more fast twitch muscle fiber than whites
really makes you think
>Hmmm me up, Scotty
Blacks are less evolved
Evolution isn't real, dumb ass
still cant win worlds strongest man tho
I have always been curious how strong a gorilla could get if there was some way to train it strongman style with perfect gorilla diet
CHIMPS BTFO, how they can even compete
>Evolution isn't real, dumb ass
and I bet the easter bunny is?
"less evolved"
>and I bet the easter bunny is?
it's in the bible so it have to be true you fucking heretic
>Evolution isn't real
Niggers can't just put in the work and dedication it takes for real liftan. All they can do is roiding and end up fucking an orange on camera for money
literally genetics. I bet that asshole doesn't even have a program.
>sprinters don't work hard
come on now.
Google Usain bolt power cleans. Youll cringe pretty hard
Reindeer have huge amounts of fast twich, like 75% or more lots of it being IIB istead of IIA.
They catabolize type IIB in the winter together with fat and glycogen trying not to starve.
Alternatively a turk. Those guys just removed evolution from the curriculum and only a fourth of the population actually believes in it.
Fibre type composition, fibre areas, capillaries, enzyme activities and intramuscular substrates were analysed on skeletal muscle samples from reindeer. The muscles contained 10-20% Type I fibres and a higher percentage of Type IIB (40-60%) than Type IIA fibres (20-40%). All fibre types revealed medium or dark staining intensity for oxidative capacity. Glycolytic capacity was greatest in Type IIB fibres. All fibres stained for glycogen, while Type I and IIA fibres stained for lipids. The mean number of capillaries in contact with fibres of each type, relative to fibre type area was high in all muscle types. The metabolic profile of reindeer muscle indicates that energy, to a great extent, is produced through oxidative pathways.
Histochemical studies of the three main fibre types, I (BetaR), HA (°cR) and IIB (aW), from the four muscles show that in male reindeers the muscle fibres are narrower at the end of the winter season than during the summer. The decrease of muscle tissue amounts to about one third of the total volume (33%), of which I accounts for 5%, IIA for 2% and IIB for 26%. The results indicate that the Svalbard reindeer use lean tissue in general, and IIB fibres in particular, in order to survive the hostile arctic winter period
tl;dr: sprinter = hunter/gather
I've spent hours imagining that. Or how aesthetic a silverback would be if it trained like Arnold, took supps & roids.
>chimps are 1.5x more powerful than humans
So.. chimps are still much stronger than humans?
chances are he would get that much more muscular than the average male silverback gorilla
humans have a lot more potential for growth with training besides daily normal activity
animals pretty much reach their peak during their normal daily activity
white people like to wrestle in the mud
pigs like to wrestle in the mud
really makes you think
It was a grapefruit you tard
White people have their women taken by black men
Beta males have their women taken by alpha males
really makes you think
pretty sure he meant it in the sense that people keep regurgitating that chimps are supermen compared to humans when they aren't that much stronger on average
>White people have their women taken by black men
Most black men have european y-dna, guess it's the other way around.
By the numbers, White Men are the most desired by non white women and white women desire non-white men the least.
>White people have their women taken by black men
Only in porn and hollywood propaganda mate
not so fast sweetie
>thread is almost dead
>someone posts about inferior white dick
>angry white boys arrive and revive thread
A niggers a nigger even though it might be black or brown
I think a lot of negress women have to watch porn since a white woman can get dicked everyday, but yes I agree the women's list is more degenerate compared to the men's, especially in area of painful sex
>the phrase ‘eating pussy’ 900% more likely to be searched by a woman than a man
Good, men have realized going down on a girl is very beta.