>We are Manlets.
>We are Legion.
>We do not forgive.
>We do not forget.
>Expect us.
How do you feel about manlets being master race and taking rule over the world with their ideal genes?
>We are Manlets.
>We are Legion.
>We do not forgive.
>We do not forget.
>Expect us.
How do you feel about manlets being master race and taking rule over the world with their ideal genes?
Other urls found in this thread:
People who obsess over height are insecure or assholes, there is no middle ground.
6'1 is the middleground
Feels good drowning in pussy while you stay home wanking every weekend and buying shoes with lifted heels
>when you have so little social interaction that you cant even makeup a lie on the internet
my roomate is 5'8 and he gets around 30 matches a day on tinder wihout boost or whatever
its all about FACE
looks pretty disgusting
Lanklets BTFO
Reminder that this is what everyone above 5'11 looks like
I want her to step on my balls
face and frame bois
Man I fucking live this shit. They turn me on too hard.
But Im a manlet. Such is life.
> Implying a good face gets you through life at 5"8
>tfw just getting done with cucking a lanktard
feels good fellow manlet bros
>implying it doesn't
being TALL only helps for the first impression from a long distance, until you turn around and she notices your FACE
5'4" here
daily reminder that Brad Pitt would be considered a manlet for Veeky Forums standards. keep coping but you all know its about the FACE
>Manlets are spiteful creatures who wont remember how you punched someone for bullying them but will remember when you accidentilly said something that reminded him of his height
Manlets do not forgive, manlets do not forget, cut them out of your life like the SJWs they are
Julius Caesar
Why are manlets such alpha conquerors and lanklets such irrelevant betas?
He is a jew so he has free pass.
Napoleon was average height for the time.
>taking over the world
>ideal genetics
Is that why the average height is increasing?
2/10 b&
when will they learn...
>Thinking height matters
>Thinking an ugly, poor, loser that is 6'5'' will ever get laid
>money alone can get you laid
>face alone can get you laid
>social gains alone can get you laid
height alone cant
he was average when you take into account millions of malnourished peasants, but he was a noble with access to better nutrition
Forbidden fruit
real life manlet or Veeky Forums manlet? stop being a sad cunt, tall girls hate high heels so if youre into it a short girl will sooner wear it for you
Mass murderers all of those manlets, prob mad at the world
>height is the only thing I have that makes me feel good
>fuck manlets
>expect us
Expect you to do what?
Get a ladder so you can reach the top shelf?
>face alone can get you laid
>height alone cant
there was a survery done and more girls prefered if their man was tall with not really attractvie face than a short guy with handsome face
short in real life means like 5'6
You're a MANLET
you have DEEP phychological issues. you might be TALLER than the AVERAGE but your AUTISM shows even in a FEW word REPLIES. while CHAD fucks girls you spend time on Veeky Forums humblebragging ANONYMOUSLY
society will always seek to bring down and shame the large one in any scenario
imagine if gulliver just showed up and BTFO
the whole island by stopping and eating all of them.
I'm taller than both my parents but when I see my dad and others my height from a distance or even with people taller they don't look like manlets but when I'm with anyone taller I feel like a manlet?
>mfw 13
>5'3", projected to become 5'11"
>a wild fucking anorexia appears
>20 km cycling per day, hitting the gym three times a week
>97 lbs, fear like fuck it goes over the magic 100 line
>go down to like 15 BMI
>puberty and growth spurt start fucking up
>sexual drive so low I can't even get it up anymore
>develop pressure ulcers just from sleeping because bones grinding the skin
>parents threaten to institutionalise me
>end up 5'7"
Then I finally made it. I accepted Zyzz into my heart and got jacked until I was destinied to be hijacked by my rotten brain again. Aliens began talking to me about how my landlord was gonna kill me because I'm the Promised One. Now after a year on neurolepts, I'm a swollen turd. But I know I have to keep on going. Zyzz is calling for me from the other side.
Now that OP and all the manlets have been completely BTFO I'd like to request the image from the video with the manlet and pic related shopped on the buff tall guy
George Washington
King Henry VIII of England
King Edward I of England
William Wallace
Peter the Great
Fidel Castro
You do realize that Chad is tall right?
people always look taller to you, i think its a perspective thing but i always imagine people taller than they are if that makes any sense
every once in a while if i'm on a lot of caffeine or soemthing, i start to feel much taller than the short people around me
so i think it means youre just a cool dude who doesnt think about people being shorter than you but you do get intimated by people who are taller
Was he a Veeky Forumsizen?
Matches mean nothing when they walk away laughing after seeing him in person.
>lankcuck gets angry
>throws a fit
>gets his ass beaten
>manlet gets angry
>millions of people die
really makes u shrink doesnt it
read the book nigger
We are manlets.
We are stronk.
We never forgive.
We never learn.
Expect blows.
Beware the beast Manlet, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
- The Lawgiver