How much gains can you make if you find a chick who's lactating and regularly drink her breast milk?
Serious question.
How much gains can you make if you find a chick who's lactating and regularly drink her breast milk?
Serious question.
Why? Did your mom pop out a new baby brother for you recently
Man I want to suck on some milkers. I heard it's sweet.
if we are by boobs, is it normal that a girls boobs feel numb?
friend of mine has this problem
be careful with this I was fucking a single mother and she was riding me and I started sucking on her tit and got a mouthful of milk, it tasted nasty and she stopped fucking me and kicked me out.
what did it taste like?
Depending on diet it ranges from tasting like garbage to cantaloupe melon juice
Human milk is mostly fat and sugars. The protein content is not all that high because milk is meant for brain development first and muscle growth second. You could supplement your calorie intake with it in theory, but in practice it's more difficult because of the limitations for how much milk a single woman can produce in a given day
I've also sucked a pregnant chick's tits and it tasted kind of sour. Other people I know have reported sweet flavor (not from the same girl obviously).
Why kick you out? I would take lactating requires an amount of stimulation and pleasure
Can a woman feel the milk going out?
apparently she told me she was nursing and not to suck her tits but i was drunk and dont remember hearing it
He prob made a big deal out of it tasting like shit
I hope your life is getting back on track
lol nerd
this is the quality content that I come here for
No idea but sucking on tits is literally the best, especially if they have a small nipple
Anyone who hasn't done this is missing out
apparently lactation can hurt, that might be why
you know you can lactate with enough massage. i tried it and now my left nipple is larger all the time
what makes it taste better?
man i fucking love sucking nipples
It's the very first thing you wanted to do as soon as you were born, besides breathing I guess.
everyone has sucked nipples you fucking mong
It's complete garbage for your purposes. Very little fat or protein, almost all sugar.
formular plebs.
Fucking brainlets
You know how long you have to.suck breastfeeding to get a decent amount of milk. Babies need it every couple of hours and they only need a few tablespoons. A "man" would never get enough to make it noticeable for gainz. It's kinky and that's it. And trust me, it ain't as hot as it sounds.
low tier immune system too
>Very little fat
>over 50% of calories from fat
What did he mean by this?
It is. I wish my wife would let me more often, but the sensation turns her off completely. She can't dissociate it from actual nursing, so her vagina dries right up. Those big boobs are going to waste.
What the fuck are you talking about, nigga?
how long would it me take to start lactating?
Imagine being able to get some quality protein anywhere and anytime you want, you only need to carry a milker
it's your own protein though, it's taking away from what you could have otherwise already used
Yeah but you're giving your body another chance to use it up, instead of pissing it out
Also think on the crazy pec gains you would make
I bet she lets Tyrone milk her
Haha, it's the cuck meme! So funny and original ;) See I get it. I said I have a wife, so you inferred that she is sleeping with a black man, which makes me a cuck. He's black, because that adds another level of humor. Because interracial sex is funny and it's funny because it's bad ;( because whites are racially superior and have a duty to procreate, but you've comically insinuated that I'm derelict in my duty to the volk by allowing my wife to have sex with Tyrone. Well memed, lad. This is the kind of razor wit that keeps me coming back to Veeky Forums.
Hey, let me know when you've had a tit in your mouth other than your mom's you DYEL little /pol/ faggot.
Someone's projecting.
kek Jesus Christ
Well if you make any non self-aggrandising statement here, hell even if you have your shit together the people on this site will neg you with their own insecurities hoping to make you as miserable as them.
The guy who gave you the cuck meme obviously is jealous that you have social value and a wife. I mean if that's his tipping point I think we can all agree he's really pathetic.
Damn made me laugh to loud at work lol
not much at all, the enzymes needed to break down human milk are long gone in adults.
You'll just get a lot of gas
i think the age of the baby also affects taste. when the baby is first born it tastes very sweet, but then turns cheesy as the baby gets older, ~4 months or so. like a mild, cottage cheese flavor. also, depends on what the mom eats. broccoli/brussels sprouts make it taste nasty, fruit seems to make it sweeter. if it's frozen and thawed it can get a very strong fishy taste.
>t. human breast milk connoisseur
mfw these kind of threads
>all humans are lactose intolerant
spot the asian cucklet
My kid is 22 months and wife's milk is still sweet.
>single woman
Don't be silly user, I'm starting a Harem
>not a single post about the free HGH in breast milk
you have disappointed me, Veeky Forums
Not as much as drinking your gym bros' milk.
Why are women such bitches when it comes to sex
>buuuut muh body i not like this....
Just let him suck your tits jesus christ what's the big deal
>find a chick who is lactating
Are you such a beta that the idea of getting a girl knocked up is just unthinkable to you? You would rather be involved with someone who has another mans kid? Fuck dude...
for milk?
i think you will find its called a herd.
why would i steal the milk meant for my son?
he will get his milk and be big and strong so he can bully the little scrawny underdeveloped faggot that got no milk cause i drank it from his mother's breast
How's it feel not being white?
Theres usually more than enough left over.
>tfw you realise the real reason for why whites maintain the digestive enzymes necessary for ingesting milk into adulthood was not because we drank cow's milk, but because we sucked on dem lactating teddies
ya man remember this is Veeky Forums. they troll for the lulz
im thinking pussy juice for dick gains, ive always have
>TFW mum weaned me off breastmilk when I was 3 months old
new copy pasta
I find this post so funny please don't tell me i'm the only one
Wrong. Because then non-whites would keep it too.
I can massage your breast until they lactate and you ya know can share that milk with me.
I remember it tasting like alphabet soup, with some soft solid alphabet soup-tier potato chunks. It was pretty good.
whomever they sampled from must have had a shit endocrine system, diet, and/or sleep schedule.
i thought your hotwife turned off the wifi in your cuck shed while mandingo was fucking her
remember cuck, her milkers are for superior AFRICAN babies she had with her bull, not you
What did he mean by this`?
>tfw no lactating gymfu to give you breast milk gains in between your sets
Why even live?
leave that fucking whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No because they sacrificed patrician fetishes and liked pleb shit like twerking instead
imma copey and spaghetti this
eating fruits and shit
Not the guy you're replying to, but what a shit and uninspired comeback.
There is no doubt that you are a fat ugly piece of shit, so may as well give up johnny boy.
Nah its known that Breastmilk is low in Protein and high in Carbs... nothing to do with the endocrine "system" you Idiot
>not a single post about the free HGH in breast milk
There's HGH in breastmilk?
Not him but there's plenty of things in breast milk that aren't in cow milk or even baby formula. That's why it's ideal for babies to drink their mother's milk. Low in protein, which they don't need (in high quantity), plenty of stuff that helps develop their immune system, their gut flora, and their endocrine system.