>We all have hobbies
Chose one you need to stop
Chose one you need to do more often
>We all have hobbies
Chose one you need to stop
Chose one you need to do more often
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Posting on here
2. Getting in shape
I need to stop playing with my dick. I do it so often that I did it in the dentist waiting room without realizing I was doing it.
unnecessary 4chin
I need to start climbing again, but I always feel like such an autist who doesn't know anyone in the club
I need to stop posting in imageboards.
I need to keep learning more programming, and bike more often. Maybe getting into running again.
brahs I have urge to do something creative
what are god like creative hobbys?
>Chose one you need to stop
>Chose one you need to do more often
I wont be gaming much as soon as i get my forge up and running
programming or anything artistic like carving (wood, stone, etc) or metalworking, drawing, content creation (videos, music), and a large etcetera.
>tfw electric cars will destroy your one and only hobby
I need to stop watching black men fuck white women.
I need to start leaving the house.
1. Daily masturbation.
2. Dating
I need to stop coming to Veeky Forums
I need to get back into my hobby of /k/ related
Just picked this bad boy up, looking forward to get back into the hobby
blacksmithing. Its easy to get into and its fun to do. You can make a forge and anvil with the most basic shit. with barely any money at all.
If you got money then buy an anvil. YOu can make your own tools, knives, swords, armour etc
>god like
AI Engineering
Synthetic Biology
1. Stalking ex online (or more accurately, his new girlfriend but only because he doesn't really use social media)
2. Programming
i want teslafags to die
but women cant code
its a scientific fact.
How does in feel knowing that pic related is how society sees you fucking troglodytes
A friend of mine just set up a website for a "codemas in july" that we're doing.
Feel free to give it a go
Who here climbs? I want to get into it, but I'll feel like an autist going alone
1. Crying - No really, it's therapeutic. Just try it once or twice a week.
2. Video Games - but I haven't played one since GTAV.
3. TV & MOVIES - I found out normies count this as a hobby now.
None of my hobbies involve leaving the house, or even my room for that matter.
If you have a climbing gym or uni around there's bound to be a club you can join.
Usually really chill people, give it a go!
>>If you have a climbing gym
lol what am I 5 fuck that shit what next I get a trampoline
There's some sweet looking gyms in my town I need to check out. Sadly I never considered joining my uni's club when I was a student
need to stop being a male whore
want to play more guitar
Most let you join afterwards, honestly half the people in my club aren't even in uni anymore.
Luckily my city has free use outdoor walls right in the centre so it's like $150 a year, they provide all the gear and you just go and climb.
feels alright because why would I give a shit about a bunch of numales who don't understand the first thing about cars?
I need to stop saving pictures like this.
I need to work out more. I have not sweated in 21 months.
I need to stop whacking off to questionable stuff
I need to pick up drawing, reading, and writing.
many people start to play guitar to become a man whore
Want to stop wasting time on video games
Want to start practising Metal vocals and my guitar again.
Also want to get back into reading and gardening but I guess I should take this shit one step at a time.
I don't think even /r9k/ handholdless virgins would list crying as a hobby.
--Browsing Veeky Forums, reduce playing CS GO to a few hours a week
--Learn how to play basketball and join an intramural team at college perhaps
1) posting on/fit/
2) playing guitar
>Posting here
>playing sax,flute, trumpet etc.
Programming used to be considered a woman's job due to all the sitting and was regarded like being a secretary or telephone operator. Many of the early computer scientists were women as a result.
Then it was revealed to be lucrative so men pushed the women out.
Classic feminist revisionism. Women coded because it used to be tedious work done by simpletons. As more complex applications of the technology were discovered, more skill and intelligence were required. Women are allergic to hard work and switched to majors like teaching and nursing, and men filled the gap.