Would you date a girl with strong jaw?

would you date a girl with strong jaw?


yes so that her genes may balance out mine when we have children


yes of course. why not?

This is one of my fetishes, man.

does that make us gay?

Who cares?

This guy


I had a gf with a strong jaw, kissing her jaw and then her neck was arousing in ways I could not imagine.

now post more chicks with strong jaws

Fuck yeah, strong jaw = higher sex drive, attractive children, good genetics etc.


>girls with strong jaws

yes. why wouldn't you? is somthing wrong with that?

Depends how feminine her penis is.

>tfw gf is short and has a weak jaw
Her dad is a giant /andro/ with bad ass jaw and shoulders like a fridge. So there's a chance she won't fuck up my genes r-right?

Absolutely, this alone bumps a girl up a solid point in my book.

Just use his seed when it's time for you two to have children.

>Just use his seed when it's time for you two to have children.
Ok but how do I get myself pregnant with his seeds? Would anal sex work?

yes coz strong jaw masterrace (only if ur white obv)

i got strong jaw myself ofc lol
u mad?

if u no have strong jaw u not human
u subhuman :)))

No, use a turkey baster and his seed on your gf.

dated an asian girl with a strong jaw
it catches the jizz well

There's a big difference between a feminine strong jaw and a masculine strong jaw.

So yes, I'd fug one and make chad babies.

yes so your sons can be CHAD while people who breed with weak-jaw women get INCEL children

Of course as long as she has the only quality I look for in a woman which is interest in me at this point my standards are so low and I still ain't getting any but i figure if I practice social skills I'll eventually be able to get a gf

we/re browsing Veeky Forums, u kinda answered (You)r own question


semi hot

No grill would date me.

>the German government and (((others))) are trying to breed out strong jaw German genetics with slack jaw buck tooth niggers


Yeah it looks mature in a good way

Tell you what your kids will thank you
>tfw mum has a strong jaw for a woman
>dad has a strong jaw for a man
>tfw I've never (ever) seen anyone irl with a more alpha jaw than me
Probably my most redeeming feature, girls notice it more than they notice me being Veeky Forums
Truly is a shame I have the face of a brute to go with it and an inability to talk to girls like a normal human

Yes. Did once early on in college. Tomboyish, almost lesbro tier but not quite. She lifted, sometimes we lifted together. High sex drive. 8/10 overall. She was shallow, had validation issues and eventually cheated on me and left me because of it then wanted to get back together later and I turned her down.

Would another date strong jawed lesbro again if she wasnt crazy. Would recommend non crazy strong jawed lesbros to others.

What's the point of saying what you just said? Were we supposed to laugh? Are we supposed to think you're telling the truth? That sentence was as useless as you are to the people around you at work, school, and life...

I want to bury my dick in all her holes.

>tfw lost virginity to girl almost identical to her
She was a womanlet tho

Fuck yes I would
My current gf is a weak jaw roundlet but at least she has amazing 10/10 green eyes with positive canthal tilt.

Is she grinding her arm?

Maybe a different physical fitness forum might fit you better