Starting from scratch

Hey Veeky Forums, new to this board.
Used to be a fat fuck, but thanks to a combination of diet changing and exercise I'm quickly shedding it all.
I've lost more than a stone over the last few months and I'm getting visibly thinner every few days.
However, once I hit my target of 12 stone (I'm 6'1 don't judge) I'm going to have to start from scratch. Thanks to mountain biking 5+ days a week, my legs are all muscle, but it's left me with shit arms and everything else. What does Veeky Forums recommend? Preferably without gym, as I have weights and am seriously lacking in money

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Another dumbass weight measure to convert

>What does Veeky Forums recommend

I recommend reading the sticky

rephrase your post using actual units of measurement and we'll be glad to help

well you're a fucking retard then because the sticky is down.

Its no different to feet and inches, or is that too hard for you to figure out too?

>my legs are big and my arms small, what do I do????

Lift weights retard. What do you think we would tell you?

Took me like, 4 secs

>Its no different to feet and inches

amerifat here. yes it is. use lbs or kg. if everyone has to google your question to even figure out what you are asking, then don't expect good answers.

For starters, I recommend some anal cream for that severe butthurtitis


It's clear by the 'used to be a fat fuck' bit that I have no idea what do to. Apparently if you lift weights wrong you'll just fuck yourself up without making any gains. Should I do sets with just like curls or move between shit, as I have no idea what works what. Can you recommend an arm workout?

Let's measure weight in Tiny's parents.

Thanks mate

>Can you recommend an arm workout?
>arm workout

Yeah dude, check the latest issue of Cosmo or Shape.

Thanks man. No idea those things existed before now, so I'll check them out

Sorry bud, combo of britfag and new to the board

>What does Veeky Forums recommend? Preferably without gym, as I have weights and am seriously lacking in money
Fuck that, just get a gym membership. If you have limited time jump on SL 5x5, throw in a few tricep excercises on bench days and bicep excercises on deadlift days. If you have a lot of time jump on PPLxPPL/PPLPPLx and also add abs on leg days.

Pic related, but you could just use the google cache or the wayback machine if you weren't retarded.

faggot detected

use kg/lb you fucking retard

What is the mass of one of those stones?

Last time I weighed myself in stone I was 20 moderately large stones I found in my front yard. Than when I was out and about a week later and I weighed myself again and I was 112 porous volcanic rocks of various sizes and shapes. I think I'm making good progress.

14 pounds each perhaps?

T-this is shopped right?