Give me your opinion Veeky Forums. I working on my legs, dont worry. What else?
Give me your opinion Veeky Forums. I working on my legs, dont worry. What else?
Looking good, hit some more chest I'd say
Your arms are good, you should focus more on chest
lower and mid lats need to fill out so pullups I guess
im just being picky tho
You seem arm dominant, work on chest and back
I just finished a bizeps workout before this pic. They were just inflated
What BF% are you at? My abs look exactly like this including the prominent Adonis belt, not sure if genetics or need lower BF%. Looking really good either way though, would work on chest and lats.
I dont know sorry. Havent measured in a while. Im guessing around 12-13%?
I eat 2100 cal/day and i am 6'1 if that helps
you need to work on wearing your underwear properly
what the fuck happened here?
I would've guessed similar, either way keep it up. Unfortunately I'm a manlet at 5 ft 8 but have lanklet proportions so I look goofy as fuck
Lmao i honestly dont know. Maybe mid flex? I never had any chest injuries
Thx man. Dont worry man, keep at it. Action leads to reaction. Thats what i Scream in my head when it hurts
How long have you been at it?
Started when i was 16. 22 now.
But only seriously for the last couple of years
More chest
Nice arms
It's hard to judge without a picture of you outside of retarded downlighting with a pump, rolling your shoulders a bit forward to peak your traps.
Kinda looks like he tore it at one point and the scarr tisue formed like that, I got somthing like it but bf is high so you can't see it
You look rly good desu, what are your stats, and weight?
>2100 cal/day at 6'1
Jesus man, I eat 3200 a day at 6'1 and I'm a fucking twink
more chest and its a goal body
squat a little and your legs will be good too,
Give me a pose and ill do it
About 90kg.
Dont know my one rep max for most of my stuff. But heres what im working with:
Bench 115 kg x6
Squat 130kg x8
Ohp 70kg x6
Havent deadlifted in a bit but it was 150kg x6
Congratulations, any girl would cream over this
your shoulders seem a little internally rotated and you look a little hunched. consider high volume facepulls and upper back work and you could better your shoulder health and add some more width
do 10x10 85% ORM squats
trust me, my friend's private trainer suggested that