I don't have terrible acne but I get ingrown hairs and pimples.
How often do you wash and with what?
pic is black soap. I want to use it but I don't have know what else I need.
I don't have terrible acne but I get ingrown hairs and pimples.
How often do you wash and with what?
pic is black soap. I want to use it but I don't have know what else I need.
Stop milk and cheese and other milk products for a while. It will get much better
Wash my face with water sometimes
I use this in the morning and before bed.
It also helps to avoid dairy and excessive processed/sugary foods.
Also, wash your pillow cases and don't touch your face.
read the Veeky Forums skincare general sticky
>That sad feel when almost never eat dairy products including ice cream.
What do you use to moisturizer your face?
Does that work well for you?
I guess I didn't look through the the faqs of other boards well enough thanks for this.
My skins usually fine honestly. I just don't take really hot showers, and my diets good so I've never had too much of a problem
Thanks for the replies. Hope you have a good (insert set amount of time here).
I bet you heard this one a thousand times, but spend a lot of time in the sun.
Does whey count?
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Drink lots of water. Realized the occasional flaky skin in my face is because of dehydration. Never get used to such warm summers
Wow you watched an incredibly popular movie too?
>nobody mentioning anything about ingrown hair
It's really annoying because I've got hair on my upper arms (which look disgusting) and it doesn't matter if I shave them, wax them, epilate them or remove them any different way, I always get ingrown hairs.
>calling out an ironic shitpost
Just let me do my thing homie
Not him but such shitty shitposting is more appreciated on reddit. Just stop
Only applies if you're a genelet that can't properly digest dairy.
Fuck I thought I could go to sleep.
First time actually.
1. What are the benefits?
2. It should be easy but I don't want to die.
American psycho haven't watched but I heard of people comparing there rigorous routine to the movie.
Although the didn't go into specifics.
1. cleanse
2. exfoliate (try a physical exfoliator for the ingrown hairs)
3. moisturize
you should be good to go as far as cleaning is concerned
Any good moisturizers you recommend?
Yes a bit. Hydro way gets around this even more because of how it's processed though.
Way too expensive. At least it will be a net decrease when I phase milk and cheese out of my macros
im in asia so all the stuff here is different, but i use hada labo moisturizing milk, its pretty good for keeping your skin moisturized throughout the day
Thanks gonna look this up.
the best way to not get acne is to NEVER touch your face throughout the day. don't rest your head in your hand, don't stroke your chin, don't pick at your skin, just don't.
ever since I stopped touching my face, I NEVER got zits.
Very underrated post, thanks
It's genetic. I touch my face all the time. My bro never touches his face spends tons on product. His face still looks like monster.
It's actually cheaper than normal if you calculate the cost of how many grams of protein you get per dollar.
Water, and around once a week I'll use some cheap soap. Don't fall for neutragina shit, the less chemicals on your skin the better.
While I'm sure this won't work for everyone, I also noticed that if I just don't touch my face, I wont get acne. Also not smothering my face in my pillow
Avoid insulin speak , which means:
Not a lot of simple carbs at the same time
Not a lot of animal protein at the same time ( dairy and lean meat are the worst offenders ) .
This, also who gives a fuck about how your skin looks. Take care of it for your skins sake.