Let's talk about TM

As we all know, the most popular template of Texas method that circulates the internet is the following
>Volume day
Squat 5x5 @90%
Bench 5x5 @90%
Deadlift 1x5 @ no mentioned percentage, "don't worry squats should carry it" according to PP ed.3
>Recovery day
Squat 2x5 @80%
OHP 3x5 @90%
>Intensity day
Squat, bench 5rm
Power clean 5x3
I'd like a template without power cleans. The book has templates for strongmen, WL and other stuff, nothing for recreational lifting. The closest I found was from Izzy's powerlifting to win where he recommends substituting PCs for deficit deadlifts and to reduce squat volume on Monday. The program should look like this:
>Volume day
Squat 3x5 @90%
Bench 5x5 @90%
Deficit Deadlift 3x5 @70% (lower % because deficit and fatigue)
>Recovery day
Squat 2x5 @80%
OHP 3x5 @90%
>Intensity day
Squat, bench, deadlift 5rm
Assuming we agree that the above is an acceptable TM template (if you disagree you better have a higher Wilks than Izzy), is there anything wrong with the following template? Are the changes
Change 1: FB 3x -> UL 6x (UL 4x is acceptable by the book)
Change 2: VV/II -> IV/IV (acceptable by the book iirc)
Change 3: a bit more pressing volume
Resulting template:
Squat 5rm
Deficit Deadlift 3x5 @70%
Bench 5rm
OHP 3x5 @90%
Squat 2x5 @80%
Back extensions
Incline CGBP 2x5 @70%
Deadlift 5rm
Squat 3x5 @90%
OHP 5rm
Bench 3x5 @90%


There is nothing wrong with UL 6x if you cannot find enough time in a day to do FB. TM is essentially a method to regulate weekly volume following a volume/light/intensity narrative (akin to Bill Starr's heavy/light/medium). Beyond that, TM is for you to mold according to your needs.

My question is, why would you choose to split the suggested FB 3x template into UL 6x? Do you lack conditioning? Although a volume/recovery/intensity UL 6x is not against TM philosophy per say, remember that there is rarely a need to go beyond 4 days a week for strength training if you are following a TM template.

I will have a lot of free time in a couple weeks and I will be coming off a huge hiatus. So I want the fastest possible progress. Benching seperately from squatting will certainly hurt neither. And yeah, Mondays suck ass.
What do you think about the extra pressing volume I added? Or the VV/II -> IV/IV?


>I will be coming off a huge hiatus
>I want the fastest possible progress

I'm not the guy who asked you about the frequency, and I know this might sound crazy, but ever thought of just running SS? Think about it: you're coming off a huge hiatus so you've essentially detrained. There is no way you won't respond to an LP.


Not that huge, kek, my bad. More like 2-3 months. I don't think I'll be able to sustain LP for more that 2 weeks. I asked about TM because I care about the long term plan anyway.
Any feedback on the questions in the OP appreciated
>Is there anything wrong with the following template?
Change 1: FB 3x -> UL 6x (UL 4x is acceptable by the book)
Change 2: VV/II -> IV/IV (acceptable by the book iirc)
Change 3: a bit more pressing volume

That is actually exactly what you should do after a 2-3 month hiatus. Practical Programming explicitly talks about this. Do Starting Strength.

Yeah, that's huge enough of a lay off dude. I remember hearing Feigenbaum on his podcast talking about someone he coached who peaked for a meet then ran an LP after doing the meet and gained about a 100lb increase in his total.

Do SS. Then do whatever you want to do afterwards.

I do Volume and Intensity day but skip recovery day since I bike daily. Im not a powerlifter.

I just want to say that this book should be recommended in the sticky. SS is good for learning the movements

Okay, guess you're right. Where would you guys start, at say 75% of the 5rm? Less/more? Also, can I please get at least some feedback on these for when I fall back on TM?
VV/II -> IV/IV (acceptable by the book iirc)
a bit more pressing volume (5rm both presses weekly as in OP)

>boy has brown wavy hair, brown pants and a blue shirt
>boy is being accosted by a huge figure wearing a mask
>boy appears to be on a crashing a plane with no survivors

With a little photoshop that image could be excellent for Baneposting

What's the strongman version of texas method?

You forgot
>Boy has assumed power stance
>Boy is intensely staring at huge figure's mask, wondering on the implications of it being pulled off

It's 4daw iirc and it has squats mixed with events like log clean on the lower days and axle row/axle press on the upper days. It's around pg 200 in the book

Here. Looks like it's not UL but more like SS day/strongman day

>Okay, guess you're right. Where would you guys start, at say 75% of the 5rm? Less/more?
75% is fine. I'd even go as low as 65% especially on squats and presses, since I can always add weight after the first set if it's way too light.

>VV/II -> IV/IV (acceptable by the book iirc)
Sounds reasonable. It's in the book so it should be.

>a bit more pressing volume (5rm both presses weekly as in OP)
The fact that you want to do more volume by doing what essentially is "intensity work" tells me that you're getting way ahead of yourself. I suggest not worrying about this too much ATM.

Check my thread its related. I wanted to replace cleans with deadlifts and backe xtension with barbells rows ( I only have a barbell, no gym)
